

The sunset was horrifyingly beautiful. It soaked the whole sky blood red, as if it had massacre thousands of people in a war. The temple visit was done and all we had left to do was the cleansing ceremony. We had to go back to the Lee manor and lined up outside the gate. A blazing fire would welcome us home and we had to step across it. It signifies the entering of a new life and in ancient times it was treated as a practice of utmost importance. If the ceremony was not done, you would still be living in the past and will not be able to go to the future. Some say your soul will be stuck in the past forever and will be forgotten. Bad things would happen too. Humans and their superstition. As I watched the horizon from my seat outside the temple halls, everyone was rushing to finish their last prayers and blessings from the priestess. There was traditional background music played by the priestess assistants. It was too relaxing and the sky was starting to bleed darkness.

As I was unfocused and in a dazed, I could not hear footsteps getting nearer to me. A young priest sat next to me. He still had some of his hair left, with a military cut hair. As I observed him, he looks like he was in his early thirties. He might still be in training. I nodded at him with respect. "Are you the girl who did not feel pain during the acupuncture?" So, that's my label among the priest and priestess now. "Hmm, I guess." "Good, good. You're the talk among the holy sector," he said in a soothing voice that I could not understand if it was a praise or an insult. "So..." I said as I left my sentence or word hanging. I did not know what to converse and I'm not very good at small talks. "Ah, Yes. I did have something to say to you. A warning or an advice, I suppose," the priest said as he gave me a meaningful stare.

"Is it a bad premonition?" I jokingly asked. "Well you could say that, but I do hope you'll believe me. Some people in the holy sector do have some superpowers, say clairvoyance," he said in a serious note. From all that I had experience in my life, there was no harm done believing in things that did not make sense. "Alright. I'm listening," I said as it piqued my interest. "Your flame is feeble and dying out. You have to clear your curse before it vanquish. It might be the spirit's mistake, but you have to change your fate. Or else," the priest was lost in thought. "Or else what? I'll be dead? Well, there are 3 more years left to my left, if I remember correctly," I said letting my secret slipped. "Hmm, seems like you are aware of your shorten life span. But yes, you have a high chance of dying. Although it's not your fault, you have to bear the consequences because it's the curse of the five families and you're the chosen one. I believe you have the key. The key to the Library of Cloud Palace. Your answer to saving yourself might be there," the young priest stood up as he said his piece.

As he left in a quiet manner, I could see Ethan greeting the priest and walking towards me. Did he hear all of that? Was he eavesdropping. My heart rate sped up. Is the cat out of the bag? Without a blink of an eye, Ethan suddenly grab my arm and I wince a little at the force as my arm was still sensitive from the acupuncture. It might not hurt when the needles pierce my skin, but it hurts right now. "Hey, let go of me! It hurts," I said with a voice laced with pain. "Shit! I'm sorry," Ethan quickly said as he let go of my arm. He looked frantic almost. "I heard some bits and pieces of your conversation," I stared at him accusingly and he paused, "look I'm sorry, okay. What do you mean that you have 3 years left. What did the priest say? Your flame is dying out?" I kept quiet as he flooded me with questions. We are on the same eye level as he squatted down towards me. "Did you hear everything," I calmly asked. "No, I mean ye- That's not the point. Explain it to me, please. Ambar, come on," he said urgently and almost pleading me. "No, it's nothing. You don't have to worry about it," I tried to persuade Ethan to drop the subject. "No! It's not nothing. I'm pretty sure you said you were dying . It's not nothing to me, alright!" Ethan said in huffed. I was starting to get irritated and he was too much of a worrier for his own good. "Look, Ethan. I'm not dying, alright. Don't worry," I said trying to leave and put as much space between him and I. "Wait, don't go," Ethan said as he gently grabbed my wrist this time trying not to hurt me. I sighed. He wasn't going to let it go. There was no way for me to dodge the bullet now. "Fine. Why do you care then?" I asked him as my hope of him forgetting my conversation with the priest wanes. "Of course I care about you! Why wouldn't I. You're the lo-" Ethan stopped abruptly and I looked at him curiously. "I'm your what?" I asked. He looked away from me and did not make eye contact. "Fine if you don't tell me, this conversation is over," I said in a final tone, tired of today's events. As I started to leave, I could feel Ethan's hand pulling me back. I lost my balance and before I noticed I was enveloped in warmth. My mind was in confusion and I was dizzy from the sudden movement. Wha-

Hi~ Sorry for the slow update. If the story updates aren’t coming for awhile, I apologise in advance as I might be busy. Feel free to leave comments in the comment section, and give a vote to the story if you’d like to. I’ll try to reply to your comments whenever I’m free :) Thanks ♥️

joann_screators' thoughts