
Godlike: The return of a god

A god has long been gone since his fight against a prince, that is until he’s “reincarnated” by his followers 10 million years later. Settling into his new life as a defective “human” with no memories whatsoever. With the help of his sister, together they unveil the secrets right before their eyes. What mysteries will they unfold?

Finn_is_fine · ไซไฟ
1 Chs


"Maybe in another life, we would have been friends…" The prince said, despite his brawny appearance his voice is gentle and sweet.

Thinking it was a joke, the being laughed on the ground with the daises. The prince only looked at the being with a stoic face.

The being stops before looking at the prince, "You… mean it?"

The prince only nods his head as his response to the celestial being before sitting down on the field of daises with them.

The god chuckles as his body slowly disintegrates, the wind blows from the prince's back as it carries the small particles of the dying god.

"I still can't believe you manage to make a deal with Death…" The god said with a smirk on his grumbling face. The mortal next to him smiled softly. "Unlike you, your father is nice…" The prince spoke softly, he plucks the daisy near him and placed them on the god's chest. The god's father was kind but his mother was not. Unfortunately, for the blue blood, Life found out about his and Death's plan and ordered her husband to take the prince's life when their son returns to the Celestial Plane. He sighed before he pulled another flower from the ground.

"What are you doing?" They asked.

"I'm trying to make your last moment pleasing, you're always covered in white flowers so I assumed you would like to have flowers with you…"

The god laughed and laughed, one of their hands touched the flowers on their chest, "Thank you…"

The prince only resumed picking flowers and the god just looked at him with a smirk. The nobleman did an excellent job at coating the god with daisies but his effort was in vain when the celestial being's body disappeared, only leaving the head for now.

"I'll be back you know." The god remarked, "My followers will help me get back to the mortal realm by the time you're 80 and then I'll make you, my servant."


"I'm not joking!"

"I know," The prince says dryly, his people will be prepared. He HOPES his people will be ready for the tyrant's return. He hopes Death will keep the end of their bargain and change his son's mind. He's desperate but he can only hope.

The god finally disappears and so does the prince's life.


The night deepens as time passes by and so does the pain of a mother in labor. Her screams could be heard all over the manor. As unpleasant as it sounds, no one bats an eye on the woman as she continues to shriek. The midwife was thrilled as she continues to tell the mother to push; with each cramping pain, the mother perform the orders. She can feel the baby crowning before pushing one last time without any effort as the baby slid into the midwife's hand. The midwife squealed in delight while holding the baby, her smile widens as she heard the baby screech in her arms.

"This is perfect!" The midwife rejoiced, before stroking the baby's head with her's, she laughs maniacally as she turns to look at the mother lifeless on the bed.

"I get to keep a god..." The midwife whispers, she laughs as she cradled the baby faster, "THANK YOU SISTER DEAR! I GET TO HAVE THE GOD AS MY KIN!" She laughs hysterically, before caressing her twin's cold face.

"I thank you... and your pathetic lover! I hope you two stay dead...."

The midwife continues to laugh while the baby cries...


As the room filled with loud cries and unpleasant laughter mixed together, the cold pale body of the mother lay lifelessly on the bed

Who knows what truly lies ahead?
