
God Slayer: Ultimate Mistake*cancelled*

They say mistakes happen but not one on this large of a scale. A young village boy who is treated unfairly in his village kills the gods of Cyclops by mistake and as his punishment he is forced to take the stressful mantle of a god slayer.

Spaz_Dragon · แฟนตาซี
5 Chs

Chapter 1: Mistakes Happen

*World History*

Once there was nothing and suddenly a single being came into existence. This being was born with almost limitless power. He decided to create the universe and it was infinite. He decided it was empty so he created the heavens and planets. A specific planet where he took interest in was earth for when he created it, multiple beings sprouted into existence. These beings known as the titans. He decided to observe earth. Soon the titans were defeated by the first declared Gods. After this the observer decided to make a scene. He was challenged by the god of thunder Zeus who suffered a loss. The observer gained the name the one above all. After a while the one above all blasted his energy all over the earth creating multiple high gods who made their own gods and respectable territories. Many gods came into existence and territories named themselves e.g the Greek Gods. The one above all decided to create his own territory and instead of filling it with fellow gods, he filled it with Angels. He thought Angels wouldn't ever challenge him to be the high god but to his disappointment some angel strayed from the Divine path. After that the one above all created the first human. And humanity prospered. After years and years humans rebelled against the gods. A particularly hard time for gods was the era of God Slayers. Humans who could topple gods. Some territories fell due to this and others remained with few gods. A fallen one was the Roman gods. An injured one was was the Greek gods. After this era the gods resettled.

*Story Start*

*3rd POV*

In a small village near the mountains lived a small community. The community worked together and everyone lived in peace and harmony except for one kid who the village shunned. The boy was Matigai Aoi. The boy lived just outside the village. The boy had brown hair, brown eyes and he was pretty skinny. His only forms of clothing were a yellow shirt and brown pants with no shoes. He worked for one of the village's farmers to earn a little food. One day the kids of the village were doing their usual bullying of Matigai. He tried to fight back but the ganged up on him. After beating him up they forced him to climb the mountain next to the village. They said if he doesn't climb they'll kill him. Matigai thought to himself (It's probably my fault those guys beat me up. I'll apologize after climbing.) Matigai kept climbing. After four hours of nonstop climbing Matigai had reached the middle of the mountain. He was exhausted. "I must keep climbing." He got up and started climbing and after an hour he felt as if his body was about to fail him. Matigai wasn't physically gifted or anything but he had a will equal to the gods might. This boy never gave up on something he felt he had to do so he started climbing like crazy. Eventually after three hours he reached the summit. At the summit he found a sword stuck in a rock. He was curious so he touched the sword and a furious voice shouted from below the mountain. "Who dares touch my sword!" The young lad went to the edge of the summit to see a giant cyclops climbing the mountain. "Sorry sir! Let me hand you your sword!" Matigai ran to the sword and he lifted it. It easily came out of the rock but it was intensely heavy so it pulled his body towards the edge of the summit as he fell off the mountain. His fall caused his body to twist and turn. As it was in Matigai's hands the sword fell on the giant's head sharp point first as Matigai's body weight caused the sword to slide through the giant's head. The giant fell. It at least broke Matigai's fall but the young lad was covered in the blood if the giant. The kids from the village saw the blood covered Matigai standing on top of the giant's body. Fear came over them and the weather turned from clear skies to a roaring thunderstorm in a second. "Who killed Cyclo!" A lighting bolt struck Matigai and the giant's body. And what was left was a burnt spot. The kids ran back to the village in terror as the weather went back to clear skies. Matigai woke up in a court surrounded by gods. He was cuffed up with gold chains. He looked at the highest chair and he saw a being of pure light. He was blinded. The gods were talking until the light being said "QUIET! We're here to discuss this mortal killing the gods of Cyclopses Cyclo the invincible. The mortal before us is Matigai Aoi! Mortal! How do you plead?" Matigai remained scilent and went to his knees as his eyes went lifeless. He started breaching heavily. "I-I-I-I plead guilty." The gods went crazy. "I'm sorry! It was my fault! Mercy please!" "He pleads guilty! His sentence for murdering Cyclo is.." "Not murder. He slayed Cyclo!" The gods turned to see Hades the god of the underworld. He walked to the one above all and said "This mortal slayed a god! God slayers hasn't existed since that era! Many gods died but others survived that should have died that era! We should make this mortal a God slayer that kills the ones we believe should be dead!" The gods lost it and agreed with Hades. The one above all agreed "Mortal! You will be God slayer! You will use the very sword you killed Cyclo with. In order for you to lift it. I bless you with divine strength! Now leave!" Guards took Matigai away as the lad realized his life had changed forever.