
God Incarnate

What if you could unlock your brain's full potential? What if the limiter that was set on your body was broken? What if... --------------------------------------------------------- In a far and desolate planet there was a boy who contracted a virus that killed millions of people. He was already on his last breath until... The boy, through sheer will and unwillingness to die suddenly managed to unlock his full potential. His brain, the universe inside our head evolved into something that made him into a higher being. Able to adapt to any environment, able to evolve his body to best suit his surroundings. His evolved brain is able to process data faster. And his mutated body was able to regenerate faster. He became a God. An immortal. An everlasting entity. Thus he was able to live until the day his planet was destroyed. After his planet was destroyed his body reformed into space. He then began to wander the eternal cosmos for a new planet. His body underwent a major change during his travel. Able to absorb and produce different kinds of energy that he encountered…Going from planet to planet observing its beginning and witnessing its ending. Learning about parallel-universe. Meeting beings made of magic or law; Gods! But with eternity comes solitude. He became apathetic and lost his desires. He became stagnant. After travelling every known realm and space, he has killed every being just to satiate his ever empty feeling. He seeked battles and war just to feel something. And when the last Primordial God died by his hands he stopped moving. He drifted into space for half an eternity. Seeking closure in slumber, reliving the days he spent as a mortal, as a weak being who was struggling to survive. He wishes to go back to the past and relive it all but that would be impossible because his power was designed to destroy and not create. Suddenly he awakened! He then began gathering every power he had on his body and… BOOOM! he self-destructed… After his body exploded it came together and formed a new realm, a new universe. His death birthed new lives and a new path, a new world, a new beginning with a new meaning. And after billions and billions of years later he again came into being…. Disclaimer: The cover is not mine.

Fat_Neko · แฟนตาซี
24 Chs

Name Part I

Everyone who felt the ripple of Mana was racing to where it came from. Be it Chris, Calir or Lionell, they were all going to the same location. 

And at that location…

*Krrri! Gin heard a quiet shriek behind him. His complexion was pale and his body unmoving. He was simply frozen from the peer pressure the being behind him was releasing. It was unlike he ever felt before. It was nothing compared to the pressure he felt when he faced the Beast earlier. Because even though he was scared he still managed to overcome it and face the monster even when he knew he had no chance or hope.

But now, the pressure was suffocating. It was so strong that even the notion of going against it feels ridiculous. He truly felt like an ant right now while a boot hovers above him. But even though it was like this, Gin still managed to come to his senses. He had managed to face death more than once these past few minutes. First was with the Beast, second was when his Demon impaled his chest. This experience has made his spirit strong and his will indomitable.

With a shaking body, Gin slowly stood up and looked back. *Badum! His heart almost pounded out his chest as he saw the Beast once more but it looked different.

Gone were wounds and gnarly injuries it once wore. Its two eyes looked like two green emerald gems. It's not blank and emotionless anymore. Its messy brown fur coat is straightened and looks shiny and thicker. From having two bat wings it now had four white feathered wings. Its eagle face completely now resembled that of an eagle. Its snout had disappeared and a beak took its place. Its scorpion tail was restored and it had grown two more. And its overall body size has doubled!!! 

Gin fell back down as despair threatened to shroud his heart once more. But before it could, the Beast shrieked toward Gin at point blank.


"argh…" was the only thing the helpless little boy managed to utter before his eyes rolled back and he blacked out. Blood trickled down his ears as he fell backward. *Thud! The vine that held Leah in place loosened and she too fell and blood also flowed out from her ears. 

After a few seconds passed, Gin came to be and with blurry eyes he tried to make out what was in front of him. Gin was suspended from a few meters above the ground. He was upside down while a thick scorpion tail was wrapped around his body which he couldn't feel anymore. He felt numb and his consciousness was fading. He noticed Leah and Mary laying on the ground before his half opened eyes shifted forward.

He saw two shining emerald eyes that conveyed savagery but he didn't flinch nor feel an ounce of fear. He was not in the condition to feel anything. He felt nothing and seemed to be unaware of what was happening. It was already a miracle that he was alive and still breathing, such resilience was a true sign of his spirit.

The Beast observed the little boy for a while expecting some reaction but it got bored and opened its mouth. It brought the barely conscious boy towards its open beak with rows and rows of razor sharp teeth. Gin watched this in slow motion but he felt nothing… 

The end of the road was near for Gin and his fate was about to be sealed when all of a sudden a silhouette appeared in front of him.

Gin seemed to gain some awareness as he recognized the silhouette and uttered… 

"... Lu?"


Rewinding back time to when Gin and Mary coordinated an attack to blind the Beast… 

As the blinding light swallowed Little Lu his body suddenly dropped down on the ground. He was unconscious. The exposure to the spells affected his very being tremendously. The Wisp again gathered around him and they flew around chaotically, panicking. They were quite far from the battlefield and as Leah and Gin fought, scattered debris piled up on top of one another on Little Lu's body. He was buried in no time but his body wasn't squashed. There was a small cave under those debris and in it lay Little Lu. 

In Little Lu's subconscious.

"H-Hi, I'm Lucian. What's your name?" Little Lu was a little flustered. He could feel a strong connection with this unknown child for some reason. 

The child behind the glass like wall opened its mouth and uttered something but Little Lu couldn't hear it. "Huh? What?" He asked confusedly while he tried to communicate using his make up sign language. The child on the other side just stared at Little Lu who was energetically waving and gesturing things towards him. Trying to make him understand something. 

"I - didn't - hear - what - you - said." Little Lu tried his best to get his message forward as he did some exaggerated and confusing gestures.

'Hmm?… oh I know' Little Lu reached out his pocket to reach for something but his pockets were empty. 

