
God's Warrior Series Sitija (The Last Yadava)

Synopsis I and II Synopsis I God's Warrior Series Sitija (The Last Yadava) Prince Sitija or Bhomanarakasura is a king in the kingdom of Trajutrisna. a kingdom whose entire population is the Ditya (Deity Giant). At first he had the title Bomanarakasura he was sent by the Gods to conquer two giant countries.Namely the kingdoms of Prajatista or Pragjyotisha and Surateleng which were led by two kings who were also their own uncles, King Bhomabomantara and King Narakasura.Both of them are adopted sons of Kings Basudewa and Queen Mahendra(Mahira) who will undermine the kingdom of Dwarawati(Dwaraka) With the provision of Pancasona teachings given by Avatar Guru (Lord Shiva) and Padma flower WijayaMulya, given by The Mother With the help of the four giant retainers and their mounts. A giant eagle (Garuda Wilmuna), .Ditya Ancakagra, Ditya Yayahgriwa, Ditya Maudara, and Ditya Amisundha. The four giant retainers were brought to life from the two offerings found on the royal border.The two kings were finally killed by Prince Sitija. And finally became Powered in his body, where Soul Lord Bhomabomantara was in the right hand and The Soul Of Lord Narakasura was in the left. Also a fang in both teeth. Prince Sitija is the son of Lord Krishna an (Avatar of Lord Vishnu) with Queen Satyabhama or Goddess Pertiwi /Prativi (Goddess of the earth). Prince Sitija still has one sister. one of his sisters is Princess Siti Sundari The first wife of Abhimanyu son of Prince Arjuna or Prince Janaka with Princess Sembadra.The news of his death in an urban story entitled Gojali Suta (Samba Juwing) or Bhomakawya is still a mystery controversy that cannot be solved. There is a kind of conspiracy from the intervention of the Father, namely Lord Krishna in the story. The Yadava people were destroyed and perished because they were involved in the Civil War.Events after the great war Bharatayudha. Until now the whereabouts of Prince Sitija is still a mystery. And the mystery about it will be revealed In this story. Synopsis Part II Assistant Commissioner Officer I Wayan Wira, a member of the state police. While on vacation with his family at the house of the late Professor I Wayan Dharma's grandfather.In the Uluwatu area, Jimbaran, Bali. When he was about to clean the old cupboard belonging to his grandfather. Wayan Wira found an old diary in a hidden box.Along with the secret room in the grandfather's room. The room that turned out to be the former laboratory of the past.Wayan Wira also got an old book. A thesis result of the grandfather's research. A thesis which concludes that there are Immortal Beings around humans.Together with his colleagues, finally Assistant Commissioner Officer Wayan Wira and a friend of his, a military police officer named Colonel I Made Suta finally managed to find their whereabouts.Around the Gianyar area, they suspect a rich businessman named Arya Susena.Because the figure of Arya Susena and all of the cousins ​​often use fake identities many times. In the end, with the guidance of Arya Susena, I Wayan Wira and their colleagues actually found a way to uncover the crimes of an international banned criminal organization.A banned organization that wears the Eureka Grass Stem symbol. Symbol of the destruction of a people trying to enter the territory of Indonesia.Then on the orders of their respective superiors. Eventually Assistant Commissioner of Officers I Wayan Wira and Colonel I Made Suta were given the mandate to form a special agency which is still under construction State Secret Service Agency Supervision.Named the League of Officers and Knights of the Republic By recruiting subordinates from all state institutions. Also recruited Arya Susena and him five cousins ​​who called themselves Bhomanarakasura And the Five Giants of Ditya.

Hendry_Octavian · แฟนตาซี
20 Chs

Revelation of Earth's Supreme General

Prince Sitija's body wrapped in a layer of ice floats in space. The ice sheet was getting thicker and thicker. Prince Wisanggeni, Prince Wisangkantha, Prince Antasena and Prince Srenggini Immediately Followed His Cousin Brother's Body which was Covered by a Layer of Ice. Prince Wisanggeni Flying at high speed first pushed the ice sheet at high speed past the planets closer to the sun.Then suddenly Prince Wisanggeni released Prince Sitija's body slowly towards the sun.Then by flying at high speed Prince Wisanggeni also led by dipping under the sun.The Prince put his palms together again. Instantly his body enlarged and continued to grow beyond the sun.Prince Wisanggeni molded himself into the biggest giant Mega Titan With Height Beyond the Solar System, with eyes blazing like a torch, hair of fire, fangs and Sharp and Long Nails Like Coals,Dripping Hot Lava.The giant Yang named Mega Titan Dahana Geni. Dahana Geni Roars Like a Lion. The Dahana's Voice booms in the Universe.The Dahana also picked up a lump of ice in which was the Prince's body. Sitija.And Sang Dahana Geni put a lump of ice that was in his Right hand towards the sun which was only the size of a chicken egg for him. Dahana geni immersed it into the sun Which is only the size of a chicken egg for him.Then Sang Dahana Geni turned his left hand towards his chest while closing His eyes.

