
God of medicine in Harry Potter

James Adams is a hard working surgeon. While walking down the street after work. He got hit by a truck. He gets reincarnated into the world of Harry Potter. Through his path is not all flowers and roses. **this will have killing warning**** (don’t own Harry Potter). Ps it will be no harem though it will be a love interest little later in the novel.

LunarWolf121 · หนังสือและวรรณกรรม
9 Chs

Chapter 8

Time Skip July 1, 1991

Kano Black POV

It's been six years since grandfather took me in. During this time we mostly trained in magic and swordsmanship. We bonded a lot during this time too. He mostly talked about my mother, and how much I look like her. I learned a lot of different about him.

He didn't hate muggle born like I though he would. That was mostly his wife Walburga Black. He was also a world wide dueling champion. He had to quit a focus on the political side of things after his father died. He soon married Walburga who he was engaged to since childhood. After regulus died he closed himself off.

My mother ran away with here lover, and they were never seen again. Shortly after his wife Walburga died and Sirius got imprisoned. The only hope in his life was that his daughter was living off happy somewhere. When I came in he was sad that he lost another member of his family while happy she was loved.

Back to current time still Kano Black POV

"Grandfather are you expecting an owl." An owl came in and came right in front of me.

"No I don't think that letter is for me. It must be your school letter. Go ahead and open it." I picked up the letter opened it and read it.


Headmaster: Albus Dumbledore

(Order of Merlin, First Class, Grand Sorc., Chf. Warlock, Supreme Mugwump, International Confed. of Wizards)

Dear Mr Black

We are pleased to inform you that you have a place at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. Please find enclosed a list of all necessary books and equipment.

Term begins on 1 September. We await your owl by no later than 31 July.

Yours sincerely,

Minerva McGonagall

Deputy Headmistress

(Long list of things need to buy.)

"Grandfather should I send a reply." I already new I was going to go to Hogwarts however I wanted to see grandfather's response.

"You can go to that school, but let me warn you watch out for Dumbledore. He was always good at controlling people. I know he might seem nice and friendly, but he's better than the dark lord when it comes to manipulating and controlling wizards."

"Yes grandfather I'll watch out when I'm at the school for Dumbledore. I had the same though about Dumbledore. I read a lot of fan fiction about him being a dark lord. So I started developing my occlumency more often. Since Dumbledore and Snape constantly look into their students mind.

"Grandfather I'll be back I'm going to get some school supplies." After that I used Apparition which I learned from Olive a while back.

I arrived at Gringotts to get some money to go shopping. I see my not so friendly account manager Lifhook. Turns out when you mess with one of the goblin you mess with all of the goblins. So I had to apologize to him otherwise I would have a hard time getting my money.

"Lifhook I want 500 hundred gallons, and to see the Aalto family vault." I always want to know why you couldn't tell how much the vault had. I just hadn't had the time to.

"Come this way the vault is close to the bottom." It was like a roller coaster going up and down. I feel like I'm going to throw up.

"Here is your vault over here." When the door opened you couldn't see anything inside. It was like a barrier to block unwanted guest. I guess my ancestors were smart. Siri can You tell me what this barrier does.

[This barrier blocks anyone without a certain bloodline from coming in. If they try to break in the barrier will release poison and kill them on the spot.].

Man is that handy Siri can you try and make a replica. Just like the one right in front of us. So we can have it in a different location.

[ Analyzing time to take is two hours. Host has to be within 20 feet feet in order to make a similar barrier.].

Well might as well go in to the vault and see what's inside. I walked through the barrier which felt weird like when I put on the lord and heir rings. "Omg this is not what I expected to be inside a vault."

Theirs, gold, rubies, gems, sliver and a lot of other stuff. Thought that's not the best thing I see. I wonder what's it even doing in here, and is it still alive.


Wait for the next chapter to see what's inside the vault.

I am not trying to do a harem, but if enough people want to I will include a harem.

One. No harem and the main character with have one love in his life

Two. Main character will have a harem instead of a single love in his life