
God of Velocity

In this riveting tale, an ordinary man finds his life turned upside down when he makes an extraordinary deal with the Speed Force. The agreement? To step into the shoes of Barry Allen, the beloved speedster from the CW series. Thrust into a world of super-speed, time travel, and dangerous villains, our protagonist must navigate the challenges of being The Flash, all while grappling with the reality of his new identity. He's no longer just an average man; he's a hero tasked with safeguarding Central City. As he learns to harness his powers and tackle threats, he also grapples with the complexities of Barry's relationships and the weight of his past decisions. From battling metahumans to mending friendships, every day is a test of his fortitude and resilience. But can an ordinary man truly fill the shoes of an extraordinary hero? Can he uphold the legacy of Barry Allen and keep Central City safe? This gripping narrative explores the journey of an everyday man, transformed by destiny, and his quest to honor a hero's legacy while carving his own path. #Multiverse

Taidanotsumi · อะนิเมะ&มังงะ
27 Chs

Chapter 27: Metahuman War Part 2

Superman and the woman clashed with immense force, their hands interlocking as they pushed against each other, exerting tremendous pressure and causing the road beneath them to shatter, forming a sprawling crater resembling a spider's web.

As they continued to exert their strength, the crater deepened, evidence of the titanic struggle taking place.

Pulling their heads back simultaneously, they both delivered powerful headbutts, resulting in bleeding foreheads for both Superman and the woman.

The woman utilized forward momentum, leaping onto Superman's thigh and delivering a powerful kick to his chin.

As a result, both combatants loosened their grip and found themselves several meters apart.

Rushing towards each other once more, Superman unleashed a massive punch, but the woman expertly ducked under it and countered with an uppercut, followed by a flying back kick that sent Superman sprawling.

Before he could regain his footing, the woman closed the distance with remarkable speed, launching a downward kick aimed at Superman's head.

Reacting swiftly, Superman managed to block the attack at the last second, though he couldn't help but acknowledge the force behind it. 'Heavy,' he thought to himself.

Superman's eyes ignited with power as he unleashed a searing laser beam directly at the woman.

She gracefully backflipped away, crossing her arms to block the intense energy with silver wristbands glinting in the light.

Undeterred, Superman continued to advance, his determination unwavering.

However, his focus was suddenly shattered by a blaster shot striking his side, sending him hurtling through the air and weakening him instantly.

Struggling to rise, Superman was overwhelmed by the effects of the kryptonite exposure, his skin burning and his armor destroyed, revealing the absence of the iconic "S" symbol on his chest and the sight of his charred, unprotected flesh.

"Argh! This is the same thing that brought me down before," Superman muttered, his voice strained with pain and frustration.

The group of soldiers rejoiced in their success, with the leader declaring, "Mission accomplished."

Descending from their vantage point, the soldiers approached Superman, intent on subduing him further with kryptonite powder. As they administered the substance, rendering Superman unconscious once more, the leader expressed gratitude to the woman.

"Thank you, Diana, for your assistance," the leader acknowledged.

Diana replied confidently, "No problem. I'm here to assist in recapturing the escaped inmate."

Despite their efforts, Martian Manhunter arrived on the scene and swiftly whisked Superman away from the soldiers' grasp.

Diana was taken aback by Martian Manhunter's sudden appearance. Determined to prevent Superman's escape, she leaped into the air and took flight, pursuing Martian Manhunter with resolve.

"Don't you dare run," Diana warned, her voice echoing with determination.

As Diana closed in on Martian Manhunter, he swiftly dropped to the ground and phased his entire body, rendering himself invisible.

Diana, realizing she had lost track of her target, unleashed a powerful punch that created a large crater, but Martian Manhunter was nowhere to be found.

Frustrated, Diana activated her earpiece communicator and relayed the situation. "They got away," she reported to her team.

An authoritative voice responded, calming her frustration. "It's alright, Diana. We managed to capture the other one. We'll catch them next time."

The voice belonged to Lex Luthor, who observed the unconscious body of Barry Allen, The Flash, contained within a force field prison from his secret base.


Barry, alias The Flash, found himself besieged by a swarm of soldiers, their sheer numbers overwhelming him.

'There are too many,' he thought grimly to himself as he swiftly launched a series of jabs, managing to knock a few of them unconscious.

Despite his best efforts, Barry struggled without his speed, reduced to fighting at a level akin to that of a super soldier. He attempted to evade their attacks, but a blow landed squarely on his back, causing him to stagger.

Reacting swiftly, Barry pivoted and unleashed a spinning kick, striking several of the soldiers and momentarily thinning their ranks.

However, the onslaught showed no sign of relenting, and Barry knew he was in for a long and arduous battle for survival.

