A human of the future sacrifices himself to destroy humanity's enemy and gets reincarnated in Tensura or that time I got reincarnated as a slime with knowledge of the show. MC is moraly gray, slightly dark, but will for example try to save people if they're in grave danger and won't be a big problem to him. Three chapters every week
In a tiny city, you could see a small child no older than six years old playing catch with his friends of the same age.
Suddenly out of nowhere, the sun seems to darken.
A solar eclipse was happening shocking most people of the small village, some even screaming in for, thinking this will be the end of their existence.
Now to the small child mentioned earlier, he fell into a trance neither noticing parents rushing to their kids nor his friends shuddering at the sight of the sun turning dark.
A few moments pass like this and most parents brought their kids home already, though the small black-haired child still stood frozen in place.
He had no relatives save for his grandparents which can't stand on their own much less rush to him.
An alien sound echoes throughout the once windy plain and the light in the eyes of the boy begins to fade slowly but surely.
A watch manifests itself on the boy's hands and he slumps to the ground.
Ten minutes go by and the inhabitants of this world slowly calm down again, deciding to ignore the solar eclipse.
The boy just woke up but instead of returning to his only remaining relatives he can't help himself but stare at his small and childish hand.
'So Liz was right, reincarnation is the way to go. I'm nobody to complain but I already achieved what I wanted to, there's nothing else for me to accomplish.'
The boy glances up to his wrist, spotting a familiar object placed on it.
The stunned boy can't help but chuckle when seeing it, after all considering the memories he got from the boy this worlds humans haven't even discovered electricity, he could rule the whole universe with this watch, what will a civilization like this do, if he wishes to rule it?
Again a small wave of memories enters the boy's mind finalizing Markoff's position as the host of this body.
This time the information was WAY more important, first of all, magic is real and because his parents were rather famous magicians in this city, they got him a tutor before they died on the battlefield.
He also learned more about the nation he's in, the magic empire of Namrium. Normal people wouldn't know about this magic empire and determine to be reincarnated in some random fantasy world but Sebastian knows better.
'I remember reading a novel, called reincarnated as a slime, from the two thousands, and as it turns out the magic empire of Namrium was mentioned in it. With all that in mind, I'm about 97% sure that I reincarnated in the world of the novel.
BUT there's still a 3% chance of it being an unlucky coincidence and both worlds have a nation with a similar way.'
With all this knowledge Sebastians started to plan how to survive, deciding on what his ultimate goal is in this world can wait till his life is secured.
A few minutes passed like this until Sebastian is brought out of his thought from a slight touch on his shoulder.
"Ray! Your grandparents wanted to see you, I know that you may be scared but cmon it was just some weird magic stuff nothing to worry about."
One of the city's guards appeared in front of Sebastian or how he's called here: Ray.
The demeanor of a cold-blooded war veteran instantly disappeared and Ray's expression changed to one suited for a kid of his age.
"Yeah sure, Sir guard"
The guard just nodded, having noticed nothing, and walks off like the good guardsmen he is.
Ray gets up and hides the clock on his arm even more than he already did.
'My only lifeline currently is this thing, if I lose it I'll turn into dead meat whatever I do.'
He sprints off towards his grandparent's home.
He enters the medieval city through its gates and soon finds the house of this body's grandparents. Entering it he sees his grandparents sitting on something akin to a couch made out of leather and pelts.
"Oh, our dear Ray where were you?" His grandmother seemed extremely worried though his grandfather doesn't look different from her.
"I- I was so scared that I hid in the bushes and only came out after Sir guard came to calm me down." Ray answers appropriately for a kid his age calming his grandparents down quite a bit.
"Sure, sure but next time just tell us child" His grandfather answers grumpily.
"Will do, anyways, I still need to visit my magic teacher don't I?"
"Yeah do just that but come home as soon as possible, understood young man!"
"Sure, bye~" That's all Ray said before leaving the house.
'It definitely hurts my dignity to act like a child all over again but it'll do, I'll just slowly act more and more mature until it seems like I was always like this... if they still live until now.
Even if they didn't die of old age by then, the magic nation of Namrium is only known for one thing in tensura and that is being defeated by the eastern empire known for its many bloodbaths and its cruel but intelligent leader, Rudra Nam Ul Nasca.
He's also the reason I planned a survival plan as soon as I reincarnated, he is a big threat for me I alone stand no chance to fight against.
Even with the clock, my chances wouldn't be good considering he's accompanied by a true dragon at all times. There's also my lacking experience with using my trump card, the time clock.
All in all, I need to get way stronger than I am now and I need to get more experience in handling the time clock.'
