
God Tier Uchiha- OP Naruto fanfic

Crack-fic, don't expect anything too awesome. It's also wish fulfillment...yeah you already know where this is going. OP Naruto fanfic. The main character will be extremely OP and I will not nerf him no matter what. This has a smart, laidback MC. If you like Weak, stupid MC's this isn't for you. The MC is also a realist, and everything he does will be for a reason, he will be silly and smart at the same time. A perfect mixture of both.

Malxxotic · อะนิเมะ&มังงะ
22 Chs

Schemes Of Zedith Part 1

Tokimo was currently laying in his bed at a five star hotel in the land of water. He began to question once again what his true goal was in the world, and if he should really stay bound to the naruto world. He had contemplated his life everyday, wondering what he should do with his life. He had overlooked this simple thing, purpose. For an overpowered character like himself, a purpose is necessary in order to be motivated to even do anything. He has recently found himself in something he likes to call the 'Overpowered Dilemma', Should he nerf himself to be weak and enjoy fights, or should he stay strong to not have to worry about danger while also worrying about the impeding doom also known as boredom?

He smacked himself on the head to get himself out of those endless thoughts. They caused nothing but uncertainty, and being uncertain was the worst thing one could be on the battlefield. He decided that he had found a task. It was to 'complete' Naruto. Not in the bullshit "Everyone Lived Happily ever after' way, but in a way where everyone would be satisfied. He knew that not only Naruto's happy ending was the true happy ending for the shinobi world.

Not after all the people still left unsatisfied.

And with that, Tokimo sighed, thinking about who to go to for his new motive in this world. Who could he contact. There are many things Tokimo still hasn't made his mind up on yet, and that isn't a position he would like to be in at all.

'Hey, If I have all this power, why shouldn't I just make a tailed beast for me to talk to as well? I haven't even made a sentient blade, too. It gets kind of lonely' Thought Tokimo. In those novels the main protagonist would usually have a sentient system to chat with, or in some...*Ahem* most cases fall in love with. Tokimo took his hands and placed it on his forehead and he was going to technically spawn a tailed beast inside of himself. He customized his tailed beast to be a T-rex with 9 tails and longer arms. Finally, he gave the beast a name. Zedith, the 9 tailed T-rex tailed beast.

It's a 6 year old's fantasy.

Tokimo heard rumbling in his mind, and he knew it was coming from Zedith. He was probably waking up right now. After a few moments, the rumbling came to an abrupt halt, and a deep, gruff voice spoke.

"Thank you for creating me, father. I shall devote myself to serve you." Zedith announced.

'Father? It's so weird that a tailed beast is calling me father. Although, I would take this any day over a tailed beast calling me 'daddy'. "No problem, Zedith. What powers do you feel within you?" Tokimo asked.

"I can shoot tailed beast bombs, and use my tails to summon 9 velociraptors that can aid in battle. They are about the same size as Gamabunta. It seems I also have the ability to change my mass at will." Answered Zedith, truthfully.

"How do you know about Gamabunta, you were just born?" Asked Tokimo.

"Since I am located within your mindscape and sealed within you, I have access to the general knowledge of this world. Do not worry though, father. I can't read your mind."

"That's real convenient, isn't it. Zedith, what do you suppose we do right now carrying forward? I have all this power, and I know what the end goal is, but not necessarily how to get there."

"Well, father, Maybe you could influence the Uchiha. I'm sure that by now, the leaf has heard of your accomplishments in defeating Yagura and his army. While many might be scared, the younger generation of the Uchiha will probably be more susceptible to being manipulated towards your cause. They wont be as brainwashed with the leaf 'will of fire' as the older ones, why not recruit them as students?"

(A/N: I'd like to give Hyuga_Tobirama credit for this idea of recruiting young Uchiha members. I liked it, so I put it in the story. )

"I like your train of thinking, the thing is how exactly would I carry this manipulating out? Naruto is about 4 now, so The Uchiha should already be under heavy surveillance by now. How could I take them under my tutelage without causing havoc, how could I carry this out if they have parents?" Tokimo asked.

"Father, all you have to do is visit the Leaf orphanage. With Uchiha and their pride, they will most likely disown a child, or banish them from the clan if they aren't strong or living up to Uchiha standards. The people that end up getting into these situations are normally children, because they have to start showing potential at a young age. It is not uncommon for members of a clan to look down on weaker members." Explained Zedith.

"If the child is looked down upon, they become emotionally weak, and in that emotionally weak state they become..." Continued Tokimo.

"Naive." Both of them said at the same time.

"Zedith, you are freakishly clever. Who would've known that you would be such a schemer."

"Father, I'm sure that you are much more intelligent than I could ever hope to be, no need to flatter me." Zedith replied.

'This is 'Sasuga Ainz Sama' All over again...' Thought Tokimo.

Guys, this is one of the 12 chapters that will be dropping at random times within short time frames. Please tell me if you liked this chapter.

Malxxoticcreators' thoughts