
I promise I won't kill you

"You all leave." 

The police in the room began to leave one after another, and he had just completed refining his devilish figure. 

With a face that was wide at the top and narrow at the bottom, a pair of slender eyes almost dominated the upper third of the face. A casual pear blossom hairstyle in a mocha color seemed fresh and yet created a kind of graceful temperament, especially with the slightly inward curled ends of her hair and the 4:6 parting, making her cheeks appear even smaller, exuding a sense of beauty and intellect. 

Dressed in a tight police training uniform, this woman, who seemed like a high-quality urban white-collar worker, was instantly wrapped in a layer of heroic spirit. 

Most notably, there was a bright red mole right in the center of her eyebrows! 

Tiny beads of sweat hung on her fair cheeks, occasionally dripping a crystal-clear drop from the damp ends of her hair. As she removed her boxing gloves and scanned the room, her gaze finally fell on Ye Chong. 


The woman tossed her gloves onto the table and pulled out a gun from her waist, slamming it on the table with a "clap," and said lightly, "I'm Chen Xiruo, and here, I'm in charge." 

Ye Chong was staring at her fully-filled and towering chest and sighed foolishly, "Hmm, indeed very big." 

As soon as the words were spoken, the room fell silent! 

Chen Xiruo raised an eyebrow, then suddenly chuckled coldly, "Intentional injury, robbery, rape. How many years do you think these charges will add up to?" 

Ye Chong felt a little sweaty, "Don't make the atmosphere so tense, meeting each other is fate, how about making friends?" 

Chen Xiruo stared at him dumbfounded. Since joining the police force, she had never encountered such a weirdo. He actually wanted to make friends with the police right away! 

She narrowed her eyes slightly and suddenly smiled charmingly, "Well, it depends on whether you're sincere or not." 

Her voice was seductive to the bone, making the man's whole body numb. "My name is Ye Chong, unmarried, single, pure young meat, 1.82 meters tall, weighing 160 kilograms, can do one-handed push-ups, often uses a thirty-kilogram hammer as a tool, handsome appearance, strong physique, eager to save the world in peace, full of love for women... I wonder if this counts as sincerity?" 

"That's not enough." 

"And, my sexual orientation is normal, I love Japanese actresses, besides occasionally smoking and drinking, I have no bad habits, nor do I harm society, is that enough?" 

"What I want to know now is why I can't find any of your social security accounts or spending records?" 

Ye Chong spread his hands, "Don't say you don't know, even I don't know. I don't even know who my parents are, how can I explain it?" 

"China has a strict household registration system. A person's life from birth to death will have records, but your experience is a blank slate. It's hard for me to be convinced no matter how you explain it." 

"Alright, looks like I have to confess. I was abused by a wicked aunt when I was five, peeked at girls bathing when I was eight, joined a theft group when I was ten, transported drugs for drug dealers when I was fourteen, then ran away abroad for a few years, worked as a gigolo, and came back to China. Since then, I've been working honestly, but anonymously, doing odd jobs. Are you satisfied with this explanation?" 

Her charming face turned cold, "It seems you've reached a whole new level of shamelessness." 

"In this day and age, if you're not shameless, you'd be embarrassed to say hello to people." 

Chen Xiruo's voice turned icy, "Did you beat up Ma Hong?" 


"Guess what he's like now?" 

"What do you mean, I just punched him once." 

"That's right, you did only punch him once, but what interests me the most is why you could turn a person into a vegetable with just one punch!" 

Ye Chong blinked, sucking in a cold breath, "Don't tease me. Do you think I'm Iron Man or the Hulk?" 

Chen Xiruo handed him a printed sheet, "This is his forensic diagnosis report, see for yourself." 

Ye Chong glanced at it and couldn't laugh anymore, "I think it's a misunderstanding. That kid must be pretending to be stupid and trying to blackmail me..." 

Chen Xiruo slowly put on her gloves and bit down on the wrist strap, her sharp gaze never leaving the man. 

Ye Chong panicked, "What are you going to do? Let's talk it out. You're a police officer..." 

"Since you were able to turn Ma Hong into a vegetable, it means you still have some skill. I'll give you a one-on-one chance now, but don't worry, I promise not to kill you." 

Ye Chong felt a pang of distress, "Even if we're going to fight, can you please unlock the handcuffs first?" 

"There's no need for that. I'm afraid you'll touch something you shouldn't." 

It seemed this woman had thought of every step; no matter what, he was bound to be beaten. 

Ye Chong wanted to argue, but the woman didn't give him a chance. With a swift movement, she entered his striking range with a breeze of fragrant wind. 

In an instant, the woman unleashed all her power, a fist swirling in the air with a whistling sound. 


The punch landed solidly on his face, causing his head to tilt and his body to sway. 

Before he could react, another punch landed directly on his temple. It was one of the most vulnerable parts of the human body. A light blow could cause dizziness, while a heavy one could induce immediate shock. 

This time, Ye Chong staggered back two steps. 

Before his feet could steady, the third punch followed closely, hitting his chin squarely. 

