
Chapter 6

I opened my eyes as Campe slashed at me from both sides with her claws and she aimed for my stomach with her tail and bit at my head. Instantly, my body left my control and I flipped and twisted over her shoulder. Doing a quick roll when I landed, I shot back onto my feet and regained control. Campe turned and smiled at me.

"I do enjoy when my dinner tries to escape it's inevitable fate. I can't wait to see the look of despair in your eyes before I bite your head off!" She tried to charge again but Poseidon's spear stabbed through her knee.

"Ugh!" She dropped to her knee and, with another flap of a wing, blasted Poseidon away with a gust of wind. Before she could stand Hades jumped on her back and stabbed one sword in her stomach and the other into her head. He pulled the sword in her head out and yanked the sword in her abdomen up and out through her shoulder. I dashed forward, shield bashing her nose before stabbing her neck.

"URAAAAAAAAAAH!" She roared before stabbing at me with her tail. I evaded to the side and backed up. Hades wasn't so lucky. Before he could jump away she stabbed him in the back with three claws and threw him into the ground cracking the ground. He bounced back up and she kicked him into the air. He disappeared above the clouds and I heard a sickening crunch.

While me and Poseidon were distracted looking up where Hades disappeared, Campe stood, opening her claws and stabbing the ground, pulling up two rocks before hurling them at me and Poseidon. Poseidon jumped over the rock and jabbed at her. She backed away before beating her wings, knocking both of us away. I did a kickup, getting back on my feet and wiping the sweat off my forehead.

Campe hissed at me. "Foolish sons of Cronus! You think your mortal sticks can kill me! They're only a nuisance!" She swung the ground, sending out an arc of wind and lightning. My evasion activated again and it phased through me. Poseidon stabbed his spear into the ground and braced himself against the blast. Before he could pull his spear out of the ground, Campe appeared in front of him before stomping the spear into the ground. Poseidon barely had time to raise his shield before she kicked him and sent him flying. He collided with the falling Hades and they crashed against the cell door. Campe had black blood covering her torso, and I could see the wounds slowly closing.

"Oh no you don't." I couldn't let Hades' sacrifice be in vain. I ran to the side of Campe. She turned to face me as I rolled and twisted my body to the side, jabbing at the back of her knee. She swung her claw at me, dragging it across the floor causing a cloud of dust and dirt to rise up. Time slowed down for me, Campe's claw rushed in front of me, barely giving me time to react. My eyes were wide open as the claw stabbed at my gut. I stepped around it, and time went back to normal.

Campe felt no resistance as her claw flew through the cloud. "Foolish children think they could challenge me." She sighed and sent a gust of wind to dispel the dust cloud. I launched my spear at her head and she caught it before snapping it on her knee and threw the pieces behind her. "I haven't had this much fun since I challenged Cronus himself!" She turned back into her 5 foot self but kept her wings, foot long claws and the 5 foot tail. She disappeared and reappeared in front of me. The ground where she was before exploded. I jumped over her tail that swept at my legs and kicked off her chest and did a backflip. She appeared in front of me again and stabbed at my neck with her claws. I tilted my head out the way before feeling a burning pain in my side. Her tail pierced through my shield and was embedded in me. She swung me around and threw me at Poseidon and Hades who were just getting back up. I smashed against the door and cracked it.

Black liquid oozed out of my wound and I felt myself losing consciousness before I activated Worthless and dispelled the poison. Hades helped me up. "She's stronger than I expected." Golden blood flowed from his back, mouth and a cut on his forehead. Poseidon's spear had vanished in the ground and he discarded his bent shield and held just his sword. Somehow, Hades kept his swords in his hands.

I had lost my shield, so I just drew my Xiphos and looked at the door. It was a twenty-five foot tall cutout in the rock and only had one small slit near the top where I could see a single glowing green eye.

"Uncle!" I called out. "Is that you?"

"Yes." A scratchy and deep voice said.

"How do we get you out?" Hades asked.

"I don't know."

"Do you know how to kill this bitch." Poseidon asked, spitting out ichor.

"I don't know."


Campe smiled and licked the ichor off her tail. She flew high into the sky and began flapping her wings. The clouds started raining a red liquid. Winds picked up and almost knocked us over. I could hear thunder booming. The hot temperature instantly dropped to freezing and Hades shivered. The eye at the door quickly vanished.

"AHAHAHAHAHA!" Campe began laughing hysterically. "Prepare yourselves sons of Cronus! I will let you see your precious uncles again. In prison and in death!" She dashed towards us and we readied ourselves. She landed, pivoting on her foot and jumped again, kicking at Poseidon's head while a bolt of red lightning blasted down at me and Hades.

Poseidon quickly dropped his sword and, surprising everyone, caught her foot on his shoulder and held it in place. Hades and I dashed forward and he tried to cut off the leg Poseidon had and I went for her neck. She turned to me and shot red acid out of her mouth that evaporated the rain it touched. I continued my charge as the acid phased through me. Hades hit her leg, putting the sword only an inch deep in her scaly legs. She grabbed my sword and flipped away, taking both our weapons before throwing them into the sky where they were obliterated by the lightning.

"Not bad at all. I honestly didn't expect you guys to pull through." Campe flexed her cut leg. That petite form Campe took didn't say anything about her strength.

"How do we kill her." Poseidon said breathing heavily. His arm hung fluttered in the wind until he held it down, wincing. His collarbone looked like it had shattered.

"Can you still fight?" I asked

"Probably not, but showing it will probably just make her target me." He handed me his xiphos.

