
Miss, may I ask your surname

Watching the man swagger out of the gate, Chen Xiruo's delicate face turned pale and uncertain.

Just then, a police officer hurried over. "Captain Chen, there's a new discovery!"

They exited the Criminal Investigation Detachment building, and it was already dusk.

An Audi A6L in black approached from behind. The window rolled down slowly, and a man leaned out. "You must be Mr. Ye Chong?"

Ye Chong glanced at the person and didn't recognize him. "Who are you?"

The man got out of the car. He was under forty, plump-faced, wearing a suit and glasses, and carrying a briefcase. His face seemed to wear a mask, making it hard to tell his true emotions.

"I'm Tang Jianming, chief lawyer of Datang Law Firm."

Ye Chong took the business card. "What's the matter?"

Tang adjusted his glasses. "Someone wants to see you."

After a moment's scrutiny, Ye Chong said, "So, you're the one who bailed me out."

"That's right."

"But I don't know you."

"It doesn't matter if you don't know me. Someone knows you."


"You'll find out when you meet."

Hearing this, Ye Chong didn't hesitate further. He got into the car, which turned right onto Tianhe Avenue and sped away.

He knew very well that no matter how powerful a lawyer was, they couldn't control the police. Perhaps someone even more powerful was behind him!

He couldn't wait to see for himself who this influential figure was and why they were helping an ordinary construction worker like him.

After driving for a while, they gradually left the bustling city. The scenery outside the window opened up, with endless rice fields under the blue sky and white clouds. Farmers wearing straw hats and planting rice seedlings could be seen everywhere, along with occasional grunts from water buffaloes, creating a picturesque rural scene.

The car finally slowed down after traversing several fields, and they arrived at a vast development area. To the east was the Waterside Resort, to the west was the Green Agricultural Technology Park, and straight ahead was a lush leisure club. What caught his attention the most was the sign for the "Black Hawk Shooting Club."

As they passed the club's gate, they didn't even need to get out of the car. The driver swiped a card on the access control device, and the gate slowly opened.

As the car ventured deeper, Ye Chong realized the club was much larger than he had imagined. After about a mile of driving, they still hadn't reached the shooting range.

Finally, the car stopped in a spacious parking lot filled with luxury cars like Maseratis, Ferraris, Porsches, BMWs, and Jaguars. The Audi A6L seemed out of place among them.

If the world was stratified by wealth and power, people like Ye Chong, from the lower class, could never enter the upper-class circle. But at this moment, he could confirm that he had inadvertently entered the wealthy's forbidden zone.

Exiting the car, Tang Jianming continued to walk forward silently, as if he had already set a GPS program in his mind.

He remained silent, and Ye Chong followed suit. As they walked, everything seemed fresh to him. At this moment, he thought most about how his rustic coworkers would look here. He doubted they would be more successful than him.

After walking for a while, they finally arrived at the shooting range. Tang Jianming walked all the way to Lane 1 of the 50-meter pistol range before stopping and turning around. "Please wait here."

He entered the shooting area, and Ye Chong sat down on a bench, took out his favorite cigarette, lit it, and took a deep drag.

There was no denying that even in a place like this, smoking a cigarette and looking at the sky felt like living in paradise.

Whoever said money wasn't good, even if money couldn't buy everything, it could at least buy your second curiosity about the world!

After taking a few puffs of smoke, Tang Jianming returned. "You can go in now."

Ye Chong suddenly felt like a hostess who had been chosen by a guest after sitting at the stage for a long time. He took another deep drag of his cigarette, flicked off the remaining ash, clapped Tang Jianming on the shoulder, and said, "Wish me luck."

The mysterious and taciturn Tang Jianming turned to look at him, adjusted the edge of his glasses, and a strange expression appeared at the corner of his mouth. Then, he walked away.

The gunshot reverberated constantly on the spacious shooting range, causing adrenaline levels to soar. However, Ye Chong's steps remained steady.

As he walked down the long corridor, he finally saw a woman in a tight white shooting suit, with her hair tied back in a ponytail and wearing brown protective glasses. She stood calmly at the shooting point, with just the posture of holding a gun single-handedly enough to captivate.

Of course, even more captivating was her figure!

He approached the woman from behind and admired her as she emptied the last magazine, unable to resist clapping his hands with excitement. "Beauty, you're really good at shooting!"

That sounded weird no matter how he listened to it.


An empty magazine fell to the ground, and the woman picked up another full one and loaded it into the gun with a "click."

She suddenly turned around, and the gun in her hand was pointed directly at Ye Chong's head!

Ye Chong caught a glimpse of the woman's face and uttered, "It's you!"

"Yes, it's me!" The woman pressed the gun firmly against Ye Chong's head again.

It was only then that Ye Chong could see clearly. This woman was none other than the stranger with whom he had spent a night as a married couple in confusion!

In an instant, everything became clear to him. "So, it's you!"

"Are you surprised?" she asked.

He shook his head. "I understand now. This debt will be settled sooner or later."

"What else do you understand?"

"I understand that you're using training rounds. These bullets can't kill anyone."

The woman's face turned cold, biting her lip tightly. Suddenly, she aimed her hand at the target 50 meters away without hesitation and pulled the trigger.

Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang!...

Ten rounds were emptied in one breath. The target slid over automatically, scoring 90!

