
God of the Universe

Li Zhang got up groggily, unsure of his surroundings. The last thing he remembered was picking up that knife.

He started to take in his surroundings. He was in another room but compared to his previous one, which was thousands upon thousands of feet underground, this one was higher, much higher. It was so high that one could watch the sunset at the ground and come to the top an hour later and still be able to see the sun.

The room looked to be part of a massive chain of buildings, although calling place is also pushing the definition of a room a little, as it resembled a palace more, it was a palace with one humongous room.

The room had white walls and paintings of historical figures hung onto them. The room was well furnished with a large amount of seating space and a ton of food on the tables. At the back wall, there was a large throne befitting the size of the hall.

Curious, Li Zhang walked up toward the throne to access it better. Just as he got closer, a voice came from the door.

"Yes, yes, I understand that as the God of the universe, I shouldn't shrink away from my responsibilities and should face them like a real god."

The figure walked in, seemingly talking to the world, as he was all alone.

"Well, I must get going, I have more pressing matters to attend to."

The figure of the person strongly resembled that of a child, yet one couldn't form that opinion from hearing his voice.

"I am not a child"

"When did I say you were?"

"You didn't say I was, but you were thinking it"

Li Zhang was creeped out, how did this mysterious childlike figure know what he was thinking?

"First of all, can you stop referring me to as the figure, my name is Aion, I am the god of this whole universe. And for the matter about me knowing what you think, it is not that hard once you are a god. Last of all, can you please stop talking about my height"

"Yeah, I believe that you are the god of everything, nice to meet you. My name is Zeus and I am the god of all gods, so bow down to me you peasant"

Li Zhang was feeling like a brat for saying that but who did this Aion think he was to try to fool the son of the heavens.

"Ok seeing as you refuse to believe me, let me show you something"

Li Zhang fell to the floor, as both him and Aion were teleported to another place

The place was filled with lava, and there was only one path for anyone to stand on but that was covered by the huge amount of people seemingly standing in a twisting line

"This is the Hellheim Realm, where souls come after death to go to the yellow springs"

"Ok, but why did you bring me here?"

"To show you what no one else can. Look right there"

Aion said while pointing at a figure

Li Zhang looked in that direction and his eyes brightened up. It was Li Mei. He flew straight towards her and he landed behind her. But just as he went on to touch her shoulder, his hand passed straight through her while she, herself was unfazed about what just happened.

"Why can't I touch her?"

"I was just about to explain that park before you rudely flew away"

"I am sorry, I got really ecstatic seeing her"

"Don't worry about it, it happened to me too. What I was going to tell you was that the people in this realm will not be able to sense anything since they have died their sense have shut down and will only open once they are reborn. So it doesn't matter how much you tried to touch her or yell out her name, she will never be able to sense you."

"Let me show you something else"

Aion pointed towards another place, but this time it was a door. It was just like a black hole seemingly just aking in people but not returning them afterwards.

"Look at the person who is about to walk in"

Li Zhang looked at the two figures walking side by side, it was a man and a woman, as a couple, they seemed to blessed by the heavens. Just as their faces cleared up, he realized who it was. It was his parents, the very same people who had been ruthlessly killed by his blood brother.

Just as he was about to fly towards them, the two figures walked into the door

"They are gone. But don't worry, you might see them once you are reborn"

That did nothing to tarnish the sadness in Li Zhang's heart

"Let me show you another place"

Li Zhang again fell to the floor but this time much harder, as it took them a couple more moments to reach this place

Li Zhang got up and looked angrily at Aion who just shrugged. Once he took in his surroundings, he realized where he was. This was the celestial city, this was his home.

It looked like it was that time of the year again when all the different races came from around the realm to pay respects to the current Celestial Emperor.

"Why did you bring me here?"

"To show you that there is nothing in this world that I can't do"

"And how exactly does bringing me across realms show me that?"

"Just think about what you said"

Li Zhang was confused, but it suddenly hit him. How did this person across from him travel across realms so quickly and why did he know about realms that were not even recorded in the library of the Celestial Palace, which was supposed to contain all the knowledge of this universe.

"You finally realized it"

"There is nothing in this world that I am not able to do, nothing"