A month passed just like this and it seems like the eastern empire made its first move, contact with most cities got cut overnight signaling the start of the magic empire's fall.
Though only one single month passed I was able to achieve many things, for one I was able to build up some magic skills learning its core features and some basic attacking magic.
I was also able to determine a rough understanding of the timeline. About ten months ago Guy became a demon lord and Milim seems to be not born, meaning Veldanava is still alive and well.
It also means that I have about two thousand years until Rimuru gets transmigrated.
Last but not least I trained using the time clock and was able to ascertain all of its abilities, I categorized them into three categories, time slow, time acceleration, and time destruction.
The first two are pretty self-explanatory, choose any object, for example, the world itself, and slow its flow of time down or accelerate it.
There have been no side effects with this type of usage, though I found out about some new limitations, for one it seems that the energy source for all of the clocks powers isn't 100% infinite, it can be depleted BUT will charge itself up again in about an hour.
I was also able to supply the watch with magicules, this world's mana, and power it up once more.
It seems like the cost of freezing and accelerating different objects' time depends on the object itself. For example, I can stop the entire world's time for two seconds until the clock's energy runs out.
With all of my magicules, I'm able to add an extra fifty years to any object which is almost nothing, the clock can add fifty years hundreds of times before running out of juice on its own.
Ok now to my range, generally speaking, non-living objects can be stopped in time as long as I'm aware of them and living objects can only be manipulated by me if I touch them directly.
Last but not least time destruction, a term that represents what happens very well. This was originally the only purpose of the time clock.
When using time destruction the object you choose will be completely destroyed forever, with no way to recover it, important to mention is also the fact that using it will kill the user as well.
Time destruction works as follows: select a target, for example, the great ones from my previous life, stop their time entirely, speed up the time of everything in the universe to such a degree that you and your object isolate yourself completely from the river of time and finally let the paradox of an object, directly linked to time itself, being in a place outside of any sort time, effectively destroying every object you have chosen.
'Well that was a massive Infodump'
Right now Ray is walking through the city, observing the unnerved villagers.
Most soldiers were sent to the capital and the only ones able to protect them are paid mercenaries.
Ray just finished his last lesson with his magic teacher who will be leaving tomorrow, going to the capital too.
His magic teacher was a really friendly person so it saddens him a bit that she's going to die but that's just war.
If she's lucky she can get the chance to switch sides because magicians are welcomed in most nations and if she's unlucky she will be r*ped, t*rtured, and killed afterward.
Ray arrived at his grandparent's home. "I'm home"
His Grandmother answers his yell "Hello sweetie"
"Say, grandma, can I try to cook for you two today?"
"Of course but make sure to not burn the kitchen down"
Ray makes his way to the kitchen and collects a wide variety of fantasy-like vegetables, he puts them in a big pot and filled it with water and salt afterward.
Twenty minutes pass and the meal is ready, but before serving it Ray puts a certain powder into the pot and takes a different powder himself.
Hia grandparents get up with Ray's help and enjoy the soup together at the dinner table, while Ray talks about what he learned today.
Hours pass like this, the family talking and enjoying their day, later they even start to play with cards.
It gets dark outside so the three decide to go to bed simultaneously.
The city as a whole quieted down and the only people still up are the mercs paid to protect the city.
Ray's eyes shoot open an hour after he got to bed but his expression isn't his usual happy one, no it's his true colors that reveal themselves, cold eyes only fixated on a single goal.
Ray packs his belongings in a small back, a few clothes, a magic book he got from his teacher as a goodbye present and a small dagger he stole from a guard when they were still in the city.
He takes a cloak and wears it but before going 11 outside he enters the bedroom of his grandparents.
Both were sleeping peacefully next to each other showing that even now they love each other.
Ray bends his knees and says a few words. "I am not sorry! I just want you to know that you did your absolute best!"
A small tear escapes Ray's eye but he stands up again soon after, leaving the two dead bodies alone.
Yes, he killed his grandparents. And as already mentioned he isn't sorry nor does he hate them, No he did it out of pity.
Both of them were well over eighty, both couldn't walk on their own nor could they be of any use to the city. He doesn't have the power to save them nor does Ray have the power to prevent the war.
The war will happen and that is an unchangeable fact. Both of them would've died of starvation or they would be murdered by enemy soldiers.
In his previous life, a Mercy kill was a daily occurrence, as soon as you were infected by the great ones you'd have about thirty seconds to die as a human.
Many of Ray's friends were killed this way but it still hurts every time you do it.
Millions will die in the coming war and the only thing Ray can do was is make sure that their deaths are painless.