A human of the future sacrifices himself to destroy humanity's enemy and gets reincarnated in Tensura or that time I got reincarnated as a slime with knowledge of the show. MC is moraly gray, slightly dark, but will for example try to save people if they're in grave danger and won't be a big problem to him. Three chapters every week
Hearing the voice of the world still as glitched out as before Ray could only sigh before looking further into his new abilities.
It was like looking at your hand and instinctively knowing how to use it.
A chuckle escaped Ray's mouth as he stood up and disappeared within moments.
Ray traveled to another Timeline then another, then another, he kept switching places just like he took a casual Walk through the Multiverse, seeing modern civilizations, destroyed planets, empty spaces and so much more.
He stopped when he came across a really modern civilization, one that has technology on the level of the late 20th century.
He quickly checked his immediate vicinity with [Temporal Awareness] putting a really large chunk of his magicules into it.
Ray fell to the ground, his face full of exhaustion, he was able to perceive the whole continent he was standing on AND its near future!
All of the information overloaded his brain of course but he stood up immediatly after, his fate being rewritten so that he only perceived the utmost limit of space with his ability.
Ray turned around and used blink to get into a weapons shop taking a handgun with him before switching Timelines once again.
A few minutes pass as Ray constantly shifted in and out of existence visiting dozens of worlds until he finds one with the perfect conditions for his little experiment.
He uses [Temporal Awareness] once again, learning from his mistakes he chugs the perfect amount of magicules into it to not be overwhelmed and used <blink> to teleport into one of the military bases on this planet, his gun still on hold.
"We can't save them, it's impossible!" A bald man said, multiple military ornaments on his person
"But Sir, without them only we remain as the last stronghold of humanity." Another man said, he had brown hair and was clearly beneath the bald man in rank.
"I know, I know but our troops are already spread scarce, we can't afford to risk our base and resources to help a sinking ship."
"Then let me form a team and rescue them alo-"
"Hello there." A man with fluffy black hair appeared, playfully sitting on the main table, a grin plastered on his face. He had clock like structures inside his eyes that would creep one out if looked at long enough with intensity.
It took the arguing men a few moments before reacting to the sudden appearance of Ray, they took out their holstered handguns and shot at him multiple times.
It took the men a few seconds to realize that the bullets didn't hit the man.
His smile widened as the men looked to the ground seeing all the bullets cleanly cut in half by something invisible.
"That's not a good way to greet visitors, especially if they come with good intentions." As Ray said that the string plastered around the whole room became visible before disappearing in plain sight once again.
"Who are you!? How did you get into here?! What do you want from us?!"
The blad man asked as the brown haired one stepped in front of him protecting him in case this escalates.
"Mhhm let's think about this for a moment," Ray said still sitting on the table his eyes turning sharp for a moment. "I am the devil. And I am here to propose a deal to you." He said his smile ever widening.
"I'll get rid of those walking corpses and in return I want you to give me your soul."
"Who do you thi-" The brown haired man yelled out with fury but got stopped midway through by his superior, the bald man.
The bald man looked into the eyes of the being that called itself the devil, his gaze neither wavering nor showing fear, just pure conviction.
"If you can get rid of those things J will do everything in my power to accomplish your request."
"But Sir we don't even kno-"
Humanity is going to be exterminated in mere years from now, whatever we do doesn't matter in the grand scheme of things, we just keep on struggling to the end. SO IS THIS HOW WE ARE GOING TO END? NO! I will even sacrifice my soul if it means humanity can stand tall once again."
Ray's face morphed into a true grin, one not to intimidate or to sell his role but one that shows respect and joy.
"People like you truly show what I fought for, what I died for, I like you so I'll do this for free but learn from your mistakes, or next time I may come not with the intention to protect humanity but to annihilate it."
Ray released his [Demon Lord Haki] coupled with some bloodlust, the brown haired guy falls to the ground unconscious, but the bald man stood still, his gaze firm on Ray's eyes, his duty to humanity was more important than animalistic fear.
"I like you even more than before." With that Ray blinked out of the base. The bald man finally hit the ground vomiting his salvia, exhausted mentally.
"Let's hope then that we don't see you again *Cough* *Cough*"
On the surface, hordes of previously dead humans were walking amidst long forgotten ruins of buildings and crumpled down streets.
A human like being appeared on one of the still standing Skyscrapers, while his appearance may suggest that he's human his strength was leagues above normal humans, this being focused his gaze on the walking undead beneath his feet.
"It's really weird seeing zombies in real life, I mean being reincarnated in the first place was weird enough, especially in a novel you once read, but this is even more surreal somehow."
"Maybe it's just that I grew accustomed to seeing Tensura characters, and now that zombies were added my world was broadened once again?"
"Whatever let's just start," Ray said as he loaded the gun with a standard magazine.
He took aim expertly thanks to his experience in handling guns, even though they were more sci-fi, and pulled the trigger.
