
Goddness of the Blue Moon

Elena though she lived a simple life but, on her 18th birthday, everything changed and deep secrets were revealed.

Msskana · แฟนตาซี
3 Chs


Upon arrive we were surrounded by dozens of soldiers all clothed in black with gold and purple embellishments. A beautifully crafted carriage, adorned with gold stood before us. I held my breath.

"Are we in the castle?" I asked quietly to Joffrey.

Joffrey eyed me and scoffed.

"You think this lowly place is the palace?"

Joffrey rolled his eyes and continued.

"We will be taking you to get bathed and changed like I said before."

He pointed at my robes "we would tarnish the palace if you stepped in as disgusting as you are."

I wanted to hit him. My mother made these robes and he just insulted them. I wanted to punch him in the face.

I kept my composure and followed. The quicker I can get this done, the quicker I can get away from this man, hopefully.

I stepped into the golden carriage and sat on the most plush seat my bottom has ever felt. I wanted to lay on it and take a nap, unfortunately no more than five minutes later the carriage stopped and a guard opened the door. There stood before me was a storefront displaying the most spectacular dresses and armor I've seen. Glistening and magic imbued fabrics that flowed and sparkled, armor that radiated magic and swords that pulsated heat and cold strong enough to melt or freeze your opponent instantly. I wanted one.

We stepped in the store, immediately Joffrey told the storekeeper to "wash and dress the poor off me."

I was led to the back where there was a massive stone bath smelling of perfume. The maidens stripped my robes from me, appalled by the fact that they had to touch such a thing and threw me into the bath, hating the predicament but loving the feeling of the hot water soaking into my sore muscles I took a moment to relax. A lot has happened and i've strangely haven't thought of what will happen. 

A Priestess. 

Not much is known about the Priestess aside their work with the church. Aside from healing blight and aiding the frontlines. Also, my mothers response to Priestess Penelope. My grandma? She's never spoken of her.. 

Too many questions in my head and no one here to answer them I sure as hell am not going to ask Joffrey. 

I submerged my whole body in the hot water. looking up and seeing my golden hair sprawling in the water above me and I notice them. The tiniest water wisps. clinging to my hair, my arms, all over my body, not wanting to think about the unmentionables. I hold out my hand and watch them congregate on my palm. 'Beautiful' They were like a rainbow of dancing shimmering colors on my skin. I hear someone out side the tub. I immediately arise from the water covering my chest to hide myself. 

A maiden robed in silk from head to toe stands inside the bathing chamber holding out a silk robe. 

"come quickly, we must dress you." 

After seeing all the magnificent dresses and armor I was excited to see what I would be wearing. I did not expect them to dress me in leather trousers and a tunic and vest. To my surprise the clothing, as casual as they were, seemed to be made with magic. Trousers though leather, were soft and silky on my skin, as well as the tunic. The maidens braid my hair elegantly letting it rest on the back of my head .

As the maidens finish dressing me Joffrey quickly comes into the dressing room. 

"We must leave now, Your calling will begin soon." 

Quickly before Joffrey could grab me I grab the robes mother made me. Joffery then takes my arm, the same damned arm Marcus grabbed this morning, making it throb from his tight grip as he ushers me out of the shop and into the too extravagant carriage. 

I enjoy the short ride to the palace, the soft squish of the cushion and the soft silk feel of my clothing was almost calming. Until I realize it's actually my Calling, something I've both dreaded and looked forward to.

The carriage door opens once again but this time I couldn't help but be in awe. Everything was massive as if it was made for giants. Pillars going high into the sky, doors as tall 20 feet, and balconies peering at you from a neck breaking height. Everything was fixtured in white peerless stone and golden adornments. 

Joffery and I walk out from the carriage to be welcomed by and entourage of guards, maidens and an elegant older man robed in white and gold with the crest of the king on his chest. 

I suck in a breath "the.. King?" I immediately fall to my knees and bow. I'm not sure why I did not notice it before. The ridiculous amount of magic, pure magic pouring from this man. He surely puts the gate to shame. I feel the magic pour through me, raging through my body like the most rockiest of seas, then settle as the King speaks. 

"Welcome Elena, I hope your journey was enjoyable. Let us quickly begin your calling while the moon is at it's highest."

Joffery push my back and whispers "Go." 

I wobble to my feet and quickly stride in front of king Donovan to bow before him again. 

"No need for that my child, You will be our Priestess, and so you will stand beside me. Arise and take my hand"

I do as just as he says all the while questioning 'beside him? doesn't the priestess work for the church?'. I take Donovan's hand, he turns my hand palm up then suddenly the king unsheathes a pure white dagger and plunges it into my hand. 

I scream, I scream loud expecting the pain to be unbearable, but I was surprised to realize there was no pain, nothing. The dagger rips from my hand then shatters, floating away in tiny crystals into the night sky. 

"You have been unsealed, we welcome you our Priestess."

I look above to see the Blue moon of the Goddess directly above me. 

'unsealed?' I thought. I turned quickly walking towards Joffrey.

"What did the king mean by unseal?"

Joffrey eyed me for a long moment then said

"We'll speak in the carriage." He stepped aside then gestured forward the open door of the carriage. 

I sit on the bench and wait for Joffrey to start, when my patience faulters I say "So?" 

Joffrey takes a sharp breath "It's best we start from the beginning." 

Joffrey in a relaxed position slouching and resting his head on the back of the bench. "I'm sure you know of the Seven sovereigns of the kingdoms. They were all blessed by the Moon Goddess and thus the different races were created in her power. The strongest of which were the Divines from the North Kingdom." 

Joffrey then locked his silver eyes on mine then continued. 

"That is where your grandmother, Priestess Penelope came from. She was given to King Donovan as a peace offering from the Divines. Though powerful, they reproduce slowly and couldn't tolerate the casualties of war." 

"My Grandmother was a Divine? But mother is human, with no magic. That can't be true. 

"Oh, but she does, Elena. Your mother failed her calling so King Donovan sealed her power and exiled her to the city of Siren." 

"what.." Mother is a Divine? But father, he's half elf.. But I have no magic. before I could ponder more the carriage door quickly opens and Marcus states "We've arrived Priestess." 

Marcus and Joffrey lead me to a small cottage. My pack and the robes mother made were neatly placed on the bed and warm blue flames flickered in the corners of the room. 

I moved my pack and placed the robes in the chest and collapsed onto the soft bed. 

I had a dream, the first I can remember. 

A woman, sitting on a thrown, with silver hair scattered around her sprawled on the floor, she wore silk garments just large enough to cover her. Her eyes were shut as if she were sleeping using her hand to prop her head up. I notice she's in a dome of glass. I look at her again and see her eyes slowly open. Her eyes were silver with a radiant sparkle like shattered crystal. 

My eyes flash open, in a jolt, I panic trying to catch my breath.

'Just who was that?' trying to pull up the images from my dream causes my head to explode in pain. 

I hear a soft knock on the door.

"Priestess breakfast had arrived." A maiden say from beyond the door then proceeded to enter. I slowly rise from the bed as the maiden enters. She places a small tea cut full of floral tea on the small table in the corner of the room, along with a platter of various breakfast items.

"Please let me know if