
Desert Poison

Xu Jianfeng was filled with resentment. The man in front of him had just snatched away his beloved woman and now, magically, became his brother-in-law. But he couldn't vent his anger in front of Xu Menglin, so he had to suppress it for now.

He immediately put on a smile and said, "I'm just worried about you. Since you've made up your mind, what else can I say? I believe my brother-in-law is magnanimous and won't bother with me, right, brother-in-law?"

Ye Chong grinned, "Good little brother, how could your brother-in-law compete with you when it's about your sister's face?"

Hearing this, Xu Jianfeng became furious. He cursed inwardly, "You lowlife bricklayer, not only did you snatch my sister, but you also dare to flirt with me in front of my face. Let's see how this plays out!"

He sat next to Xu Menglin, with a flattering smile, "Sis, I asked someone in Australia to buy you some golden algae, which has miraculous effects on skincare and beauty. It's said that many Hollywood stars use it."

"I'm not interested in those things. You can give them to someone else."

"Yeah, my sister is so beautiful, she certainly doesn't need those things. Hehe..."

Xu Menglin glanced at him, "No need to be overly polite. If you have something to say, just say it."

"Indeed, my sister has sharp eyes and can see through everything. It's like this, even your little brother is considered a businessman. My company is doing well, and I've recently closed some impressive deals, of course, all thanks to your support..."

The woman gave him a cold look, "If you're not going to say it, I'll leave."

"Don't, don't, how should I put it... I'm thinking of getting into real estate auctions. I've recently set my sights on a piece of land, which has been evaluated by appraisers and is definitely a lucrative opportunity. As long as I can get the auction rights for that land, it will be a huge deal for me."

Xu Menglin frowned, "Wasn't art auctioning good enough for you? Why suddenly switch to real estate auctions?"

"The profit margin for art auctioning is low. Recently, the real estate market has been booming, and I can't afford to miss this opportunity."

Xu Menglin pondered for a moment, "Jianfeng, I wasn't in favor of you getting into business in the first place. I've always said that businessmen should avoid the word 'greed'. Real estate is indeed a big cake, but profits and risks go hand in hand."

"You're right, there are risks in any business. How would I know if I don't try?"

Xu Menglin sighed helplessly, "Does Dad know about this?"

"I haven't told him yet. Dad listens to you. As long as you agree, everything is fine. I'm all set up now, just lacking the necessary funds to acquire the auction rights. With my company's credit, no bank would lend me such a large sum of money at once. So... you're a big shot in Haitian, and which financial institution in Haitian would dare not to favor you? Just one call from you and my problem will be solved."

"You want me to help you secure that loan?"

"For me, it's a big deal, but for you, it's just a phone call."

Unexpectedly, Xu Menglin stood up abruptly, "No way!"

Xu Jianfeng was caught off guard and his expression turned unnatural, "Why?"

"Despite being a businessman, why would others want to give me face? Isn't it because of my company's credit? It may seem like just a phone call, but I'm using the company's credit to gamble for you. The company isn't just mine, I have to be responsible to all shareholders and employees. Don't you understand such a simple principle?"

This sentence made Xu Jianfeng extremely embarrassed. He nodded ambiguously, "Fine, as I expected, I didn't expect my request to be rejected by you."

"Jianfeng, why don't you understand..."

"Don't say anything more. I understand very well. You just don't want me to overshadow you. You're afraid that once I succeed, I'll threaten your position in the business world."

Xu Menglin exclaimed in surprise, "What are you saying?"

"That's right. You're my sister. You've cared for me and looked after me since we were young. But you've always been better than me at everything. I've always been a little brother who can't grow up in front of you, always living under your shadow. Sis, have you ever thought about me? I'm a man too. I also want to make a grand career, not always be called a young master or a son of a rich man behind my back. Fine, if you won't help me, I'll find a way myself. I don't believe that Xu Jianfeng can't make a name for himself in front of you!" With that said, he glared fiercely at Ye Chong, without saying another word, and stormed out of the restaurant.

Xu Menglin watched his retreating figure, feeling heartbroken and bitter.

At this moment, Ye Chong had finished eating as well. He wiped his mouth and reached out to pat the woman's shoulder, about to offer some comforting words when suddenly he let out a loud burp.

"Take your hand off me," Xu Menglin said coldly.

Ye Chong awkwardly withdrew his hand. Xu Menglin then left the restaurant like a gust of wind.

Everything fell silent, with only the sound of the sea breeze rustling through the peach blossoms, the waves crashing against the rocks, and occasionally a long whistle from a distant ship in Baoshi Bay.

