
Gods Art - The Legendary Combat Summoner

Feng was an orphan, and it took a lot for him to climb the ladder of society via the VR game Gods Art. The path was arduous, and he had done things he should not have. With his life ended by the one he loves and trust, he is given a chance to relive his life. Making new friends and finding new love, regaining what is important in life that he has neglected in the past. Follow our MC as he creates a new future for himself and his friends. Do leave your comments in the chapters and I will try to reply to them as much as I can :) Drinking 4 cups of coffee per day to keep up with work, writing/proofreading and children rearing =( Hope you like the story and vote! Also do join me on discord https://discord.gg/hXPzSGQHQF to give your opinions. Also will try my best to reply to all comments but the system here is pretty lousy....for example, paragraph comment, I have no idea which para it is and has to scroll manually to find it. Also replies to my reply does not show up as a prompt I think. If someone has a shortcut to solve this do let me know! note: I had the help of a great editor Darin in the earlier chapters up to chapter 10.

iseeyfn · เกม
68 Chs


'F*ck' Feng thought as Hu Wei pulls him up the cliffs wall.

Checking his status...2 HP!

Hu Wei this guy...is he trying to kill me? Feng wondered as he grabs hold of Hu Wei hands to climb up into the craven.

Stretching his back, Feng observes his surrounding.

"hmm... just where is this place?" Feng asked aloud as he ponders the answer in his mind. He had never heard of such a place before in his previous life. The beginner village was just a place for newbies to get used to fighting in Gods Art.

There was no quest or dungeons. Perhaps there was one but the person that had discovered it just never publicise it.

"No idea. I just came crashing in through the wall." Hu Wei said in his usual calm manner.

'and I slammed into a solid wall..." Feng continued Hu Wei's words in his mind. 'Just how lucky can this guy get. 1 hole in the entire wall, and yet he managed to get in...or is there another entrance? No unlikely. If there are too many entrances, this place would have been found before in my previous life.'

"Let's go explore the area, Lucky Boy. There must be more in this place." Eyeing Hu Wei, Feng said with a tinge of jealousy.

More importantly, Feng could smell a hint of a bonus if they handle this correctly.

"hmm?? No one else is here...but my name isn't Lucky Boy..." Hu Wei said as he looks around. His word without a single hint of sarcasm, "Brother Feng, do you perhaps see someone else here besides me?"

Rolling his eyes, Feng could only think of the phrase 'shǎ rén yǒu shǎ fú' - fortune favours fools.

Not wanting to continue the conversation as he knows it will lead to nowhere, Feng led the way in front as they entered deeper into the cavern.

As they got deeper in, the path got dark for a while to the point where they could barely see their hands even when they lift them in front of them.

Just when Feng decided that it would be too dangerous to move forward, he spotted a bright light in the path ahead. Following the light, they arrived at a large semi-circular opening with luminous stones embedded into the walls and ceiling.

The entire area was well lit, and a large door stands before the both of them. Almost 4 meters in height, it looked ancient and heavy. Walking forwards, Feng pushed the door, but it refused to budge.


Feng pushed with all of his might as his footprints stamp themselves deep into the ground. The door, however, did not even budge a single millimetre.

Not giving up, he pushed again over and over, spending almost 30 minutes on the door. With breaks in between, he observed the door as he rested but did not find any keyhole or puzzles to be solved.

'Damn it. Dead End?" Feng wondered as he slumps to the floor. 'There does not seem to be a way up. At this rate, do they have to commit suicide by jumping down to revive in the beginner village?'

Creek creek creek creek...


The giant door slowly opens as Feng sat there astonished, wondering how he had opened the door. 'Wait...Hu Wei?!" Feng thought he turned his head left and right, searching for Hu Wei.

"er...Didn't think this was a key." Hu Wei said as he held up a piece of almost triangular-shaped rock with its edges jagged, almost like a piece of the wall that had fallen to the ground.

"When did you get that?!" Feng asks, astonished.

Pointing at a corner of the floor, behind a huge rock, "There." Hu Wei pointed.

"and what are you doing there?" Feng felt curious. There was no reason for Hu Wei to be in such a secluded corner.

"mmz...I felt like I had to pee. Not too sure if we are supposed to do so in the game, and you were busy with the door. So I just went to a corner to try. Nothing came out, so I ended up standing there feeling bored and scanning the area I saw the rock. I thought it looked beautiful so I took it with me. While walking back, I saw the indent in the wall that seems to fit it perfectly. As such, I placed it back, thinking that is where it belongs. Never did I expect it to be a key to the door."

Feng's eye twitches as he hears Hu Wei explanation on how it is all just a coincidence stemming from a feeling of peeing that should not happen in the game.

'Aren't I the one that is reincarnated suppose to be the MC usually? or am I just a supporting cast to Hu Wei??!' Feng wonders as doubts fill his mind.

Peeking into the door that had just opened, the inside is entirely different from the outside. A corridor that is man-made appears with the same luminous stone embedded into the wall to lit the way.

Walking forward is a stone stair that leads down. Nodding towards Hu Wei, the both of them heads down the stairs, which goes around in a square following the wall. In the centre is a large opening and there are no railings by the stairs to provide safety.

Falling would most likely mean a trip back to the village. Something Feng wants to avoid at this point as he has no idea how to arrive back here again.

Walking down for the last 30 minutes, they travelled past unknown numbers of floors; the lights get dimmer and dimmer the lower they descend.

Finally, they arrive at the ground floor, which was pitch dark, unlike the corridor above.

Just as Feng took his first step onto the floor, a gust of wind blew past into the empty space as the fringes of Feng's hair flutters.


8 torches in the different corners of the room light up.

"Be alert," Feng whispered to Hu Wei. The atmosphere in the room made it evident to him that a boss fight is on the horizon.

As their eyes adjust to the newly found brightness, they looked around only to see a statue of an elderly man with a staff in the middle of the room.

"LEAVE!" An old male voice filled with authority boomed in the room.

"Who are you?" Feng asked back into space as he looks at the statue. Feng had read extensively on all the NPC character in the game being in charge of the guild strategy. However, the statue in front of him is of someone he has no collection of in his memory.

Still, based on how hard it is to find this place and the setup, he doubts that the statue is of a nobody.

"ME? I am the hero of the continent of Gods Art. No one does not know me, for I am the one that had saved everyone from the invasion. However, my popularity led to my downfall."

'??? what the f*ck is this person talking about' Feng wondered. With his knowledge of the history in Gods Art, this is some bullshit he had never heard before.

"Sorry honourable sire, but may I enquire what is your name?" Feng knew the best way to handle this, for now, is to be as polite and respectful as possible and gather more information.

"You foolish mortal, have you not heard of me? I am Genfnil," The voice replied.

"And this is your statue?" Feng ask.

"Statue?....No that has been here even before I arrived." The voice replied.

"..." Feng.

"...' Hu Wei.

"Hey Feng, I may be a gaming noob but shouldn't the voice belong to the statue in such a scenario" Hu Wei whispered.