
God of Clones (OCxBNHA)

Warning : This book will spoil Wolf Demon book. So, if you don't want to get spoiled, read that book first. In the world where quirks become normal in society, a certain boy got a quirk that let me create clone as he wanted. But rather than becoming a hero that could save millions of lives like Japanese No.1 hero All Might, he became the embodiment of evil itself because of his nature. He became the threat of humanity that no one was able to stop. This is the story of a certain man who becomes the enemy of the whole omniverse. There would be a lot of kinky fetish scenes, inhumane acts and psychology issues that might give a trigger. Also complex sciences that might take your sleep away.

GreedRyuga469 · อะนิเมะ&มังงะ
5 Chs

Playing of Pet

The boy was watching the television which showed the video of students fighting each other at the school festival. The woman looks at the boy for a few minutes. Then, walk into the kitchen where her husband was sitting. She hugged the man from behind. The man surprised

??? : Woh... honey... what is it? Something in your mind?

??? : Haruka.... he's watching UA's sports festival.

??? : Hmm.... did he enjoy it?

??? : I don't think so.

??? : You think he still couldn't get used to being quirkless?

??? : Yea, dear. He's a good boy. He won't say it out loud because he doesn't want to give us trouble. But, I'm his mother. I can see the sadness in his eyes. His didn't smile like he used to. I really hate this feeling, dear. I'm the mother and yet I couldn't do anything to help my child.

Tears start coming down from the woman's eyes. The man holds the woman's hand

??? : (Why did this happen? Our quirks might not be strong but we have quirks and yet.... why does our son become like this?)

The man starts to remember the scene from two years ago


The doctor looks at the man with sadness in his eyes. He knows that no parents could accept this fact easily

??? : What do you mean that he can't use his quirk? Are you implying that he's quirkless? This shouldn't happen. This must be a mistake. We both have quirks on our own. There's no way our son could be quirkless. That must be the mistake of the machine, doctor.

Doctor : Calm down. Your son wasn't quirkless. He just.... couldn't use his quirk.

??? : What?

Doctor : This might be a little complex. Did you know that humans have quirk cells? We can use quirks only because of those cells. Those cells only start their developments after the person is born. And when the person reaches age four, those cells start to produce the power that the person could use. We call those powers "quirks". But when those cells couldn't produce the power, the person become quirkless. Quirk cell developments usually only take four years. But in some people, it takes longer. Like five years, six years, eight years and even twelve years. We call them late boomers but they're rare cases.

??? : So, was our son a late boomer?

Doctor : No, his quirk cells already developed that they could produce quirks if they want.

??? : Then, why?

Doctor : Because they stopped working.

??? : Huh?

Doctor : You know how paralysis works, right? We know it as nerves dead but in reality, it wasn't. They just couldn't control the body anymore and become useless.

??? : Was that means....?

Doctor : Your son's quirk cells stopped working. They couldn't produce any quirks that they're supposed to. We can call it the quirk coma.

??? : Quirk coma?

Doctor : Yes, quirk cells from your son's body are just extra cells that serve no points in existence.

??? : Can he be cured, doctor? If it is, tell me the way. Please, doctor.

Doctor : I'm sorry. There's no way to treat him for now. Because this is a new form of cell disease that didn't exist before. We could find a way to treat it by experiments in labs. But it would take at least four to ten years. Your son has to live as quirkless during that time.

[Flashback End]

??? : Honey, what about we go out for family dinner tonight?

??? : Family dinner?

??? : Yeah, and we eat ice-cream on the way back home. Haruka loves those.

??? : Dear....

Realising what the man meant, the woman tightly hugs the man. The man patted gently to the woman's head

??? : Easy there. Don't cry anymore. You have to stay strong for Haruka. Go change your clothes.

The woman stands up and wipes her tears

??? : You're right, dear. I'm his mother. I have to be strong for his sake.

The man stood up and kissed the woman's forehead

??? : Now, go change your clothes.


The faceless man in black suit was sitting on the chair while numerous pipes are attached to his body

No.46 : Hello there.

The faceless man looked in the direction and saw the clone hero. The faceless man surprised

No.46 : Are you the one who claims himself as All For One?

AFO : No.46. (I've already predicted the possibility of this but this is too soon. I've underestimated him)

No.46 : By the way, I'm just asking. You don't need to answer. Cause I already know.

AFO : What do you want?

No.46 : You want to know the reason I showed up? Didn't Dr.Ali tell you anything?

AFO : Dr.Ali?

No.46 : You don't remember him? The doctor from Arab. He's your follower.

AFO : (Dr.Ali from Arab? He must be talking about Garaki sensei's friend from Arab) I see. I remember now.

No.46 : Good, he's my personal teacher. He's the reason I can use my quirk well and also the reason I come here. You see, he told me to see you first when I got back to Japan.

AFO : I see. (If that man was his teacher, no wonder he became like this) What did he tell you to do next?

No.46 : Show you the power of mine to make you realise how weak you are.

AFO : What?

