

A psychopath was close to death and wanted to go out with a bang. He died and reincarnated into Hidan, our favorite idiot op Akatsuki. COLDPROTAGONIST RUTHLESSMC BEWARE THIS STORY IS NOT FOR THE LIGHT-HEARTED IF YOU HAVE A MORAL COMPASS OR DON'T LIKE READING MC'S WITHOUT ONE THIS IS NOT FOR YOU. CONTAINS RAPE AND EVERYTHINGS ELSE BAD

Bankin · อะนิเมะ&มังงะ
29 Chs

Chapter 3

Disclaimer: I don't own Naruto.

Hidan rushed the jinchuriki, weapon gunning straight for her neck. Just as a connection was about to be made the jinchuriki disappeared.

She reappeared a few feet away from Hidan.

Hidan sighed. "So boring."

Hidan licked the blood on the blade.

The jinchuriki pressed her fingers on her neck to discover a small cut. She looked at Hidan only for her eyes to widen.

His body was entirely black with a white skull marking on his face and hand bone markings on his hand.

"I would've loved to kill you, but we need you for later."

He then cut off his legs in one swift motion.

"You're crazy what the hell are you-"

Her eyes widened in disbelief as her vision went black.

"Come on Kakazu, she's knocked out and losing blood really fast."

"After we're done packing her up I want to grab a few bounties while we're here."

Hidan started to jump up and down. "Yeah just let me adjust real quick."

"Ok, the next target is a jonin who usually patrols on the north side of the village."

"You can handle it right Kakazu, I need to gather some sacrifices for Lord Jashin."

Hidan then looked at the retreating figure of Kakazu and walked in a different direction. He sighed. "Judging by the memories of Hidan, to keep this immortal body I have to sacrifice people to Lord Jashin. 20, at the minimum."

He paced his way to what he assumed the slums of the village.

A few minutes later we can see Hidann walking back to where he captured the Two-Tails jinchuriki.

"Yo Kakazu, you already done?"

Kakazu glanced at Hidan then started to walk away gesturing Hidan to follow.

"Oh, looks liked the leader is calling."

Hidan and Kakazu then appear in a familiar dark cave with a familiar hologram displaying familiar people.

Pain glanced in Hidan's and Kakazu's direction. "Hidan, Kakazu, how is the hunt going?"

"We caught the target thanks to Hidan's efforts and are coming back at the moment."

"Good we lost Sasori and we don't need any more losses. Hurry up so you can prevent it."

Hidan and Kakazu opened their eyes and started to walk towards a predetermined location.

"So Kakazu how much did you earn this time?"

"500 million Ryo."

"Nice, and how many heads was that."

Hidan looked at Kakazu. "Heellooo, I asked how many heads was that?"


"Which one was the best?"

"Shut up Hidan and just keep walking."

"Alright, alright I'll keep quiet."

The rest of the walk was uneventful and quiet. When they arrived at the cave they inserted chakra into their rings to contact their leader.

Hidan threw the girl in the middle of the cave. "Pain we got the girl, can we start?"

Pain completed a set of hand signs. "Yes, let us begin."

3 Days and Nights Later

"Hidan, Kakazu, I have your next target. He is located in the land of fire."

After Pain gives the mission details we see Hidan and Kakazu leaving the cave.

"Hey Kakazu, why are you so grumpy? You haven't talked since Cloud Village."

"It's your fault idiot, you went rampaging in the slums and attracted some jonin that I wanted to kill."

"Oh, my bad. Well since we're heading to the land of fire anyway, I'm pretty sure there's a bounty on a monk or something over there. It's pretty close to our target actually."

Kakazu smiled. "Yes your right, he's worth quite a lot actually, 30 million if memory serves right."

"See everything work out doesn't it?"

"Yes, I guess it does, we better hurry however, time is money after all."

"Yeah, yeah I know, you say it all the time."

"It's because it's true. You should know this by now."

"Is that supposed to mean something Kakazu?"

"No, no just musing is all."

"Yeah whatever you say, partner."

A few weeks later

"Finally the land of fire. I think a burning ritual for Lord Jashin should suffice. What do you say Kakazu?"

"You know I care not for those rituals of yours."

"Never hurts to try. So where is this temple anyway?"

"It's southeast around 5 kilometers."

"Is he strong anyway? You can fight him without me if he's weak."

"Yes he's strong we will both have to fight him to take him out quickly."

"Well you can just suppress him and I'll do the main damage."

"Yes, I already know we have done this before remember."

"Yeah just keeping you refreshed you know. Everything to gain nothing to lose."

"Guess you're not wrong, it's still annoying though."

Hidan and Kakau come to a stop in front of a large building. It has a dojo style to it with white walls and stone pillars with a huge wooden stairway leading to an entrance.

A figure can be seen exiting the building and going down the stairs. Kakazu and Hidan raced to his position to try and get a quick hit. The figure quickly made hand signs and a golden figure with multiple hands came out from behind him.

"Welcoming Approach: Thousand-Armed Murder"

Its hands started to smack Hidan and Kakazu around and for a moment all seemed lost. They however quickly adapted trying to dodge or at least dampen the damage taken from the attacks. Hidan manage to dodge one attack and sprinted straight to the monk slicing at his neck. A hand quickly went to meet his sword when an electrical current hit the hand stopping it in place.

"Lightning Release: False Darkness"

Just as quick as Hidan had come, the monk's neck had started to spray blood.

Hidan broke into a maniacal grin. He bathed in his enemy's blood feeling content with what he accomplished. He licked his lips and relished the taste of iron on his tongue. The big thing this time however was he noticed the huge increase in power. Kakazu noticed it too. They both shared glances with each other and seemed to come to a mutual understanding.

Hidan then cut the head clean off the shoulders and threw it to Kakazu.

"There's your precious money. Now let's hurry to the dealer I need to wash up."

Kakazu then turned and walked off with Hidan right after him.

"Thank you for doing business."

Kakazu nodded. "Money is great after all."

"Kakazu let's go already. Didn't you always say time is money?"

"Yes, your correct let's go."

"Hey isn't that guy we just saw on the list."

Kakazu broke into a huge grin. "Asuma, 50 million Ryo bounty. What a pleasure."

Trying to not narrate so much and actually have dialogue. Tell me how it was and what should change see you soon.

Bankincreators' thoughts