"Wha- where is it?" Little Lu panicked. He couldn't find the things that he picked up as he was exploring the forest a while ago. Those were his presents for his friends and parents. He wanted to show it but it was gone. He was about to cry when he noticed the boy on the other side of the wall was reaching out towards him. A tiny hand was sticking out. 

Little Lu grabbed it without thinking. "Ah…" he uttered in surprise because he was suddenly pulled. He closed his eyes when he thought he would hit the wall. 

"Open your eyes." He heard a voice. It was a child's voice. It was captivating but at the same time it was dominating. For some reason it carried authority that Little Lu couldn't disobey. 

Little Lu opened his eyes and what he saw in front of him made his mouth wide. "Woah! What are those?! Where are we?" He blurted out. 

The other side of the wall was unlike the empty darkness that he stayed in. On this side, stars, galaxies and nebula clouds and other heavenly bodies were present. It was also endless but it was filled with different colored hues. 

"We are inside my Primordial Spark. The culmination of everything that I have accomplished." The child responded proudly as a small smile appeared on its face. 'What is this feeling… It's been a while since I felt proud of anything.' The child thought inwardly.

"Pri-Pridorial Spak? Do I have one too?" Aske Little Lu as he looked with expectant eyes.

The child chuckled and replied "In due time, you will." 

Little Lu looked at this long haired child and curiously asked as he tilted his head. "Hey, big sister. You look like Mama. Who are you?" It's been bothering him for a while now. First he had this feeling of strong connection towards this unknown child and to top it all of this child looked like his mother. 

"Sister? I am a boy like you." The little boy answered. 

Little Lu was taken aback. "Wha- but your hair is long and - and you look beautiful like Mama." 

The boy who looked like Calir only stared at Little Lu's inquisitive and pure eyes. 

Little Lu also starred in daze, unable to take his eyes off those abyss like black eyes. It was like a blackhole sucking him in.

"My hair is long because I have been sleeping until now." Said the boy as he looked at the vastness of the endless place they were at. He then continued "When I was born I sealed my Primordial Spark along with my consciousness because my mortal body was incapable of handling my existence, thus in the process it made me sleep for a while. Five years to be exact." Said the boy to Little Lu while he inwardly thought. 'I could make it shorter but…' he remembered what Little Lu said earlier. 'You look like Mama' 

'I'll leave it as it is.'

"I see. I see." Said Little Lu as if he understood everything the other boy said. "By the way my name is Lucian. What's yours Big Brother?" Little Lu asked with the brightest smile.


Shivers ran down the spine of the other boy. 'What is this feeling?' He thought as he looked at the cute little boy in front of him. 'Big Brother?' His hands then slowly raised without his control until it was on Little Lu's cheek. He then pinched!

'Adorable' he thought as he kept pinching Little Lu's cheek and it didn't take long until both his hands were pinching the poor boy's soft cheeks.

"I still don't know your name, Big Brother." Said Little Lu after a while. The other boy stopped pinching his cheeks and closed his eyes for a moment.

He was looking through a memory. 

In that memory he saw Calir teaching Little Lu how to write his name. 

"Aw Lu you're so smart!" Said Calir as he pampered Little Lu with lots of kisses. 

"It tickles haha. Mama stop, it tickles haha." The little boy giggled non-stop as he enjoyed his mother's affection. Eventually Calir forgot that he was teaching Little Lu how to write and read and they just played until they ended up running around the house playing tag. 

At some point Little Lu ended up in a small room. Like a storage room where old and worn things could be found. Little Lu found an old dresser. He opened it carefully and hid inside. He hid as he peeked through a small opening with his heart racing. He could hear Calir looking for him, of course Calir knew where he was and was just pretending not to know. Calir could feel any living thing from miles away after all. The senses of a Dragon Warrior are just that sharp.

"Where are you Lu?" Asked Calir mischievously as she approached the small storage room. "Are you in here?" She said as she opened the door suddenly. 

Little Lu recoiled back as he looked through the small gap. He was starting to panic. 'Mama will definitely find me.' He tried to think of a solution. He looked around inside the old dresser. It was quite dark but since Calir opened the door of the storage room some light managed to get in through the small opening of the dresser. 

Little Lu fumbled around inside. He tried to be as quiet as he could but Calir could hear everything and thought 'Is he even trying to hide?' 

Little Lu found old books and some old garments inside and eventually his hand grasped something. It was soft and fluffy. He then tried to pull it. He pulled and pulled and found that it was quite long. 'What's this?' It was black as night, he thought it was perfect! He wrapped it around himself making all sorts of noise. After he was done he felt confident that Calir wouldn't find him. 

He then heard the footsteps getting closer and closer until it was right in front of him and then bam! The dresser was opened. "Hmm where could Lu be?" Asked Calir as she looked inside. She saw a black cloth in a corner with red hair on top peeking out. 'So obvious' she thought as her lips twitched.

"I guess he's not here." She said loudly as she closed the dresser. 

She then walked out of the storage room… 

or so Little Lu thought.

But just when he was about to feel relaxed and peek through the small opening again the dresser suddenly opened. *bam!

"Gotchu!" Said Calir with a bright smile.

She then reached out to the dumbfounded Little Lu and gave him lots of kisses as she tossed him up in the air gently. 

"Mama wins again." Said Calir as she looked at her son proudly. It seems like even with her child she is still as competitive as ever. 

"I will beat you next time and then after that I will beat you again and again." Said Little Lu as determination burned in his eyes. 

Seeing this Calir couldn't help but be proud again. 'As expected of my son' she thought.

The mother and son duo was about to leave the storage room when suddenly Calir caught a glimpse of a dark cloth that was on the floor. It was dragged out when Calir picked up Little Lu earlier. 

She bent down and took it in her hands. Reminiscence then invaded her eyes as she recognized what it was. It was a scarf. 

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