No.46 : He said you're just a normal human compared to me. And he wants you to realise that too.

The faceless man pissed. He stood up and decided to fight the clone hero

AFO : (I don't know what's going on in his head. But I don't like it when someone thinks they're above me) You're talking too big of yourself, No.46. I think I need to teach you how to treat your elders.

The clone hero smiled

No.46 : You're welcome to try.

The faceless man stood out his hand and activated his quirks. Black lightnings started to appear around his body

No.46 : Negative Field activate.

The faceless man's quirk got deactivated and he surprised

AFO : You make an anti field? Scared to get hurt?

No.46 : I'm just trying to show most quirks I usually use. Now, active Pure Telekinesis.

The duo disappeared and reappeared in the air

AFO : What did you do?

No.46 : Just teleported both of us to the place where we could use our quirks without letting anyone notice.

AFO : You think fighting in the sky wouldn't catch the attention of anyone?

No.46 : Are you that dumb? Of course not. We're inside the barrier that I created a while ago.

AFO : What?

The faceless man looked around and saw nothing

No.46 : You won't be able to see the walls. They're transparent. Don't worry about durability. Even if All Might uses all of his strength, the walls will remain unscratched.

The faceless man was shocked but didn't show the expression

AFO : In any chance, did you know his secret as well?

No.46 : Which one? His identity? His quirk? Or.... something else?

AFO : All of it.

No.46 : Then, yes. Was that unexpected? Or are you just dumb?

AFO : You dare to call me dumb?

Faceless man shoots the air pressure with his fingers and the clone hero slaps it away. Faceless man shocked

AFO : What?

No.46 : Ohh... was that your Air Canon? I thought it was a fly.

Faceless man shoots the air pressure toward the clone hero again. Before it could hit the clone hero, the attack turned into candies

No.46 : Ouch! Hey... you shouldn't play with food. Haven't learned your manners in two hundred years?

Faceless man immediately shoots the third attack but this time, it hit the faceless man himself instead of hitting the clone hero. Faceless man knocked away

No.46 : Impact Recoil was a good quirk. But, Vector Manipulation was better.

AFO : Vector Manipulation?

No.46 : Yes, it can manipulate the vectors. As you know, vectors have both quantity and magnitude. Just giving them X and Y points can change everything. But, I didn't use that quirk now. It was a different one. The name was Rule Manipulation.

Faceless man shocked after hearing clone hero's words

No.46 : You just think that I have the same power as Star and Stripes, right? You're wrong. She can only create laws that affect the things near herself and it wasn't that strong. Meanwhile, I can manipulate laws of this universe and create laws that would affect this whole world. I created a new law earlier. It was "every time All For One attack No.46, those attacks will return to All For One". Do you get it now? Is this too much for you? Just say that "I don't get it" and I'll explain again. Don't be shy.

Faceless man loses the words to talk back

No.46 : What's wrong? All Might get your tongue?

The faceless man pissed

AFO : You cheeky boy!

Faceless man activates all of his quirk and he right hand becomes bigger than his whole body

No.46 : I didn't know that you're this lonely. Need a buddy to talk to?

AFO : Silence!

Faceless man punches the clone hero using all of his strength


But the clone didn't even move a bit and stand still like nothing has happened

No.46 : You're wrong, man. That's not how you say it. I'll show you. Ahem..... SILENCE!!

The deep and loud voice shattered faceless man's hearing ability and deactivated both his voice and quirks. Faceless man falls into his knees

AFO : .....

Faceless man shouted in pain but no voice came out of his mouth. Clone hero looking to faceless man with a smile

No.46 : Guess this is too much.

Clone hero walked toward the faceless man and touch his shoulder. Immediately, faceless man's body returned to normal and his ears are healed. Faceless man look up to clone hero who's looking to him with a smile

No.46 : You good now?

AFO : You did you do?

No.46 : It's called "Silence". It was the hypersonic sound wave that cancelled and silence everything within the area that my voice reach.

Faceless man don't know how to respond

No.46 : You don't get it? Is that too much for you? Hmm.... well, I guess you're just a normal human.... just like the average quirkless salarymen.

AFO : What?

No.46 : Seems like unnecessary to continue this. Lowly human like you would never understand the extent of my strength. Let's stop here. You can continue doing whatever you want. I won't stop you. Also, keep your paws and don't get in my way. If you don't, you'll experience the cataclysm for eternity that even death couldn't save you. *whisper* Do you get it? *whisper*

Faceless man nod in silent. Clone hero smiled and pat faceless man's head

No.46 : Good boy. Now, let's go back.

Suddenly, the duo transported back to the room. Clone hero turned around

No.46 : And like that.... we're partners with no business. We'll meet again soon. Don't think you could run or hide from me. Ever since I returned to Japan, I'm the one who controlling everything. You can't even breath without my permission. Remember that I'm Night Omnipotence. That's all. Bye bye.

Then, clone hero disappeared. Faceless man was left alone in the room with silence

AFO : (Night Omnipotence? How is this possible?)