Despite Barry's extraordinary efforts and remarkable strength, the relentless onslaught began to take its toll.

Overpowering hundreds of soldiers proved taxing, even for someone with super soldier abilities. As fatigue set in, Barry's movements slowed, and his consciousness wavered.

Eventually, exhaustion overwhelmed him, and Barry succumbed to unconsciousness, collapsing amidst the defeated soldiers.

The remaining soldiers, weary from their intense battle with the formidable opponent, regrouped and assessed the situation.

Notifying their general, the soldiers relayed the outcome of the encounter, prompting the arrival of several government officials, including Lex Luthor.

With Barry subdued and the immediate threat neutralized, they began to strategize their next course of action.

"So, this is The Flash," Lex remarked, observing Barry's unconscious form with a mixture of curiosity and satisfaction.

"We are grateful for your creation of the Meta-human power-disabling EMP," the first official expressed, acknowledging Lex's contribution to the situation.

Lex knelt down beside Barry, gently patting his face. "You'll make an excellent subject for experimentation," he commented with a chilling tone.

Meanwhile, the other officials turned their attention to the soldier who had led the operation. "How many soldiers did we lose?" one of them inquired.

"Approximately 200 soldiers were killed, and around 150 sustained severe injuries," the soldier reported somberly, revealing the heavy toll of the encounter.

-Flashback Ends-

Star Labs,

J'onn gently placed Clark on the medical bed, his concern evident as he prepared to administer treatment. "Clark, please hold on. I'll do everything I can to help you," he reassured, his voice laced with worry.

Startled by J'onn's sudden appearance, Caitlin let out a scream, but J'onn swiftly calmed her using his telepathic abilities. "I'm J'onn, the same J'onn you've met before," he explained calmly. "Can you assist him?"

Caitlin's eyes widened as she assessed Clark's injuries. "What happened to him?" she inquired, her concern mirroring J'onn's.

"I'm not sure," J'onn admitted. "Please, treat him as quickly as possible. I need to find Barry; he may be in danger."

Caitlin was taken aback by the urgency in J'onn's voice. "What?" she exclaimed, realizing the gravity of the situation.

As J'onn swiftly flew out of the medical room, Cisco, who was rushing towards the area, witnessed the unexpected sight and was startled by the sudden appearance.

Reaching Caitlin's side, Cisco inquired, "Why did you scream?" However, as his gaze fell upon Clark's critical condition, shock washed over him.

Seeing Clark's state, Caitlin explained with a tremor in her voice, "I... I didn't expect... this."

Cisco's concern deepened as he took in the severity of Clark's injuries. "We need to do something," he said urgently, realizing the gravity of the situation.


Clark jolted awake, his heart racing and his body drenched in sweat, having just witnessed a nightmare in which his adoptive parents were murdered by government agents.

Taking in his surroundings, he realized he was in Star Labs. "What happened... I'm in Star Labs?" he questioned, his confusion mingled with relief at his safe surroundings.

Caitlin approached him gently, offering reassurance. "Yes, you are," she confirmed.

Clark regarded her with suspicion, still shaken by his dream. "Who are you?" he asked cautiously.

"I'm Dr. Caitlin Snow, a friend of Barry's," Caitlin replied, trying to ease his apprehension with a warm smile.

"Where is J'onn and Barry?" Clark demanded, his urgency palpable as he sought answers.

"J'onn is in the cortex, but as for Barry, we don't know what happened to him," Caitlin responded.

Clark's surprise was evident as he absorbed this information, but without wasting a moment, he vanished from the med bay, intent on reaching the cortex.

"Wait, you're still injured!" Caitlin called out, but Clark had already disappeared.

In the cortex, Cisco, J'onn, Ronnie, and Professor Stein were gathered, awaiting Clark's arrival.

"J'onn, please explain," Clark urged as he entered the room.

J'onn turned to face him, his expression grave. "Barry may have been captured by the same individual," he revealed.

"Fuck!" Clark cursed under his breath, feeling a surge of guilt. He couldn't shake the feeling that this was somehow his fault.

"This is not your fault, it is mine," J'onn asserted, attempting to assuage Clark's feelings of responsibility.

Cisco chimed in, dismissing blame altogether. "It's no one's fault. This is that bald guy's fault," he declared, projecting an image of Lex Luthor's face onto the screen.

Clark recognized these individuals as Barry's friends, grateful for their support and understanding.

Caitlin, Cisco, Ronnie, and Professor Stein had been briefed on the situation after witnessing the arrival of the green alien in Star Labs.

Turning to Gideon for guidance, Professor Stein inquired, "Do you have any idea where he could be?"

"I'm sorry, I don't have any information regarding that," Gideon replied, leaving them at a loss for Barry's whereabouts. They now faced the daunting challenge of locating their friend with limited leads.

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