A figure walked across the long pier under the slanting sun and hailed a taxi, getting in.

"Where to?"

He looked at the charming scenery outside the window, letting the sea breeze play with his long hair. His eyes flickered as he said, "Wangfu Street."

Wangfu Street, the name perfectly matched its grand reputation in Haitian. The street was built along the river, and the river was called Yanzhi River. It was unknown how many romantic and poignant stories were hidden behind this name.

It was early spring now, and the riverbank of Yanzhi River in the evening was a leisurely place where you could see the mountains, willows, and the flowing water. The houses and residents on the bank, as well as the famous people's former residences around, added infinite charm to the area.

Of course, there were also people who came here to drink and chat, because there was a bar here. Under the willows, the words "Time Corridor" were sometimes faintly visible, attracting many people to come because of these four words. They felt like they had entered another world once they stepped into this bar.

Ye Chong got off the car after confirming there were no abnormalities around. He then stepped inside.

Taking a deep breath of the smell of cigarette smoke and whisky, he indeed felt like he had traveled through time.

He chose a seat by the window and sat down. Before long, the sound of footsteps echoed on the staircase as a middle-aged man with both hands in his pockets descended step by step.

The man appeared to be around forty years old, with a shiny slicked-back hairstyle, slightly chiseled cheeks, a mustache on his lips, wearing a tie, white shirt, suspenders, and leather shoes. He casually grabbed two crystal glasses and, wiping them with a napkin, sat down opposite Ye Chong. "What would you like to drink today?"

"The usual, Desert Poison," Ye Chong replied.

The man smiled, snapping his fingers to call the waiter. "A soda water and two rounds of Desert Poison."

The waiter was surprised. "Two rounds?"

The man chuckled. "With my friend's capacity, two rounds are just a warm-up."

Ye Chong remarked, "You're still the same, running a bar but abstaining from alcohol."

"Alcohol is a double-edged sword."

Ye Chong lit a cigarette. "At least in my opinion, this thing seems to have no downside."

The man glanced at the cigarette in his hand. "You still only smoke 'Lover' brand."

"Smoking is like having women, the more you indulge, the more attachments you'll have."

"That day you drank here all day until you were drunk, that was the first time I saw you drunk. I know alcohol can't knock you down; it's because you have a heavy heart."

Ye Chong smiled faintly, raising his cocktail glass. "Everyone has their own worries."

The man watched him take a sip, then said, "Many things happened in Haitian after you got drunk here that day."

"Yeah, nothing can escape your sharp ears in this city." He took out a photo from his pocket and slid it across the table. "Help me find this woman."

The man picked up the photo and couldn't help but praise, "Such a beautiful woman!"

"Check if anyone has been eyeing her recently."

The man put away the photo and solemnly said, "Is it worth it for just a woman?"

Ye Chong smiled casually, "I owe her."

After some time passed, he gradually became attracted by a melodious singing voice. In the center of the dance floor stood a graceful and beautiful woman wearing sunglasses and a sparkling mermaid-like skirt. She sang into the microphone with a soft and captivating voice, as if it were a trickle of water seeping into one's heart.

When she sang about him breaking her heart, it truly made me silently weep.

Just like the good times of the past.

Yesterday reappeared in my mind.

Ye Chong held his glass but forgot to drink, his eyes flickering. The wonderful fragrance of the wine mixed with the enchanting voice, making him intoxicated.

The man also followed his gaze, showing a hint of understanding smile. "Do you like her?"

"Yeah, this song is quite good."

"I mean that woman."

"She's alright."

"That woman is very special. She only sings one song every day, and it's always this one."

Ye Chong joked, "Isn't that girl here for you? Many girls can't resist the charm of a middle-aged man like you."

The man laughed, "It would be nice if that were the case, but she's nothing like what you're thinking. She sings here but doesn't ask for a penny in return."

"Yeah, she's indeed special. If I had to describe her with something, I think my glass of 'Desert Poison' would be most suitable."

"Do you want me to invite her over for a drink?"

"No need."

Ye Chong emptied the drink in front of him, stood up, patted the man on the back, and was about to leave. Just as he reached the door, the man said, "Actually... she's blind!"

Hearing this, he stopped in his tracks, unable to help but glance at the female singer.

As night fell, Ye Chong was already sitting on a lounger by the poolside, smoking and enjoying the breeze.

With the sound of faint footsteps, Xu Menglin arrived beside him. "Where did you just go?"

"I was sleeping inside. What's up?"

"Come with me."

Ye Chong was puzzled. Where was she taking him in this darkness?