
Golden Fate

Read the story of God resetting the world, and rebuilding a new world filled with humans, fantasy races and Golden Blessings. While also indulging in yourself with tales and adventures about Hydro the Beast kid.

Sora_Gemini · แฟนตาซี
33 Chs

Chapter 18: The City of Bulgaria

Wide open streets, filled with people of all different races alike. Buildings so high, you would have a sore neck for just looking up at their stone build structure all through out an entire day. Bulgaria is such a large city, much more larger compared to the city of Delphi.

"This is incredible!" Goldie gasped in awe.

The group chuckled as they admire Goldie's excitement. Goldie's nose twitched slightly before sneezing.

"It's cold, hold my hand and stay warm." Iris spoke before wrapping her hand over Goldie's paw.

"Okay!" Goldie cheered as he held Iris hand.

The sound of squawking was pounded into the group's ears from a small red bird.

"Shut up Cairo! We get it, you're cold! But complaining about it is not make you any warmer!" Goldie growled before grabbing Cairo and shoving him into his hood.

"Better?" Goldie growled, where the red bird nodded before snuggling into Goldie's fur.

"Hahahahaha! You got quite a unique bird there, Goldie! Where did you get it?" Bùtóng laughed.

"Where? I don't know. Me and brother found Cairo's egg inside of a bird's nest." Goldie explained.

"Where was the bird's nest?"

"In the chimney."

"Huh? You mean next to the chimney, right?"

"No, the bird's nest was inside the chimney."

"Huh?! Why was there a bird's nest in your chimney? No wait. How did a bird's nest get stuck in your chimney in the first place?"

"I don't know, all I know is that it happens often."

"It happens often?! How often? Did you used to live in a bird house or something?"

"No. Cairo is the only bird, me and my brother were allowed to keep."


"Because my brother kept complaining about wanting to have pet bird until both my uncle and my grandpa gave in."

"Your brother sounds like a brat." Bùtóng said bluntly.

"I know, that because he is a brat." Goldie laughed.

"Is he annoying too?"

"I wouldn't say annoying. But my brother is as dangerous as the fires he would make, if not then even more dangerous." Goldie said joyfully.

"Is your brother a arsonist?"

"In some cases, yes!"

"That's totally insane!"

"That's my family for yah."


"That's enough you two, were finally reached the inn. So quieten it down." said Bulk as him and the rest of the group enter a tall building with a sign saying "inn" on it.

"Iris, what's a inn?" Goldie asked.

"A inn is a house providing accommodation, food and drinks, especially for travellers." Iris explained.

"What's accommodation?" Goldie questioned.

"It's a room, group of rooms, or building in which someone may live or stay in." Iris answered.

The expression of confusion still laid upon Goldie's face until his little bird friend caw at him. "Oh~ it's like a house shared by everyone who pays, right?"

"Uh... that's one way to put it." Iris said before guiding Goldie to a seat to sit on.

"Wait here, I'll be back very soon." Iris said as she gently petted Goldie's head.

"Okay." Goldie said joyfully as he wagged his tail.

"I'll stay with you. Don't want any weirdos kidnapping you." Bùtóng with a grin.

"Kidnapping? What's kidnapping?" Goldie asked, slightly confused.

"The action of abducting someone and holding them captive. Or so I was told." Bùtóng tried to explain.

"What's abducting? And what do you mean by holding them captive?"

"Abducting means to take someone away illegally by force. Captive is a term for a person who has been taken prisoner or an animal that has been confined." Bùtóng said sheepishly.

"But why would anyone want to kidnap me?" Goldie asked, making Bùtóng more nervous.

"There are a lot of reasons, but telling you them would be a bad thing." Bùtóng said.

"A bad thing?" Goldie repeated back.

"He's right~" spoke a voice smooth voice.

Goldie direction turned towards a person sitting the table next to his one. The person who wore a chapeau hat and dark salmon cloak.

The stranger turned themselves around and had direct eye contact with Goldie. The stranger had short black hair and dark brown eyes.