
Golden One: The End Begins

The earth is under attack by an unknown force, and humanity is losing the battle. John might just have a secret that could help turn the tide of this apocalypse. How can four unlikely heroes not only survive in this chaos, but save humanity as well?

Claymond_1 · ไซไฟ
32 Chs


John appeared from nowhere in the middle of a forest. His gas that surrounded him quickly engulfed the area. Freezing the plants, withering them and dying off. His eyes were glowing bright white, and his expression was blank. The ultimate poker face. 

He looked around, taking notice of what all he had already done, but felt no remorse. He looked straight ahead and stared off into space. ***

John stood there with his glimmering sword raised. Wanting to strike, but this girl stood her ground. She did not flinch, she did not quiver. She stood there to this so-called god. 

"Do whatever you want, but please leave them be. I can't let you hurt them." 

She said to him, her words echoed through his ears. Over and over again, each time attempting to strike, but could not manage to do it. Something inside himself was telling him not to. A conscious was yelling at him. 

He dropped the blade to the ground, watched it as it disappeared and looked back up to this girl. Noticing a beauty in her eyes, noticing strength and courage that he had never seen before. 

His stomach started to have a strange feeling inside of it. His mind started to become fuzzy and disoriented. He just kept running the same thought through his mind. 

"Who is she and why can't I do this. Why am I so powerless against her?"

John dropped to his knees, his glowing gas dissipated and noticed something strange inside himself. A feeling that he had never felt before, caring. ***

As John snapped out of his trance, he felt a presence coming toward him. Reactively he turned to the direction of the threat and pulled a glowing shimmering sword from his side, as if pulling it from thin air. 

Only moments later did he see it. A Kreole and a god creature stood there in front of him. The god creature stood there staring at him, its bluish-green gas was floating above his own, but was quickly dissipated by his. 

"You are making a grave mistake. All these years and you still don't remember that you yourself started this whole thing. It was you that wanted to bring this upon the humans. Now you defend..."

Before he could finish, John lifted his hand to the Kreole that was so diligently staring at him. A massive bolt of electricity bolted from his hand and dissolved the creature in an instant. The flash from the charge lit up the area and blinded the god creature. 

The god rubbed his face until it regained its vision. It looked over to the ashes of what used to be his companion in battle and then looked to John. Fear stricken in its face. 

"No, I remember everything. I also remember telling you before that I will defend her."

John said and then jolted his head up to the darkened sky. Staring up at the stars and clouds passing by and then continued to utter while still looking up. 

"I won't defend the humans. Nor will I defend you. They gave her up for their own selfish needs and you guys killed her." 

He looked back down to this blonde haired, fairly handsome looking man and continued. 

"You all took away my world. Now I will destroy yours."

The god looked at John with a perplexed face. Considering repercussions and said.

"Well then we'll have to take you down. Join me here brothers, I have found him."

    The wind started to pick up and the clouds swirled above their location. The stars were covered by the thick dense cloud covering. Without notice, the clouds swirled down to the ground and then vanished. God creatures appearing from the mix. 

John looked at them all, his eyes glowing bright white. The multitude of gases were combining into one, but being overtaken by John's white cloud of gas.

Chapter XIII: Fear of John

John smirked at them all and then laughed. Standing his ground strong against his opposing force, without as much as a flinch. The massive group that surrounded him was a force and yet he showed no form of fear. 

The god that called them all there started to look at John, puzzled. John could tell he was wondering why he wasn't showing fear. He noticed the other god creatures were posed on attacking him.

He stood there thinking to himself. Thinking how these humanoids were unsuspecting and quick to react. He shouted out for all of them to hear, his voice echoing through the forest. 

"You all have no idea what you're getting yourselves into. I'll make this quick."

As he finished, one of the things moved to him and attempted to deliver a blow. But was interrupted when John reacted and threw his arm at him, connecting with its face. The character was tossed at a nearby tree behind him. Exploding on impact, and sending splinters of woods behind. John turned his head to see the damage, but only saw the god laying down on the ground. Its body was motionless and began to turn to stone.

John looked back to the other god creatures, seeing the astonishment on their smirk model like faces. Their armor glittering and sparkling and their swords glowing like a bright light shining.

Yet another god creature charged, and then another. Each trying to overwhelm him. A massive pulse flickered from John and brushed them away. Throwing them around and knocked down the other humanoids.

John reached his hand into his mist that surrounded his entire body, and pulled it back from within the cloud. Pulling a bright white glowing object. Sparks protruded from its exterior. 

One of the creatures gained its footing and charged in for John. As it swung its fist at him, he vanished. It stopped in its tracks, almost toppling over from the momentum. Before it could turn to face behind itself, John reappeared and thrust the glowing object through its chest. 

It looked down, seeing the gooey gold liquid leaking down what appeared to be a sword blade that protruded from its chest. Quickly its face turned cold and its body solidified to stone. John pulled his blade from its rock chest and lunged in toward the other gods. 

Before any of them could react, John was up to the next closest in the line and then another. Burying the tip of his blade into each of their chests. Each more shocked than the other at his speed and strength. 

The gods finally jumped back to reality after seeing their brother's drop in the blink of an eye. Their consciousness telling them to flee. John's overwhelming abilities were going to rip them all apart and destroy everything. They realized that they must ban together to take him down. 

One of the god creatures looked at the ones to his right and then the ones to his left. Nodding to them in agreement of joining together. As they turned their heads to look at John, they witnessed as he slaughtered yet another of their brothers. 

They react and all move in, pulling their swords as they charged in. Ready to strike and eliminate this enemy. A split second turned into seconds. About ready to strike and suddenly. A burst of something blew them back. Throwing them all back and leaving them to lay on their backs. 

One looked up to see John standing there staring at them. His gas was swirling into itself and protruding back out once again. His armor glowing bright white. His eyes were burning a bright white looking flame. He had his glowing sword in his right hand and a glowing shield on the opposite. 

"You try to team up and yet you're still not strong or fast enough to take me."

One of the gods sprung off and bolted for him. It jumped up once close to him and swung its blade down at John, but was deflected when John threw his sword up and redirected its blade off to the side and into the dirt. 

John's face and body was parallel to its body from the side. John threw an elbow to its face. Knocking it back and making the god almost lose its balance. It tried to hurriedly get its footing but to no avail. John had lifted his sword up and swung. His blade cutting clean through the creature's neck, taking its head off. 

The other gods watched in horror as one of their comrade's heads flew through the air, landed onto the ground and rolled around in the dirt. 

They looked back to John. Seeing this man that had so easily taken out several of their brothers. Fear was running through them, a feeling they have never before felt. Unknowing of how they should react to this emotion. Never before have they faced a foe of this magnitude.