
godly superpowered sextuplets

what do you do when your entire family is at the pinnacle of strength and your parents mysteriously disappear one night gone out of nowhere. Follow as these septuplets try to find their parents and uncover the mystery behind them and the world they come from. watch as they struggle to save as many people as possible in this crazy super world and find their parents. Amery will have to teach and watch over his siblings in his parents stead, and teach them how to use their powers properly. ----------------- first story if you feel it is a similar world style to bnha/mha. while it is similar at first it will change greatly and there will be many great and amazing powers from your fantasies. please enjoy and give any feedback for the story you want. votings for new powers to be introduced into the story will be at every 15 chapters.

DaoistNmEmRR · แฟนตาซี
5 Chs

The time of Gods

(Before you read this chapter read Auxiliary Volume to understand power levels)

"In the year 3000, on April 4th, it was a day like any other. citizens all around the solar system were enjoying a peaceful day... when It happened. A tear spilt the very fabric of reality... and then they came through. We didn't know what they were then and we still to this day 237 years later, do not know what they were, but what we do know is that when they came everything changed. When they came through people everywhere reacted similarly, they fell to the ground in terror at the thought that the gods had come to punish them for there wrong doings.

"However this was not the case, for what these beings brought was not punishment but gifts. These beings which most of society no refers to as the Benefactors, gave humanity powers, the "singularity" as it is called. These singularities came in different for everyone, some people got to fly, some people became as fast as cars, stronger than elephants, and so many more powers. The only thing that people know about these powers is that they come in four types.

"These four types are-.". The teacher stopped talking for the first time in his speech. "Amery please pay attention in class no goofing off in class, the same goes for you Dunkelheit" the teacher says while giving both boys a death stare

The teacher is about to begin again but a thought crosses his mind. "Amery if you can tell us all four types of singularities and one of your brothers can tell me what each does.." he pauses, "you won't be getting a call home". Both boys instinctively shiver at the thought of a call home.

Both boys immediately stand along with four more children. These four other children being Amery's four younger siblings. Amery begins "Mr. Finnegan, the four types of singularities are, mutation, transformation, transmutation, and emitter.". The man now known as Mr. Finnegan responds, "correct young man, now the rest of you will explain what each one does"

Dunkelheit continues after his brother, "Sir, mutation type singularities change your body from a normal human body and affect you constantly, they can not be shut off or stopped, and they always have passive abilities, while some can have active attributes to them."

A short boy who wore an expression like he was above everyone else in the room in a fair god way named Vertrag continued, "transformation type singularities, similarly to mutation types, change the user's body in some way, however unlike mutation singularities, these powers have to be activated and only last as long as the user is focusing on keeping the power on, and the power can be cancelled or controlled by other special singularities." Mr. Finnegan responded, "good continue"

Next came a tall boy who looked like a scary giants to the other 9 year old children in the classroom, as he began to speak you could tell he was a nice and gentle giant, "sir, transmutation type singularities allow the user to permanently change the outside world, unless the user purposely focuses on undoing the changes they made.", "good work Tier", responded the now less upset teacher.

Following this came a child who looked like a cross between a devil and an angel, however this wasn't quite right, he looked more akin to a an angle that had taken on the color scheme and taste of a devil. This boy continued for his now very clearly family, "And last of all emitter type singularities bare a striking resemblance to transmutation singularities with that only difference in them being that emitter's will naturally have the things they change revert back to normal if they stop focusing on them. I believe that is all sir."

After the boy finished all six boys cheered together, "yay now we won't get a call home", "yeah I know I'm know I'm so happy"

"Not quite boys, I'm sorry that I must inform you that you missed one crucial part.", they all paled they now realized it to, they had forgotten that some mutation types could be cancelled out with certain powers.

No they weren't doomed yet, there only shot was the youngest of them explaining this flaw in mutations before the teacher said it. But sadly they were not so lucky, the teacher said it before they could. "You forgot that some mutation types can be cancelled out with certain singularities", 'no, we're all dead' they thought in unison.

Lucky for the children today was a special day and Mr. Finnegan had no intention of ruining it for them. today was the singularity testing day set forth by the Singularity Powered Federation. The Singularity Powered Federation or the SPF was the organization that took charge when singularities first appeared and brought order too the craziness the world had become when the Benefactors had come through. Since that time 237 years ago all but 1.5 percent of the populace had a singularity, and the testing to determine what kind of singularity someone had was to be done when one turned 9, and today just so happened to be the day that their class was taking the test. Every child wanted and wished to get a really strong power so that they could become heroes and save people from the creatures that came from out of their universe, and the villain's that helped the monsters. But sadly, the world was cruel and uncaring, only about 1 percent of the population got singularities both strong enough and having the right purpose to be a hero.

"Don't worry children I won't be calling your parents today, it's a special day, just don't act up again", "yes sir" they all responded at the same time.

Mr. Finnegan stood, "alright children follow me, we're going to the gymnasium for the singularity testing, I wish you all good luck"

As they made their ways to the gymnasium all of the children were having conversations, talking about what singularities they wanted and such. All but one group of boys who walked together at the back of the group, this was the group of six boys who had, in their perception come to deaths door just earlier. They dared not speak if only as insurance that the teacher wouldn't call their parents.

When the group got to the gymnasium they saw several other groups of kids and adults with them. There was also a strange looking tube that looked just big enough to fit an eight year old child in. This was the machine that would their singularity, or lack there of.

They were put into groups and lines waiting for there turns. The first child to go up was a boy who's name escaped the six boys for a moment, until they remembered, 'Jerry that was his name' they all thought. As the boy walked up he was shaking like a leaf in the wind but as he got to the podium the scientist said to him, "you don't have to worry little one you will be alright no matter the result", this seemed to calm the boy slightly.

As the boy stepped into the machine a cold voice spoke out

"Subject name: Jerry Collins

Singularity: Hardening

Singularity level: superhuman

Singularity type: Transformation

Description: Slightly Harden your body to the strength of limestone"

Most of the children below laughed, this was one of the most common singularities and the boy had gotten such a weak version of it. There was no hope for him to be a hero. This crushed the young boy.

"It's ok you will be alright little one", the scientist again reassured. Sadly this didn't work again, the child ran off crying.

"Next, Ms. Samantha would you please come up"

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