
God of Adaptation

This is a story of a forsaken boy born in the dark side of the world. Threading in the darkness, the boy soon adapted to it. Now, with the power of darkness in his grasp, he set out to find the light.

CheekyForehead · แฟนตาซี
159 Chs

Surrounded by Goblins

"Will this really be okay?" 

Asked the man with heavy armor as he glanced at the two children following from behind them.

Moru also added as he played with his twin daggers, "Joka's right, the boy's fine, but the girl.."

"Ehhh, it should be fine. We're strong and besides, they're just goblins…"

Though Fiollo said that, he also glanced at the children at the back, 'I wonder why he insisted on bringing his sister…'

Regis and Pandora didn't pay heed to the glances they were receiving.

Instead, they pretended to be ignorant children that were seeing the world for the first time as they followed behind the adventurers.

Before accepting Fiollo's offer earlier, Regis had requested for Pandora to accompany them.

He reasoned that he didn't want to leave her behind because she was sick.

'Though I don't know if they bought my reason… it's fine.' Regis thought as he smiled internally.

However, there was something that he noticed about them, particularly Fiollo.

'If I'm not mistaken, Aunt Amabel who was a Starless Warrior reached the rank of Adept Adventurer… However, Fiollo who was a Mid Rank Mage only reached the rank of a Novice Adventurer…'

'As far as I know, Novice is the lowest rank while Adept is the next rank to it. Besides, the warrior Joka, and the assassin Moru were also Novices…'

This confused him due to the fact that the three of them formed their stars unlike Aunt Amabel, and yet they had a lower adventurer rank.

'Well, I guess it won't be long before I learn of the reason behind it…' 

Their group slowly entered the Goblin Forest.

Rustle— Rustle—

Regis turned his head to a nearby bush, 'Hmm, it sounds like a wild rabbi—'

[Basic Magic: Mana Bullet]


Regis's face froze as he saw a small glowing projectile shoot towards the bush.


A wild rabbit soon emerged from the bush, but a gaping hole could be seen on its chest.

It didn't take long before it died of bleeding.

"G-Good work, Fiollo!" Joka stuttered as his lips twitched.

'What the hell…' Regis looked at the warrior and assassin who already had their weapons drawn out.

'Don't tell me…'

The reason why they were still Novice Adventurers despite having formed stars was because of their extreme lack of experience.

It was the conclusion that formed in his head as he looked at the movements of the three.

"W-Well, did you see the might of a mage?" Fiollo's eyes twitched as he looked at Regis and Pandora.

"You're amazing, mister!" Fortunately, Regis was quick to act.

He showed a flattering expression as he showered Fiollo with praises, to which the latter smiled proudly.

"Mister, I'm excited to see more of your magic spells! Can you show me some?"

"Well, I'd like to but I need to conserve mana…"

"Ohhh…" Regis showed a sad expression, 'You need to conserve mana, but you used magic to kill a rabbit!?'

However, his words and thoughts were contradictory despite his sadness.

They soon resumed walking after a short while.

This time, the three adventurers were much more alert than they were earlier.

Seeing this, Regis discreetly nudged Pandora and whispered, "Are you successful?"

Pandora nodded in response.

The two of them didn't engage in any sort of conversation afterwards.

This was to ensure that they wouldn't slip about their plan and also to maintain their image of ignorant children to the adventurers.

Along the way, the adventurers killed some wild rabbits and wild boars.

However, it didn't take long before they met five green skinned monsters with small stature holding wooden clubs.

Their prominent features were the fangs on their lower jaw and their long, pointed nose.

"Finally, goblins!" Joka laughed as he readied his metal shield and hammer.

Moru also disappeared, "Just like how we practiced."


Joka rushed towards the five goblins, hoping to take aggro.






The five goblins also rushed towards him, brandishing their wooden clubs as they attacked Joka with it.

"Heh, I can't even feel your atta— Ow!!!"

Joka shouted in pain as he looked at the two goblins who had climbed up his shield.

Seeing the goblins using each other as footholds, Regis was amazed, 'It seemed like they aren't as mindless as they say, huh…'

"Fuck! Moru! Fiollo! Where are you!?" Joka shouted as he felt the pain of being struck by the wooden clubs.

Fortunately, it didn't take long before Moru appeared behind the goblins, "Haha! It's just goblins, Joka."

"Shut the hell up and kill them!" Joka shouted as he smashed one of the goblins with his hammer.

Smash! Smash! Smash!

Joka laughed as he smashed the goblins that continuously approached him.

"Wait! Aren't there only five of them!?" His laugh halted as he noticed something amiss.

"Where's Fiollo?" He asked as he glanced back, only to see a mana barrier encasing Fiollo and the two children.

However, what made their eyes widen was the endless number of goblins that surrounded them.

"Since when did this fuckers…" 

Moru couldn't even finish his words as he was attacked from all directions.

"Come here! Quick, before my mana runs out!!!" Fiollo shouted towards his two companions as sweat trickled on his temple.

He was holding his staff in front of him as he maintained the manna barrier.

"M-Mister, what's going on? Why are there so many goblins?" Regis stuttered as he held Pandora in his arms.

Hearing him, Fiollo's eye twitched, "Don't worry, we're strong. Everything's under control…"

'If only these dead weights aren't here… Wait, I think I still have some use for them.' Fiollo hid the smirk in his face.

He then spoke, "Hey you two, can you do me a favor?"

"What is it, mister?" Regis responded.

"You see, I can only cast one magic spell at a time… So I was wondering if you can distract the goblins for a few seconds!"

Regis gritted his teeth, "Okay, mister! But please make it fast, okay?"

"Don't worry, 

'Ehhh? It didn't even take long and they're already betraying us?' He wasn't surprised about the development.

"Okay, I'll be deactivating the mana barrier in three… two… one… go!!"

The dome of translucent blue vanished as goblins attacked from all directions.

Regis and Pandora both ran out and distracted the goblins as Fiollo prepared to cast his magic spell.