"Hades, stay with Poseidon in case she targets him, I'll attack Campe." Hades nodded and I charged in.

"Oh, you wish to die alone. Come, I'll grant your wish." She shot acid at me and I rolled away. I began circling around her a safe distance away until I reached my broken spear. I yanked the side with the blade out of the floor. It was now only a foot long. Campe and I had a silent staredown for a moment before I charged. I activated Absolute Attack and with all my strength, threw my spear at her. She just stepped to the side to let it whiz past her but it turned and stabbed her through the eye, traveling all the way through and continued flying. I was right behind it and I flipped over her shoulder and cut off her wings and used Absolute Evasion to dodge her tail. I landed crouching and slashed up while raising my body.

Campe let out an ear splitting screech as she jumped away. I had cut her tail at the base. With her wings gone, the storm stopped.

"Y-YOU IDIOT! I will have to kill you quickly, but your brothers will die slowly for that!" Campe roared. I took deep breaths. I tried to wipe the rain off my face but my arm was wet as well. I ran at her again and she dashed at me. I threw my sword at her good eye but she swatted it away with one hand and slashed at me with the other but I had vanished.

"Huh?" She said swiping nothing. She looked around before locking on to Hades and Poseidon. Hades clutched his sword and readied himself.

As a gnat I landed on her nape and transformed back to my normal self and wrapped my legs around her neck. Before she could move I grabbed her head and twisted it off. I threw it behind me before doing a backflip and landing on it, causing it to explode. The nymph's body fell to the floor and I felt a bit of energy flow into me, giving me a tiny bit of energy back.


"Holy shit." Poseidon said. Hades was speechless. "Why didn't you do that before?" He asked.

"I honestly was too focused on stabbing her with my spear, I forgot about shapeshifting. But it clicked the moment I saw your inhuman burst of strength." I explained

"But I'm not human."

"True." I transformed into a rhino and charged at the cracked door. Poseidon and Hades quickly moved out the way. Hitting it right in the center of the fracture, I busted through. Turning back I did a slide and shot to my feet. I was in a dark, musty and humid cavern. I could see three Cyclopes staring at me before they quickly put their face in the squishy floor. In a dark corner, three hulking masses were hiding.

"Come out," Hades said. "We won't hurt you."

"No, our repulsiveness will turn you to stone."

I smiled. "No you won't. It's fine, we came here to free you, no matter your looks."

After a short delay, the three came out and also bowed. They had 50 arms on each side of their body.

"We will never be able to repay you," One of the Cyclopes said. This voice wasn't as coarse as the one we heard before.

"Yes, we will do anything you ask." A Hecatoncheir said.

"How about some sweet revenge?" Poseidon said.

"Huh?" The green eyed Cyclops rose his head.

"We'll go into details later, but we're planning to overthrow our father, Cronus."

"Did Gaea tell you to do this?"

"No, but she wants us to."

Our uncles nodded as this seemed like a very Gaea thing to do.

"Alright then let's go, we don't have much time." Hades said.

The Cyclopes and Hecatonchires stood up. The three Cyclopes all stood at 16 feet tall. One had a green eye, another a blue eye, and the last a red eye. The Hecatonchires stood at 28 feet tall. They had their 50 small heads all over their torso and shoulders. And at their sides were 100 arms. They had to crouch to get through the door.

"Okay, so the Titans may or may not be waiting for us, so you need to be prepared to run. Can you do that?"

"I'm more worried if you guys can run." The red eyed Cyclops said. He was the other cyclopes that had spoken in the cave.

Hades shrugged. "I'll be fine." Poseidon's eyes only became darker.

"Yeah, we can run." I didn't know why he was in such a bad mood, but I could ask him later. We walked past the regenerating body of Campe. Her tail and wings were only tiny stubs and the neck was slowly growing. I cut off her limbs then cut her torso in half.

The others continued on like it was normal and we climbed the stairs. At the top was a black circle which I assumed was the portal. I gave everyone a nod and we dashed through the portal.

I was only able to get a glimpse of Cronus' sadistic smile before an entire forest exploded around us.

"This way!" I said and we all sprinted to the left. We just ran straight as we could hear the sounds of trees falling and combusting. We ran past a titan who was trying to free himself from the pine tree that stabbed him through the stomach. When he saw us, he tried to block us with his spear but I cut through it and one of the Hecatonchires pulled his head off and continued running.

"That was satisfying," He said while all his heads smiled.

We continued running and finally made it out of the new forest. I could see Hyperion in his golden armor flying above the forest looking for us. When he spotted us he pulled back his spear and it began to glow with energy. I could probably dodge but not the others. Before I could speak, he launched the spear. Demeter appeared next to us and threw a bunch of seeds down that immediately grew into more trees. After piercing about thirty, the spear stopped. Demeter gave us a thumbs up and vanished again.

We didn't stop and continued to the mountain. After a few more close calls with the golden boy, We finally reached the mountain and it repelled Hyperion's charge.

"The hell." He reached forward and hit the invisible wall. Cronus was right behind him. "Aidoneus, Poseidon, and Zeus. As well as my treacherous brothers. I knew Gaea was behind this." He slashed the barrier with his scythe, causing visible ripples to flow through it.

"I can't wait till this falls. I'm going to make the rest of your eternity a LIVING HELL!"

I gave him the finger as we turned and began to climb the mountain.

Y’all know what to do, leave a comment and or review. Peace ✌️

Bigbabycreators' thoughts