As the bullet left its barrel Ray froze Time and pierced said bullet that was suspended in the air with a black string made by [Ouroboros, Lord of Fate].
He unfroze time but a beautiful phenomenon happened. The bullet sprang into many pieces due to some failure in its launch, but instead of becoming useless, the pieces of the bullet all went onto a trajectory with the heads of the zombies.
All the bullet parts hit zombies, twelve in total, and all twelve died instantly, the corpses smashed into other zombies afterward immobilizing those zombies beneath them, some of them even being crushed to death, now a total of 23 zombies died.
"That's pretty good... for one string" Ray shot another bullet and stopped time as it left the barrel, this time hundreds, no thousand millions or possibly even billions of threads pierced the bullet.
Time was unfrozen afterward and the bullet without irregularities killed a zombie by piercing its skull.
But what happened afterward was truly terrifying, one zombie after the other fell to the ground, some of their heads showing bullet entry points.
The wave of collapsing zombies grew exponentially bigger and within mere hours almost nine billion corpses littered the ground, this world got rid of its evils by making a deal with the devil.
Ray also fell to the ground sweat building up on his forehead, a mad chuckle escaping his mouth "I was able to kill so many of them but this isn't even scraping the bottom of [Ouroboros]... hahahahah... I've truly done it didn't I? I've become OP."
'[Ouroboros] is just op, it allows me to manipulate Fate in two ways, Fate of luck and Fate of opportunity.
Fate of Luck is pretty simple, enhance any object, creature, or concept with Fate strings and be prepared to get multi-kills with no end in sight, though that effect is only temporary and not stackable.
Fate of opportunity is... strong. A little mind game, if you had the choice to kill either a mass R*per or a mass child murderer who would you choose to kill? Well with this ability, that choice gets easier, just kill both.
With this ability, fate can be altered in small ways like rerouting a bullet's trajectory, effectively multiplying said bullet. But this abilities' real strength is when it's used on myself, by changing my own fate I can heal wounds or better said, make them never happen.
Couple that with my huge magicule reserves thanks to my new race, which also strengthens all Time related skills by a large margin and you have the ultimate undying glass cannon build.
The only way to kill me now is by moving fate itself by your sheer force, having fate on one's side so that my fate is 100% death in all cases or... well there are no more ways to kill me.
[Library] is also pretty useful, it enables me to copy and remember every spell I've seen at least being cast once, as long as I have the right physiology, talent, and or race for it.'
Ray was brought out from his monologue as a giant pigman entered his office where he was drinking tea.
"Sir, a black haired woman, wearing a white face mask, that said she knew you has been making some trouble in the city and... I'm sorry to admit this but nobody is able to stop her, neither the white corps nor any other fighting force."
"Guide her to me then," Ray said as he took another sip from his cup signaling the orc to leave.
Integrating the orcs was hard at the beginning but with Time people accepted them as they were seen to help R'yleh grow, both political parties also appreciated them as they were straightforward people that rarely lied.
Currently, two orc tribes exist, the one in the Jura forest, the other here in R'yleh, but there was rarely any sort of communication with them. When the previous Orc lord died all the contracts were thrown away too so now both tribes are just strangers with similar origins.
The door was smashed open as an annoyed Chloe entered.
"We had a deal!"
"I was just a bit sleepy at that time."
"You were asleep for three weeks!?!"
"You know what? I think I'm sleepy once again, see you when I wake up again *Yawn*"
"STOP" Before Ray could close his eyes the Hero stood in front of him shaking his shoulders a small tear escaping her eye.
"I- I'm sorry." Seeing Chloe desperately hanging to a small bit of hope to save Rimuru cleared Ray's mind, he shouldn't take this so light heartedly, Chloe is on an eternal journey to save him, he should take this more seriously.
"To save him, even though it sounds poetic, you need to let him go.
When he quits being a teacher to your younger self you need to let him go, if you're unable to do that yourself at the time because of your time mumbo jumbo I'll take on that job... I have my reasons." Ray didn't know in which Timeline he was exactly and saving Rimuru would only be a plus.
He would gain favor from a soon to be god and due to Rimuru, this world will become a utopia, nothing Ray would say no to.
"Thanks." Chloe wiped away her tear standing up immediatly after hope shining in her eyes, that's also one thing Ray didn't know, was he in the Light novel or Webnovel version of the world, LN would mean that Chloe gets [Sarion Lord of Hope] only, later on, WN version dictates that she already had the skill when reqinding time.
"Anyways I need to go now, but now that you're here how about exploring R'lyeh, I worked really hard on it and poured a lot of myself into it." Ray blinked out of there and reappeared on the highest tower of the city hall where his subordinates were still sleeping.
"Now let's test the outer limits of you Ouroboros, shall we?" He said as multiple strings pierced his suborbinates bodies.