
golden hearts

Emma's life was never a peachy one, she had to fight for every last thing she's got. Her indifferent father and broken marriage did nothing to mend the twisted mind she grew to have nor heal her broken self. Emma is not whom she pictures herself to be, secrets that are buried deep inside are about to be exposed. Secrets of gravity beyond imagination.

leadermc5 · วัยรุ่น
85 Chs

part 56

Third Person POV


"What is it, Emma?" Adam said frustration can be heard clearly in his voice when she avoided his embrace discreetly thinking he wouldn't notice.

Adam came into their room and found her sitting on her dressing table, combing her hair. He came from behind her and encircled his arms around her shoulders with his chin resting on her right shoulder. However Emma put the comb down from her hand, and stood up slowly in attempt to create space between them which caused him to lash out.

"What do you mean?" She feigned ignorance.

"You know what I mean, Emma! Just tell me what's got you acting this way for the last few days?" Adam asked, his tone demanding an answer.

"There's nothing wrong with my behaviour I'm just being me." She told him, but her tone seemed unconvincing even to her own ears.

"Are you really?" He asked. "Why are you avoiding my touch then." He said as he reached out for her hand only for her to pull it out of his way. One of his eyebrows rose in challenge. "And you say there's nothing wrong." He mocked.

"I don't even know what's wrong." She to.d him, sighing defeatedly.

"Do you have flashbacks?" Adam asked.

"No, but I keep getting these messages saying that I should stay away from you, that you're bad news. I shouldn't even be telling you this, but no matter how much I think about it, it just doesn't fit." She said.

"What doesn't?" Her husband asked her.

"You're supposedly planning on killing me, but why would you wait five years for you to it. You could have killed me while I was in coma, or when I regained consciousness, or at least tried once along the years. Why would you waste all of those chances only to kill me now." Emma tolls him.

"You trust me that much, huh?" Adam said, his tone monotonous but his eyes shimmering with joy.

"You didn't exactly give me a reason not to." Emma replied.

"I guess I did give you a reason to doubt me five years back, a big enough reason for you to do what you did." He said more to himself than to Emma.

"What do you mean?" She asked, puzzled.

"Huh? Oh, it's nothing." He was as if snapped out of his reverie.

"Adam," Emma called out.

"Yes, baby?"

"Will you answer me honestly if I ask you something?" She asked him while looking intently at him.

Adam nodded his head in agreement without hesitation.

"Are you hiding something from me? Something I should know?" She asked him, still maintaining eye contact with him.

"I am." Was his curt reply.

"Is it crucial for me to know?" She asked him.

"Not as of now, no." He replied, honestly.

"Will you tell me if it becomes a necessity for me to know?" She asked.

"I will." He promised. Adam knew this promise of his is not far from happening, he could feel it.

"Are our children safe?"

"I'll make sure they are." Adam said.

"Okay." Emma said as she turned and headed to the bed.

"Is that it? Do you really believe me?" Adam asked, a bit worried about how she handled things.

"I do believe you, Adam." She answered.

"Because I'm your husband?" He wanted to know.

"Because I know for sure that the kids and I are your first and foremost priority, I may have lost my memories but I know when someone's lying to me." She clarified. "What? Why are you looking at me like that?" She asked, amused at his comic expression.

"How can a person change this much? It's like I'm looking to a whole new and different person." He said, amazed. This Emma in front of him was totally different from the one he knew five years ago, the one who bombed him in a spur of a moment.

"Who are you talking about?" Emma asked, puzzled by his mysterious way of talking.

"Someone I knew few years back." He replied vaguely.

"Adam," Emma called out again.


"Promise me to stay safe always and forever and to keep our children safe." She told him snuggling to him as he joined her onto their bed.

"What happened?" Adam asked alarmed, he knew something was terribly off, he could feel the ominous aura lingering around them for the past few days, but he couldn't pinpoint what it was about exactly. Emma's statement just added to his worries.

"Just promise me." She urged.

"You know I'll always keep you and our children safe." He assured. "What's this all about, baby. Please tell me." He tried to get something out of her.

"I don't know what's going on myself, someone sent me an SMS warning me about you and all of my surroundings." She revealed.

"What was the contents of the SMS?" He asked.

"I should stay away from you, that you're planning to kill me. And to keep away from everyone around me except for Müller, that my children and I are in a great danger especially now that I remember nothing and I can't protect them." She told him.

"What else?" Adam asked.

"They were to send me the details and what I should do in the next message, they just told me to be cautious because they're brewing something for me." She replied.

"Who are these they they're talking about?" He inquired.

"Don't know, I was told that I need Müller and Michael to help refresh my memories." She said. "Who's Michael?" Emma asked her husband

Adam clenched his jaw painfully tight, that you can hear his teeth clenching together. "Nobody, he's nobody." He told her. "Can you promise something, honey?" Adam asked.

Emma nodded in agreement. "Anything."

"Tell me when they contact you the next time, okay?"

"I will." She agreed.

Adam kissed her forehead and pulled her closer towards him until there was no space between them before they surrendered to sleep.


"Sire, Ms. Ela is gone!" Jeff came barging into Adam's company office where he and Giuseppe were discussing about a deal they're working on right now.



Both father and son yelled at him, jolting up form their sitting positions.

"Mrs. Knights just called saying the car that was picking her up disappeared along with her and Müller." Jeff said, causing the father and son duo to bolt out of the door, almost knocking him off in process.


Hello, lovelies!

Hope you enjoy, my lovelies.

Until next time, happy reading.