
Deserved It

Anne Nevile:

I still sat with my sister, I couldn't ask for a better one. "Thank you, Issy."

"Don't worry Annie, Father will fix this soon, he will find someone for us to marry. Father always has a plan."

Elizabeth Woodville, Queen Of England:

I watched as Lord Warwick stalked out of the Palace. He had thought that his plotting against my husband had gone unoticed. But to his surprise we were one step ahead of him. And now he looks like a fool to France.

My father walks up to us, since he is always in Edward's meetings, he fills me and my mother in on what happens. "Edward has chosen Burgundy, and Warwick's secret deal with France is over."

I mean it wasn't really much of a secret, he didn't do anything to try and cover it. I do not feel sorry for him, nor do I wish this did not happen.

If there weren't any better news, my father gives us more excitement. "The King's sister, Margaret, will marry our very own cousin, Charles of Burgundy." My mother seemed confused as to why Warwick was helping Margaret get on her horse. Along with my cousin, Charles.

"So Lord Warwick is escorting Margaret to her wedding in Burgundy? Ah, he's a nurse maid." We three started laughing and giggling. All we had wished for was for Justice to be served towards Warwick. He has been turning his back on Edward. And as long as he still has power, he will continue to plot against my husband. Maybe even attempt to harm him.

"So now he does not get his land in France. And you Elizabeth, must have boys. And that is how it went on.

3 Years Later

Writer: In those 3 years Warwick continued to turn his back on Edward, and soon enough he will reach for that crown Edward has on his very head. The castle remains the same, Edward and Elizabeth's love only grows stronger by the second.

Elizabeth unfortunately still has not had a little boy for England, nor for Edward. The problems will continue to increase. Although Elizabeth has not had boys, she has 3 Beautiful daughters.

The wars also continue to go on. The War Of The Roses lasted almost all of Edward's Reign. Only now troubles increase as Margaret of Anjou- The Bad Queen is prepared to fight back. All those years she held back preparing an army so that she could defeat Edward and save her Husband from those Pesky Yorks.

The one thing that will destroy is the urge for power, and that only increases as time goes by.

This will not only be the thing that kills England, but it takes the First born daughter, Elizabeth of York. To fix it.

Elizabeth Woodville, Queen of England:

I walked through the halls with my three girls. Elizabeth my oldest, she is my pride and Joy. And she is the definition of me. I never thought my little baby would grow up to be intelligent, beautiful, and caring.

I mean I had expected her to be Beautiful, her father said it ever since she was born. "Mary! Lizzie could you hold Mary!" The girls started running around the halls chasing each other.

I wanted my girls to grow up as normal as possible. If it means that they can run around halls chasing each other than sure.

We were traveling to go meet Edward in the Kingdom. "Your Grace!" The soilders had called for me to get back on the road. I walked back after looking at the trees, my girls love nature. "We will not make it there if we stop every 3 minutes girls." They started running to the carriage, both Mary and Lizzie.

'Where's Father?"

"Mary, I told you he's traveling the kingdom. And we are riding to join him!"

Hello everyone, IM sorry for skipping some uploads. I may say it's hard to create episodes. But I hope these 4 days I have without posting, I will be able to make at least 6-10 episodes per day. then I won't be behind on the schedule. Thank you guys for being patient, and not giving up on my novel! :)

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