
God of the universe

Tom is in his room and all of a sudden he sees a flash of light what the....

killer_beee3345 · อะนิเมะ&มังงะ
10 Chs


Alex POV:After I was done eating I left the restaurant and went on the search for Issei I could use my Omniscience but what's the fun I decided to come a year before the canon because I want to train Issei personal but first I have to convince him about the supernatural world hell I have no idea how am going to do that but I will then a heard a scream come back you pervert then I heard a boy say hell no I don't want my face being beaten up it was the future MC Issei with his best friend's Matsuda and Motohama ya maybe I will train those to as well I would like to see them as powerful people but they won't be part of the family may be cousins who know I made a portal and brought the trio in with me

Girl 1 where did they go

Girl 2 I have no Idea we Wii get them next time

all the girls pov: fine


Alex POV: Welcome to my domain w

Issei's POV: is this God did the girls finally beat us to death

Alex POV: No this is not heaven but I am Rob

Issei: what this is not heaven so where are we

both Matsuda and Motohama were confused as well I am here to grant you an offer Issei Hyoudou

what offer Issei said

Alex POV: I want you to join my family he said

Now all of them were confused Rob the creator of heaven and earth was asking Issei the leader of the perverted trio to be part of his family

Now Matsuda spoke what does he get in return

Alex said he gets power family friends and a place where he can go without being judged of being a pervert

what about us Motohama said

Alex replied you will be like his cousins you will still heat power but not as much as him

They were all silent then Issei asked a question how do we know you are telling the truth ha for all we know you could be the devil or a fake with powers

Then Alex replied by saying why would the devil want from you you sin more than a devil who lived for thousands of years so tell me what would a devil what from you

Don't say that about our best friend Matsuda said

You don't even know hi Motohama said

But I do know him after all I created him so please don't disrespect me Alex said in an angry tone.

Then Issei said guys it's true everywhere we go people give us the stink eye like we were animals who just love b#@bs and p#£n if he can change the way people look at us I am willing to take the risk

I accept your deal

Alex said well come to the family Issei Hyoudou

Then a rush of information came rushing into Issei

First Rimurus' skills as a demon lord

Law Manipulation - Black Fire and Thunder. Total magical control. Total control of the properties of heat and inertia. The ability to freely store and remove heat from the Stomach.Raphael, Lord of Wisdom Beelzebuth, Lord of Gluttony

Veldora, Lord of Storms

Uriel, Lord of Vow Unlimited Imprisonment

And in the world of tenure Rimuru got his notification

You have aquired new skills


Flame Blaze


Enhanced stamina

Immense strength

Immense Durability

Enhanced speed


Stealth ability

Flight ability

Boosted gear

race change: Humanoid Dragon has been put as one of your races

Well Sims like we have got another family member with a lot of potential wells what will you do with him Alex Rimuru said then he went back to doing paperwork

Issei felt like the world has been opened to him his senses have been boosted to a point he can sense between good and bad people

is this the power you were talking about?

Alex replied by saying this is just the beginning

But first I have to train you

Issei was confused to check your Hand