
God Reincarnates To Become Debauched

Toby reincarnates as Arthur and gets birthed by a debauched mother. Little did he know that his whole family is just as debauched as his mother. But there is much much more for him to discover and many many more for him to fuck. (This novel will be a degenerate shit fest. Smut will always come first in priorities. Almost all chapters will be rated 18+ or have mature elements in them. All categories of disgusting and degenerate shit will be included in them. The only thing I can promise is that the MC will not get NTRed and there will be no Scat content. Watersports is a fair deal. The MC will always be OP and a complete degenerate fucklord. He will not be an idiot) (This novel is heavily inspired by 'Vampire's Slice-of-life', 'Pocket Hunting Dimension', 'I Can Track Everything', 'Never Die Extra' and many more that my troglodyte brain can't remember the names of.)

Debauched_God · แฟนตาซี
10 Chs

Meeting Others (R-18)

3: Meeting Others (R-18)

(IMPORTANT; READ IT WANKERS: I'm thinking about making a series which will have stand-alone stories in each chapter. Each story will be a smut with its own themes and its own characters. Essentially every chapter will be a hentai on its own.

This will give me a lot more flexibility to make smut scenes that a rigid MC can't give me. Let's not lie here, most of you guys and girls are here to wank off(Yup, I've seen the demographics, alot of women are also reading this smut). What's better than to wank off on each chapter without getting blue-balled or getting dry spelled.

The market is already filled with Smut-Action. Even this novel 'GRTBD' was inspired by many of them.

Let me know your thoughts and comment down below. I'll only make one of the smuts so your decision has consequences.)

Sonia crouched down on top of me and put on a pondering expression.

I could see her boobs hanging almost perpendicular to her chest as she bent her waist.

'Sweet mother of gods, natural tits are the best! Her boobs are so mouldable looking and look at the milk drops forming on her nipple!'

"Alright Arty, I've decided… now let's dress up!"

She again raised her hand and summoned clothes out of nowhere. Her's was a simple white gown with buttons to open up her breast flaps and feed me. Mine were cozy looking light blue onesie.

She put a nappy on me and helped me wear the onesie and then wrapped me up in a cocoon again. She wore her gown in a very slow and sexy way, as if she knew that I'd watch her.

She took me to a full body mirror in the corner of the room and I finally saw myself for the first time.

If I had teeth I would've accidentally bitten my tongue. If I had enough dexterity right now, then I would've pinched my face until it was red like a tomato.

I was just that cute…

I was a bit bigger and more developed than what a normal new born would be like. I had small white fuzz on my head and had the same blue-turquoise eyes like my mother. I used to refer to just newly born babies as chewed up gum before but I was nothing like that. I never hated kids. As a guy who wanted a family, I had even yearned for them. But I had never had this level of affection seeing a baby. The baby in the mirror was just so damn cute!

I had porcelain like skin with no excessive reddishness of a newborn. My face was chubby and cute, as expected of a baby, and large blue-turquoise eyes further accentuated my cuteness.

Call it narcissism if you want, but my eyes didn't want to leave the mirror. I could see why Sonia was so obsessed with me.

"Ho~ My baby looks so cute!~ Does Mama look good to you too?~"



She chuckled and led me to the bed again.

She laid down with me in her arms and summoned a light circle made of weird characters. I wasn't surprised but I couldn't ever get tired of seeing this magic thingy.

"You guys~ You can come in now~ My darling is fine and healthy~ And don't make much noise when you come in."

Not even 5 seconds passed since she spoke to the light circle and we heard the door opening.


"Don't yell! My darling was just born yesterday!" But she was yelling too…

"*Sigh* You crazy woman… you really gave birth just by yourself… at least you could've let me help out…"

"My darling only wanted to see my face on his first day. Right darling?~"


I just fed my crazy mother's obsession with cute noises, while the voice reprimanded her.

"This… crazy woman…"

Sonia lowered her hand and I finally saw who had come in… and they saw me too.



"Hey! I said quiet down!"

I saw an exquisite lady with dark purple hair and pink eyes. Her body shape seemed very curvy but was hidden perfectly by her noble dress. Her beauty was only second to my own mother. The crazy part was that she seemed to be pregnant too and I could tell from her tummy that she would be giving birth pretty soon. She seemed to be the one who was talking the most.

Next to that lady, was a gruff looking woman with black hair and red eyes. She seemed very attractive too but she had hidden her charms under a strict appearance. She didn't wear a dress but a pair of shirt and trousers. Her oversized shirt was trying its best to hide her big perky breasts and her bubbly butt.