From various directions the Gods led by Avatar Guru (Lord Shiva) also came to Sang Dahana.All the Gods threw all the weapons they were holding towards Prince Sitija's body. Prince Sitija's body was immersed in a collection of hot lava from the Sun.All the Gods distributed immunity to Prince Sitija's Body.


All the Gods raised their hands, And from the hands of All the Gods emitted a shimmering light.All the rays went to the sun where Prince Sitija was buried. The rays entered the hot lava from the sun.The Dahana who was still holding Prince Sitija's body pulled his hand away. Dahana Geni saw Prince Sitija who was just like dust still lying limp and fainted Without a single thread covering his whole body.Then Dahana Geni's body suddenly shrunk back to its original form, namely Prince Wisanggeni who carried the body of his cousin's brother.And the Prince flew towards the Gods.

The Gods put their palms together. And some of them covered Prince Sitija's body by giving a scarf.And after approaching Prince Antasena, Prince Srenggini, and Prince Wisangkantha. Prince Wisanggeni who was carrying his brother sped away from space and returned to earth towards Ekapratala's heaven.With high-speed flying, Prince Wisanggeni flew followed by his three brothers brushing away the Space clouds towards the north of Jamurdipa (Himalaya) mountain.And without realizing it, the five of them entered the Ekapratala forest area. Prince Wisanggeni slowed down and finally managed to Stand floating in the air as did the others. Suddenly the Ekapratala Jungle opened and a magnificent palace was seen. Outside the palace the Yaksa guards the palace gates saluting. Then Prince Wisanggeni and others entered the courtyard of the palace while still carrying the brother who was still unconscious. Prince Wisanggeni landed slowly in the courtyard of Ekapratala Palace.It turned out that the arrival of Prince Wisanggeni and others had been awaited by King Krishna, the wife of Goddess Pratiwi, the God of Ekawarna, and a beautiful angel Yadnyawati.The beautiful angel who is worried about her lover's condition.Prince Sitija was carried up to the palace room followed by all who were there. Then Prince Wisanggeni also laid his cousin's brother's body on the palace handrail.Beautiful Angel Yadnyawati ran over to Prince Sitija's body. Goddess Pratiwi also tried to follow but her hand was then held by the husband of the King Krishna.

"Be patient, my wife, let the young ones let go of their longing..."

"But, my husband. Sss-..." The goddess's mouth was gently locked by the husband's index finger.

"Come ... My wife. We both walk behind them ..." continued the King Krishna Smiling wisely to the wife.

Finally the Goddess obeyed her husband's words.

The four Supreme Generals of the Universe were still there waiting for Prince Sitija to wake up from his stupor. While the Heaven's Angel Yadnyawati, wept bitterly. The Angel of Heaven still embraced and held her lover's body who was still unconscious.

"SITIJA, WAKE UP THIS I AM...I'M ALREADY WITH YOU DEAR...! "said the Angel of Heaven as tears rolled down her cheeks.

"You Auntie, do you really miss me so much...?"

Suddenly laughter exploded throughout the room. The three Supreme Generals of the universe burst into laughter. While Prince Wisanggeni just smiled while shaking his head.Immediately, the Heaven's Angel Yadnyawati threw Prince Sitija's body away. The Shy Shyded Heaven's Angel tried to wipe her tears while pinching her lover's waist.Prince Sitija grimaced while scratching his head.

"You really are a bad man, Sitija...!" said the Heaven's Angel Yadnyawati with a blushing face because she was embarrassed to add to her beauty.

And laughter exploded again throughout the room.

Prince Wisanggeni could only shake his head at his cousin's actions. Suddenly Prince Sitija seemed to remember something.He ran to the palace stables. When he got there Prince Sitija did not find Wilmuna, the friend of his Giant Eagle.

"Wilmuna..., Where are you my friend...?" said Prince Sitija followed by the others.

Prince Sitija saw Paksi Wilmuna's other harness perched in his cage. Prince Sitija took it and kissed it.Prince Sitija sat languidly and looked down remembering his friend. Followed by his lover, the Heaven's Angel, Yadnyawati, who took his arm while leaning on his shoulder.Prince Sitija also stroked his lover's hair and kissed his lover's forehead.

Wilmuna, I'm sorry…My friend…I'm sorry…" The Prince said while shedding tears for his Giant Eagle Friend .

The Angel of Heaven, Yadnyawati, took Prince Sitija's hand and asked him to leave.

"Yadnyawati... Rest, my beautiful child. Sleep on your sister Sundari's bedroom..." said Goddess Pratiwi from a distance.

"Okay, Mother..." answered the Heaven's Angel Yadnyawati towards Goddess Pratiwi.

Wait a minute...!" said Prince Sitija while holding his lover's arm.

"Didn't Aunt use to call my mother, my eldest sister...?" asked Prince Sitija in surprise to the lover.