The chin is connected to the brain nerves, and a punch to this area can cause temporary concussion, disrupting the balance organs in the inner ear. Therefore, on a professional boxing ring, the chances of a knockout from a chin punch are almost one hundred percent! 

Ye Chong leaned back until he hit the wall, pinched his chin, spat, and a black line appeared on his face, "Is that enough?" 

"Not enough!" Chen Xiruo's tongue lashed out like thunder, and between her scolding, another shadow flickered! 

Unexpectedly, this time Ye Chong didn't stand there like a wooden stake. It's unclear how he did it, but suddenly he managed to trap the woman's right arm under his armpit. 

Chen Xiruo was startled and quickly raised her left hand to attack, but Ye Chong just raised his arm and firmly grabbed her left arm too. 

Chen Xiruo felt both embarrassed and angry. However hard she tried to hit him, she couldn't move. She had no choice but to use her heels to stomp on his feet, but she couldn't even hit a single hair. 

Breathing heavily, her cheeks flushed, she angrily demanded, "Let me go!" 

"Sure." Ye Chong actually released her underarm. As soon as the woman pulled her hands out, the man suddenly wrapped his arms around her body like a large iron hoop, firmly pinning her down! 

He flipped over, pressing the woman against the wall, pressing his body tightly against hers, almost all of his weight bearing down on her. 

The two bodies were pressed tightly together, leaving no room for the woman to counterattack. 

Ye Chong lowered his head slightly, a pair of shining eyes looking at Chen Xiruo's blushing face, appreciating her extreme annoyance while he held her helpless. 

He couldn't help but admire, "You smell so good!" 

"You... let me go!" 

Ye Chong shrugged innocently, "I didn't want it to be like this either, but I don't want to be beaten to death by you either. Don't forget, I'm still wearing handcuffs, I can't fight back or block, what else can I do besides holding onto you?" 

The woman frowned, gritting her teeth, "I... I promise I won't hit you again." 

"I don't believe you." 

The woman was helpless, she could only grit her teeth and say, "I... I promise I won't hit you again." 

"I'm sorry, my head was hit a few times by you just now, my ears are a bit dull, can you speak louder?" 

"I promise I won't hit you again, okay?" 

Ye Chong leaned close to her ear and whispered softly, "I have a strong sense of pride, if you dare touch me again, I promise I'll haunt you for the rest of your life." 

Chen Xiruo said coldly, "Let go of me, you bastard!" 

Only then did Ye Chong release her. As soon as the woman was released, she raised her hand to hit, "Hey, you just promised not to hit me again. Whoever goes back on their word is a bitch." 

Chen Xiruo was filled with anger but couldn't find a way to vent it. She didn't bother to figure out his words were actually an insult. 

She turned off the camera, picked up the gun from the table, and walked over with an imposing manner. Ye Chong's buttocks tightened, "Hey, you said you wouldn't hit people..." 

The woman said expressionlessly, "I said I wouldn't hit you, but I didn't say I wouldn't kill you!" 

Ye Chong laughed, "Stop joking, this is a police station. I don't believe you dare..." 


Before he could finish his sentence, Chen Xiruo's gun actually went off! 

His smile froze on his face, a buzzing sound in his right ear, the woman's gun was still at his ear, emitting white smoke, and a large chunk of the opposite wall had been shot off by the bullet. 

Ye Chong squeezed his throat, a drop of cold sweat dripping down his forehead. He never thought that such a fresh and sweet beauty would actually dare to fire a gun! 

In the interrogation room, the air solidified for a long time before Chen Xiruo said, "This time was an accident, but there won't be a next time." 

As she spoke, she aimed the gun directly at Ye Chong's head! 

At that moment, someone suddenly knocked on the door outside. Chen Xiruo's chest heaved rapidly, and after a while, she holstered her gun and said, "Come in." The door opened, and a police officer entered, whispering a few words in her ear. 

Chen Xiruo's face showed a hint of strangeness as she glanced at Ye Chong, then followed the man out of the interrogation room. 

After a cup of tea's time, the door opened again, and Chen Xiruo returned. She said directly, "You can go now." 

Ye Chong was at a loss. Just a moment ago, he wished someone would shoot him, but after a round trip, everything had changed completely. 

"Take him to process the bail procedures." 

Chen Xiruo impatiently turned around to leave, but unexpectedly, Ye Chong suddenly said, "I'm not a call girl. You can call me if you want or just leave if you don't." 

"What did you say?" 

"I think the conditions here aren't bad. I've decided to retire here for the rest of my life." 

She had seen many rogues, but she had never encountered one like this, "Don't toast if you don't drink fine wine!" 

"I like drinking fine wine, beauty, do you want to take a bite?" 

Chen Xiruo really wished she could shoot him for five minutes, "Take him away, right now!" 

The two police officers took Ye Chong and left. As they passed by the woman, Chen Xiruo looked at him coldly and warned, "Don't think someone's covering for you means you can play tricks. I'll be watching you closely. Don't let me catch you doing anything wrong, or I'll make you cry before you even know it!" 

Ye Chong smirked sinisterly, "Beauty, I'll miss you too."