
god of blood and shadows

Daemon son of Lucifer and the goddess Abigail is set for a difficult life as he is the hybrid of the two races who have an immense hatred for each othe.Which side will Daemon choose. The life of Daemon comes to an end and a thousand years later a boy named Gavin begins his adventure as he realizes he is related to the ancient blood lord. "Congratulations you have inherited the blood lord system" Join Gavin as he seeks to save the world from the enemies his ancestors lost to

Owoahene_Sarpong · แฟนตาซี
56 Chs

A godly demon

In a shiny place, there were countless arguments ongoing because an abominable existence was formed. A boy was born with his mother being a goddess which was fine but after the child was born, an insanely evil aura that belonged to one clan only was coming off him. The clan of the demons.

"KILL THE CHILD" a figure with two white wings said .

"What's all this ruckus about" a man with four wings and a divine aura that made everyone in the room quiet said. This man was commonly known throughout the universe due to his strength.

There were flames burning in his eyes and his brows furrowed when he saw the aura of the baby boy.

"What have you done this time sister?" The man asked upon seeing the woman who was holding the boy to her chest protectively.

"I'm not letting any of you have my child and that includes you Michael" the woman said with very threatening eyes.

"Listen Abigail, this is a demon and he will not be accepted here by anyone. As much as I love you, this cannot happen. We will kill the child, and I really hope we don't have to kill you in the process." Michael said as he reached for a flaming sword on his back.

The woman immediately stood up showing her four wings and flames had condensed to form two katanas. With speed that most couldn't even see she launched herself at Michael who easily parried the blow and stabbed the sword deep onto his sister's belly.

"You know you can't fight me" Michael calmly stated. "Yes, but he can"

Immediately a huge and scary aura with insanely evil intent was felt in the whole room as an extremely handsome man with long silver hair and deep blue eyes that were flaming. If Michael was well known throughout the universe this man was feared everywhere, he was the current demon king Lucifer. His calm face scrutinized everyone until his eyes landed on his son and his lover Abigail.

"What are you doing here Lucifer"Michael asked loudly with nervousness evident in his tone.

I'm here for what's mine he said and and Abigail and the boy were instantly by his side. Upon noticing Abigail's wound his aura had exploded and was now running wild covering the entire planet they were on as the flames in his eyes started burning deeply.

Don't worry let's get out of here Abigail pleaded and as soon as her voice was heard Lucifer's aura had calmed down and said "If I ever come here again know that you won't be having your little puny lives he said as he looked at Michael.

Lucifer had arrived at the underworld where the demons lived . "Y did u go back there?" He asked Abigail with no emotions in his tone. I just wanted to Abigail replied and apologized.

She noticed Lucifer looking at his son and could tell that the bond was already establishing between both of them but Lucifer being Lucifer will always try his best from people noticing this

The boy had the silver hair and deep flaming blue eyes like his dad but his face showed a perfect mix of the two parents beauty making him extremely pretty.

"Abigail, now everything is confirmed and done you will be staying here as my queen and he will be our prince.

A while later, Infront of two trillion people Lucifer had called forth everyone and announced the boy. "Here is my son, and here is my queen"Lucifer said with a calm authoritative and powerful voice. She is my and your queen and my son here is Daemon the prince of all demons