
God World Game

Haruto was bored of his everyday life. He wants to change something from him. He wants to go on adventures and discover new things. One day, someone send him a link to a game called [God World Game]. He installed the game thinking that it wouldn't brought him any harm. He wouldn't expect that this game would brought him a new things that he haven't experience before. Tags: Action, Adventure, World Travel, Romance, Sword and Magic, System, Game Elements,

DonnEll · แฟนตาซี
4 Chs

Modified Virus


Haruto turned around when he heard a low growl behind him. He saw a zombie walked out of the room at the end of the hallway.

"Kill!" He clenched his fingers around the handle of the knife and charged at the zombie.

Zombie like this was very simple. It will try to grab you first before it bite. A very simple attack pattern. As long as one was calm they could easily eliminate a zombie.

He lifted up his feet and kicked the knees of the zombie.


The zombie stumbled forward and Haruto face it with his knife.


The knife pierced the eye socket of the zombie directly killing it.

"Last one!"

Haruto turned around and saw the last zombie walked down on the stairs.

He dashed towards the zombie with a knife in his hand.


Haruto sat on the floor as he wiped the sweat on his forehead. He killed all the five zombies here in this house. It's probably safe here for the mean time.

After resting for a few minutes, he stood up. He checked all the room inside the house and as he guess there wasn't any zombies here except for the family of five.

All the needs were inside this house. There's food and it was enough for him to last for a month. He could survive here and finish the Newbie World but his evaluation would be low if he do that.

There's also a pistol here. It's probably the weapon of the father of this house. It has three ammo left for him to use.

And there's a room here full of medical equipment with medicines. Thinking about it, it seems the woman was wearing a lab coat. She's probably a doctor... or not.

It must be that the family gathered all of these and planned to stay here until the outbreak stop, that's why all the basic needs were here in this house. The only problem was one of them got bitten by zombie and got scared to tell the other members of family. Well, it's only his conjecture and nothing else were to prove it.

All in all this was the ideal house he need. All the necessities were here inside this house.

He couldn't help but think that this was what they called newbie luck.

But surviving wasn't enough for him. If he wants a high evaluation he needs to finish the other missions. The rewards from this Newbie World would determined his future growth as a player. He was also curious about the other players of this game. He couldn't wait to meet them. Come to think about it, there's a [Guild] function. He could join or create his own guild after he finished this Newbie World.

Then, there's [Mana] and [Magic Resistance] attributes in his stats, although it's zero. A veteran player must be powerful than he could imagine if they could use [Magic Spell].

"It's convenient for me if I could already use the shop function. It will help me get a high evaluation of this world." Haruto said in a low voice. If he could buy something that will help him kill the zombie easily then it would be great.

His fighting power was on the level of normal person. Once the zombies surround him, he will die inevitably. If one on one he could easily overwhelm a zombie but if they charge at him at the same time... There was no doubt about it that he will experience a painful death.

He recalled the "hint" that his phone given to him.

[Zombies and Mutated Animals could strengthen you body]

This phrase was telling him that there's something inside the zombie that will help him clear the mission. Once he get stronger his percentage of clearing the mission will also increase.

For that reason he needs to dissect the zombies that he killed.

Haruto turned and looked at the zombies that he killed.

'Sorry, I'm going to use you body for some experiment.' He thought as he slightly bowed towards the corpse.

He recalled that there's medical equipment here inside this house. He stood up and went there.

He wear a surgical mask on his face. He brought all the five zombies inside the room.

He's trying his best not to puke while dissecting the zombie.

After half an hour...

Haruto finished dissecting one zombie. He found that there's a black orb in the brain of the zombies. It has the size of a thumb and was extremely fragile. Inside it was a glossy black liquid. It was five times thicker than the black liquid in the body of the zombie.

This must be what the system was talking about. The supplements that will increase his strength or not.

Well, taking out this black orb exhausted him mentally. He need to rest for a few minutes before he proceed to take out all the black orb inside the brain of the zombies.

He removed his gloves and said in a chair. He rested his head on the table. He noticed the papers on top of the table and found a newspaper.


He was curious so he picked it up and read it. While reading the news he finally understand the history of the zombie outbreak in this world.

Six months ago, was the day that the zombie outbreak start. No one knew it and no one anticipated it. No one was prepared for this kind of calamity. It killed hundreds millions of people in the blink of an eye. The government fell down in just a week and chaos spread across the whole world.

Five months ago, a group of researchers managed to breakdown the virus and found that it already spread in the atmosphere. All the living beings in this world were infected. Once the infected died, the virus will transform along the holder and become a zombie.

Four months ago, the virus showed a sign of mutation. The zombies grew stronger and powerful. This lead to destruction of some of the human base across the world. The researchers also showed a sign of breakthrough in their research. They use the liquefied virus in the brain of the zombie to stimulate the virus inside the living human. It strengthen humans senses and abilities. It can only used once a day otherwise a person will become a zombie.

Three months ago, the researchers finally develop a vaccine to counter the virus. The vaccine was use to counter the virus so that the human could strengthen their body using the black orb without restrictions of once a day.

Two months ago, the researchers based of operation was overwhelmed by millions of zombies in just a single night. Only fifty people survive that day.

He read the newspaper with a serious expression. The news stopped two months ago so he don't have any idea what's happening in the world right now.

Well, he's going to read the small details of the news so maybe he could predict what happened right now. Or what happened to the vaccine.

Vaccine was one of the mission that he need to accomplish.

Four months had passed since the humanity found a way to get stronger so probably most of the human alive right now were much stronger than him.

He still haven't ingested a single one of those black orb but the people here have the privilege of that since four months ago. The difference in strength must be large.

The people here didn't develop a vaccine that could kill the virus instead they develop a vaccine to supplement the virus to help human evolve faster and fight the zombies. There's no point in doing that as the human wouldn't grow strong without virus and the zombies were still zombies even if they kill the virus. It would only stop the zombies and human from evolving.

Haruto putted down the newspaper and pondered for a moment. If he met a mutated zombies then he would die as he doesn't know how strong a mutated zombies.

He checked every documents here on the table if he could get some information. It will greatly help him if he know information.

He found the diary of the woman from the drawer below the table. He putted it in his pocket and saw a tube with black liquid inside.

He stood up and checked it. There's no doubt about it. This tube contains the black liquid inside the brain of the zombies. He saw the label below the tube and confirm his thoughts.

'Body Strengthening Liquid - Modified Virus.'

There's total of three tubes here. It was enough for him as there's still a lot of zombies outside the house. He could just grab one zombie and drag it inside the house.

Unfortunately, there's no vaccine here. As he thought if he wants a vaccine he must interact with the people of this world.

Now, let's proceed ingesting the black liquid first.

Haruto raised the black liquid to the level of his eyes and looked at it closely. He just need to drink this and his power will increase.

Hope you continue to support this book.

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