

A light emerged as u open your eyes to see a white room.

As you look around you see a man dressed in white with pure silver hairs and clear blue eyes.

as u stand up the man says come sit down.

A chair appeared out of nowhere u walk slowly and sits down.

The man ask you ''do you know who i am?''.

As u wonder u say no.

The man says that he is an entity known as God in your world called Earth.

He says that he want to create a webnovel with you as you have astounding talent in writing and in your imagination.

He didn't leave u no choice and explained.

When he finished he teleports u to a room.as u hear a voice in your head.

[User scan...]

[User comfirmed as Yuta Izanami.]

[Data downloading....]



[Hello. I am Kami your system]

[Say status please.]

As you are speechless the system repeats isself.

[Say Status please.]

When u said status a window appered.

[Yuta Izanami]






[Innate Talent:God Co-worker,Reincarnator,Genius]

As you are shocked you went to see the effects.

[God Co-worker]

Able to create anything when you think.


Gives +5 all stats


Being an extremely intelligent being.

as you are shocked you think of the god co worker talent and you think of a skill to learn something immediately.


[New skill]

[Analysis and Learn]

[Level 10 Mastery 1000]

Able to learn anything in a moment and analysis anything.

[End of Chapter 1]