In front of the two grown up women were two girls seemingly around the age of 14-15. One had silver hair in a ponytail and orange eyes and the other one had dark blue hair out in the open and green eyes. But thats besides the point. They both had pointy ears… Their ears weren't long like I would imagine an elf's to be, but just normal human sized, with pointy ends.

They were both quite cute and looked like they'd grow up to be country toppling beauties.

"My Darling Arthur~ Let me introduce them to you~..."

"Hello Arthur~ Who'z a goood boi?~ My name is Maria~ "

The purple haired woman cut in and came over to me. I could see her deep cleavage when she bent down to talk to me. Sonia seemed to be irked by Maria coming close to me.

"Hey! Get away from my baby! You're getting too close!"

"You've already blocked us from him for a full day and now you have the gal to say that. Not only am I gonna get close, I'm also gonna hold him in my arms. Let's see if you're shameless enough to block us, right Ladies?"

Miria riled up the ladies at the back, they nodded back at her.

"*Sigh* At Least let me introduce all of you to him"

Sonia turned my body to face the other three and beckoned them to come closer.

"Arthur~ The big lady with black hair is my personal guard, Rose. She has been with me since I was 5."

Mom introduced Rose and Rose gave a faint smile to me. Her lips were twitching, trying to restrict herself from smiling wider.

"These are my two lovely adoptive daughters, Elora and Fina."

From the way Mom pointed at them, the silver one was Elora and the blue one was Fina.

"Sonia, the introductions are complete. Now, give us our little Arthur. "

Mom sighed and let Maria hold me.

"Ah~ he's so cuuute! You three, come over here!"

The other ladies also came over and poked and prodded at me. I gave my best impression by making happy noises and that seemed to have made them fall in love with me even more.

"Ah~ You haven't tried someone else's milk have you? Do you want to try Aunt Maria's milk?" Maria came out of nowhere and asked me.

How could I ever say no. Almost every guy had interacted with a very sexy woman at one point when he was just a little child. Their only regret when growing up was that they didn't take full advantage of the situation at that time and do some perverted shit.

I immediately made happy noises. I had been eyeing her milkers for all this while.


"Hey! I only let you hold him, nothing more!"

"But he seems so happy to try my milk… do you really want to see him be unhappy?~"

"Tsk, do what you want…"

Sonia relented when she looked at my goofy smiling face.

Rose went behind Maria and I heard a zipping noise. Rose then came up to me and held me softly while Maria stripped her upper half slowly. She widened the gap at the back of her dress and let her back escape her dress. She then slowly took out her arms from her long sleeves one by one very seductively and finally dropped her dress down to her waist.

She was beautiful….

Even if her stomach was bulging because of her pregnancy, it couldn't take away the fact that she had a very naughty figure. She was thicc in all the right places and had extremely voluptuous boobs. The boobs didn't sag but they also didn't have the artificial stiffness of fake tits, they were a work of art. Her nipples were rosy and pink, her milk was already leaking out of them. I couldn't see her pussy but I could anticipate that it was just as beautiful too.

Maria took hold of me again and brought me to her nipple. She smelled like berries. I could already anticipate how she would taste and I latched onto the nipple like it was my last meal and ...SUCKED. Her milk was very different from mom, it had a slight tangy undertone to it, very much like berries.

I could feel Maria jolt and shiver at my aggressive sucking but she had no idea what I was gonna do to her next.

After sucking for a minute, I started making small movements with my tongue. I started to lick her juicy hardening nipple.


All the other ladies except for mom looked at her in confusion. Mom on the other hand had a sly smile on her face.

Maria tried hard to not moan anymore and only shivered with me in her hands.

"You guys don't worry, it's the first time she's feeding someone, it's a 'strange~' feeling. She'll get used to it, eventually~"

Maria shot her gaze at Sonia. I thought she didn't like it that much, and just had stricter values. Just from what I've seen, she was probably Sonia's close friend and some debauchery just wasn't worth ruining the atmosphere here, so I started to slow down my licks…

But something unexpected happened.

As my licks slowed down, she pushed my head further into her juicy malleable tit as if urging me to lick more.

'I shouldn't expect Sonia's friends to be normal…'

Now that I had the 'go-ahead', I started to lick her nipple at the highest speed I could muster. Honestly, I was feeling good too. The tingling sensation on my tongue when it scrapes at her nipple was simply divine.


Mom and the other ladies continued to talk while Maria squirmed and shivered secretly, tightly clutching onto me. She breathed and heaved deeply, trying her best to not eek out a moan, but her everytime she exhaled, she shuddered in euphoria.

'Man, she's so sensitive…'

From the signs she had been displaying, I could guess that she was close to her climax… by only nipple-play…

Knowing this, I renewed all my efforts. I sucked hard to the point that her milk was practically spraying to the back of my throat. My small slimy tongue went side to side, back and forth, scraping and caressing the underside of her nipple vigorously.

