
God-Like Extraction

“Discovered the corpse of an ordinary human, loot to receive Super-strength Pill, extract?” “Yes!” “Discovered hundred years aged Original Plane corpse, loot to receive Indestructible Golden Body, extract?” “Yes!” “Discovered the Demonic Body of the Hellbound Domination Emperor, loot to receive Sun-swallowing Cerberus, extract?” “Yes!” … Su Jinghang said, “You may not believe me, but this invincible power of mine all came from physical labor.”

Fruit of Chaos · ตะวันออก
629 Chs

Peak Of Perfection

นักแปล: Atlas Studios บรรณาธิการ: Atlas Studios

Cough cough!

Su Jingxing clenched his fists, his eyes shining.

With his current strength, he would be able to go to any place in Qinghe City.

The top level of Xuantian University Library was naturally no exception!

Su Jingxing walked around the underground cave twice. After making sure that there was nothing else hidden, he returned the same way he came.

He did not take the chests with him. They remained where they were.

It was still the same explanation. Su Jingxing was not in need of money now. He had to find a place to hide these gold, silver, jewelry, paintings, and chinaware. Even if he kept them in his palm space, they would still take up space.

Su Jingxing would return to this underground cave before he figured out what the glowing willow tree was.

Therefore, it was better to leave the chests where they were.

Only by entering empty-handed and leaving empty-handed would it be easier to get things done.