The seemingly fragile woman, with just a casual shot, had achieved a quasi-professional level.

She handed the gun to Ye Chong. "It's your turn. If you win against me, you can leave anytime."

This was a rare opportunity. As long as he won against her, he could leave with his head held high, meaning he wouldn't have to take responsibility for what had happened.

Without a second thought, Ye Chong took a full magazine and inserted it into the gun. With a click, he pulled back the slide and took aim at the distant target.

Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang!...

Without blinking, he emptied a magazine, then twirled the gun in his hand gracefully as he watched the target slide over.

The woman glanced at him ironically. "25 points. You lose. Follow me."

With that, she turned and walked towards the shooting range.

Ye Chong weighed the gun in his hand and grumbled, "Losing is losing. What's the big deal... What a crappy gun!"

Beyond the shooting range was a rest area, complete with food, accommodation, and indoor leisure facilities. They arrived at a tea restaurant. As it was past noon and there were no customers, it was unusually quiet.

The woman sat down and stared at him intently, her snow-white face carrying an eternal frostiness. Her slender eyes emitted a bone-chilling coldness, as if they could freeze people with just one glance. Normally, being stared at by a beautiful woman would be enjoyable, but her gaze felt like knives.

She scrutinized him from head to toe, making him feel uncomfortable no matter how he sat.

If this girl cried, made a scene, or even scolded him, it would be fine. But she didn't cry or make a scene. She just stared at him silently. Ye Chong was most afraid of women looking at him like this, especially a woman he had slept with.

He scratched his head, feeling uneasy. "By the way, since we've met, let's introduce ourselves. I'm Ye Chong. What's your name, miss?"

The woman remained silent, still staring at him intently, as if she were ready to pounce at any moment!

Ye Chong couldn't stand this terrible atmosphere. He frowned and said, "I'm not well-educated and don't know how to sweet talk. Let's get straight to the point. Since the incident has happened, apologies are useless. Now, there are only two options: go public or settle privately. If we go public, you can call the police and have me arrested. I'll accept a sentence of ten or twenty years. If we settle privately, you can set a condition for me, and I'll do anything as long as it makes you feel better."

"Why did you harm me?" the woman asked.

"Whether you believe it or not, I have to say it. It's all a misunderstanding..."

Before he could finish his sentence, the woman raised her hand, and a cold gun was firmly pointed at his forehead!

This time, it wasn't a training gun. It was a real weapon for killing!

In an instant, the air in the entire tea restaurant seemed to freeze. With their long hair covering their faces, the two locked eyes in this moment of stillness!

"You..." Ye Chong barely uttered a word before the woman decisively pulled the trigger!

Ye Chong's heart trembled, as if he could see his brain splattering the next moment.

But unexpectedly, the gun didn't fire.

Ye Chong took a deep breath in relief. He had never expected this girl to be so ruthless. This flower-like woman could kill without blinking an eye!

The woman tried to pull the trigger again, but no matter how hard she tried, it wouldn't budge. In frustration, she slammed the gun on the table.

Ye Chong picked up the gun and examined it. It was a small and exquisite Walther PPK pistol, used by Hitler to end his evil life and by James Bond to save the world.

"Remember to disengage the safety before shooting next time. Hasn't your shooting instructor taught you that?" He disengaged the safety as he spoke and then pulled back the slide with a click, aiming the dark muzzle directly at the woman's forehead!

The woman was surprised for a moment but quickly calmed down. Her long hair couldn't conceal the hatred in her eyes. She closed her eyes slowly, and tears rolled down her cheeks uncontrollably.

She wasn't unaware of this simple common sense. It was just that her mind was in turmoil at the moment, and she couldn't care much.

"Don't be nervous. I'm just demonstrating to you." Ye Chong removed the bullets from the gun after the last word, then handed the gun back to her. "I advise you, as a girl, not to carry such things. Be careful not to accidentally hurt yourself."

The woman bit her trembling lip and suddenly slapped him hard across the face.


Ye Chong didn't dodge or evade, just licked his lips and touched his burning cheek. "If you're not satisfied, you can hit me again."

"What kind of person are you? What is your purpose?" 

Ye Chong was completely confused, as if the other party suspected him of hiding evil intentions. "I'm just an ordinary construction worker. If you don't believe me, you can inquire at Tenghua Construction Company. I've said it's a misunderstanding. Even if you don't find me, I'll find you. There are many questions I need you to verify."

"Tenghua Construction Company?"

"Yes, do you know it?"

woman furrows her eyebrows, her fingers deeply entwined in her hair. After a while, she asks, "What were you doing at that budget hotel?"

Ye Chong seizes the opportunity to explain, "Well, you see..."

"Shut up! Don't say anything!" 

Ye Chong is startled, his tongue tied in his mouth.

The woman, looking exhausted, continues, "If you were so drunk that you couldn't even control yourself, why did you hurt me?"

This question leaves Ye Chong speechless. Does she expect him to explain male physiology to her, to tell her that even disabled men can sometimes be harmful to women?

"Let me explain, it's actually..."

"Enough! I don't want to hear it!" The woman covers her ears impatiently with her hands.

Ye Chong feels exasperated. This woman keeps changing her mind about whether to listen or not. It's driving him crazy!