All her reactions started to get exaggerated at my boosted actions. She had practically shoved my whole face in her soft, warm teat. I could hear her low but shuddering breaths and her pounding heart.

She had been holding out for such a long time, but I didn't plan to make her continue this way. I had a secret weapon in my arsenal.

My toothless soft gums bit onto the base of her nipple while my tongue continued to do its work.

The new stimulation broke all her defenses.


She had finally cummed.

She bit her lips and tried to stifle her small climax driven moans. She started to jolt and her hips to thrust forward repeatedly, grinding her ass on the bed. Her shudders, powerful enough to even shake and jiggle her massive tits. I even started to smell some berry-scented whiffs, it was probably her pussy juice.

While Maria was basking in her ecstasy, I looked around with my eyes and saw that Rose had her eyes squinted on Maria. She had probably discovered what was going on here… but that only made it more kinkier for me, hehehe.

"Ah~ Maria~ Was it fun feeding my darling?~ Darling, did you like it?~" Mom asked after Maria started to normalize her condition.


I laughed in baby language.

"Hoo~ My baby liked it~ Do you want Mama's milk now?~"


Even though I was only a day oId, I thought I would be in a mess if I showed even a little less enthusiasm towards this 'obsessed mother' than I showed towards Maria. So I made happy noises as loud as my lungs could support.

Mom didn't let Maria come over but came to her herself to pick me. She leaned into Maria's ears and whispered. Luckily I was less than a foot away from their faces, so I could listen to them, loud and clear.

"Maria, my son has already marked you now~ I don't know if my son will like you when he grows up but I can't let you have a normal delivery now. Please preserve your vagina for my son, just to be safe. What do you say? Do you agree? I'll operate on you. You'll have the Dean of Atlas Academy operate on you personally. What do you say? Would you like to be with my son in the future?"


Even without seeing her expressions, I knew that she was dumbfounded, because I was too….

'What the fuck?! Wasn't she supposed to be obsessed with me? Why is she trying to marry me off to someone else now?!'

Maria finally opened her mouth.

"Only if the marriage of my soon to be born daughter is guaranteed with Arthur."

I felt a bit of reluctance in her voice.

"I can't guarantee anything, just like I gave you a choice, my son is free to choose as well, I won't force him. But I will wholeheartedly accept your daughter as my daughter-in-law if they get together."


There was almost a business-like tone in Maria's voice. I had only known her for a few minutes but even I felt an incongruity between her upbeat self and this voice. They didn't match up at all, and felt very uncanny.

"You misunderstood me Maria, I'm not making a deal. I really want you and your daughter to be part of my house now. That shitty swamp of schemes has already wilted you more than enough. So come here to my place, permanently, as family this time."


Maria's monotonous demeanor melted instantly when she heard Sonia.

"Hehe~ So we agree then~ "

"W-We still don't know if Arty will even like me or not when he grows up..."

"Well, he's still a baby so you're worrying a bit too early my future daughter-in-law~"

'Man…. they got a deeper story than I thought….'

Mom gave a small kiss on Maria's forehead, then took me in her arms and went back to her place.

Elora and Fina were confused at why it took so long to pick me up but Rose didn't even try to express her curiosity. Just like she was introduced, she was my mom's guard. Even if she was here on a personal visit, she still had a professional attitude of not interfering and poking her nose.

Things settled and they all talked for sometime. Elora and Fina stuck beside Sonia on either side and played with me.

My hands were tied in the cocoon but I tried my best to play along with them through giggling and expressing my happiness. Well, they were my sisters after all, adoptive or not. They also seemed very sweet, not a hint of jealousy or envy in their actions.

After sometime, they all exited the room to give me and my mom some rest.

I had already had my fill of milk now, so mom laid me beside her on the bed to let me sleep.

I finally had time to see what the fuck I got from the beginner's package.


You're watching tv.

Suddenly the show is interrupted and a sexy naked lady came on the screen.

She grabbed hold of her massive tits and swayed them left and right, repeatedly.

"Give him the Power Stones~" She said in a sultry voice.

Your eyes moved left and right, following her swaying tits.Your gaze transfixed on her massive tiddies and her inviting cute pink nipples.

"Give him the Power Stones~"

"Give him the Power Stones~"

"Give him the Power Stones~"

She spoke repeatedly, each time her voice getting more hornier and moanier.

Your eyes glazed over and your mouth opened on its own.

"Give him the Power Stone…"

Without knowing it, you start chanting the same thing…

You are hypnotized…


Debauched_Godcreators' thoughts