"The day after tomorrow I will also call you, my husband ..." said the Angel of Heaven Yadnyawati with a smile while jogging towards Goddess Pratiwi.

"How come my brother calls him, Aunt. Then the day after tomorrow he calls You, her husband . So my brother is confused, now...?" Asked Prince Antasena teasingly towards his cousin.

"Yeah..., what's this. Then Aunt Yadnyawati is an angel. But why don't you go back to Suralaya...?" muttered Prince Sitija.

"Do I know. So Brother ...?" replied Prince Srenggini.

"NOT YOU... MY BROTHER. Ahhh..., It turns out that you two are annoying like the Guritno bastard...!" Said Prince Sitija, annoyed to see the actions of his two cousins.

The three of them laughed out loud at the confused behavior of the older brother.Except for Prince Wisanggeni who kept smiling and shaking his head at the behavior of his three cousins ​​and younger siblings.Suddenly in the sky there was a long shrill sound. The sound of an eagle chirping together.Prince Sitija also recognized the voice. He ran into the palace grounds and was eventually followed by his three Cousins.

"It's like the voices of Wilmuna and Wildata...!?" exclaimed Prince Sitija, pointing to the sky.

"Where, Brother. We haven't heard anything..?" Prince Antasena teased while giggling.

"I'm sure it's the voices of Wilmuna and Wildata...!" Said Prince Sitija Back.

Goddess Pratiwi and the Angel of Heaven Yadnyawati ran after and followed Prince Sitija and her younger cousins.

"What's wrong, my son Sitija...?" asked the mother to her son.

"Just a moment, Brother. I will see it up there ...!" said Prince Wisanggeni then he flew towards the direction of Prince Sitija's brother.

"My niece Wisanggeni, be careful son... Soon the sky will be dark...!!" shouted Goddess Pratiwi towards her nephew.

Prince Wisanggeni just nodded, then looked for the origin of the shrill voice. Prince Wisanggeni shot flying towards the top and surrounded the entire area in the Ekapratala palace. From a distance, Prince Wisanggeni saw the shadows of two giant birds. The two giant eagles were ridden by two beautiful women.They are also holding a small child,Together with a man wearing Black clothes with a star symbol on his chest, Prince Wisanggeni immediately approached them.

"Brother Atmaja, is that you...!?" shouted Prince Wisanggeni.

"Yes…, Wisanggeni's My little brother . It's me...!" replied Prince Guritno's voice from a distance.

Prince Guritno and the two women and children who rode the two giant birds. Immediately slid slowly down towards the place where Prince Sitija went with his mother Goddess Pratiwi,Angel of Heaven Yadnyawati, Prince Antasena, Prince Srenggini, and Prince Wisangkantha. The two Eagle giant birds landed slowly right in front of them.Two giant eagles, brothers , which at first glance look like the same feather color. But the one named Wildata has slightly black fur. Then Prince Antasena and Prince Srenggini immediately carried down the two women who were carrying the two small children.Prince Sitija then approached them while putting his palms together. The two women replied with a smile.

"My sister-in-law Pregiwa and sister-in-law Suryawati..." said Prince Sitija to the two women in front of him.

The two women who turned out to be the two consorts of the Pringgodhani Kingdom. And Prince Sitija carrying a small toddler who was carried by the Empress Pregiwa.

"Look at this…, my nephew. You ride your Uncle's mount. But you never kiss your Uncle's cheek, my Handsome Nephew.Even though your uncle came to Pringgodani, my handsome son Sashikirana." said Prince Sitija teasing his little nephew.

Then the little toddler patted his uncle's cheek. and kissed him instantly. They laughed at the sight of the two sons of the King Gatotkaca.

"Here, Arya Kaca. Follow Grandma..." Invite Goddess Pratiwi to the Only Small Child Who is Still Carrying Her Mother.

"Let me introduce you to your beautiful aunt candidate..."

"Prospective mother…?"asked the son curiously to his mother.

"Yes... , the day after tomorrow. You will be a husband, my son Sitija..." said his mother towards her son.

"In that case, I will call you my dear wife, not Aunt anymore..." said Prince Sitija to the Heaven's Angel Yadnyawati who was next to his mother.

"How does this have a Big Brother, how come his mind is slow Down, ouch..."Prince Srenggini said to his cousin brother.

"What does slowdown mean, my brother? Ask Prince Wisangkantha Surprised to His Cousin Prince Srenggini's Brother .

"That's Future Term Brother,Slowdown Means Slowly Download aka Weak Brain..."

"Since when did you know such terms...?" asked Prince Wisangkhanta again.

"Ohhhh I Know..., Srenggini's My younger brother's habit.Every Day He sucked cow's milk yesterday. Directly from the cow's mother, so it's smart..." Raden Antasena's voice made everyone who was there burst out laughing.

Instantly The Angel of Heaven Yadnyawati's cheeks flushed red. The Beautiful angel blushed, holding Arya Kaca's small body . While carrying them into the palace. Instantly their laughter broke out again. Laughter the happiness of A Gathering family .