
God's daugther

A man who lived a prosperous life, strong and faithful, forever for his god, died of old age with the count of a century and 22 years long life dedicated to his god. He was very old for a human and shouldn't be able to, but yes he did. He called his life a blessing and priviledge from God. He saved many people, even in his death. He hadn't spoke for over 12 years but at the time of his death speaked; "I have... lived a... long life. I brought many.... to my Lord... I did good things... I shared... the light... named Jesus... Now... I pass... my duty... upon you... who are... behind me.... and go... I will cross the jordan... river... and meet my father. Spread the word... make Jesus shine upon this dark world... may you give... all you have to GOD... for he will repay with double... may you lay all on the altar... for him... may you repeat and surpass what I have... accomplished. Carry the light... go and preach the gospell, till there is no more night." His words inpired many believers as they carried out his will and preached the gospel. Even till centuries later, His accomplishments bellowed throughtout the world. But, BUT. A big but. HE is secretly a mad fan of isekai. As people pray for him, that he may be in peace with the father, he was in another world. Interested? Now go on and read about the man- ehem womans new life. Pic is not mine. I took the pic from the net.

Nakamura_Shun · แฟนตาซี
5 Chs


In the realm of absolute creation...

A humanoid being seateth upon the plain of green and occasional flowers.

That being is me.

The Author of this book.

The creator of this story about to unfold.

It was the beginning of this book.

A book where a man turneth woman blossomed in another world.

It all began when I thought; what would happen if I throw a guy who's faith is unquestionably unbreakable towards the 'Christian God' we know?

A man whose titled name; a man after God's own will?

My mind raced as it thought of boundless and infinite amount of possiblities, down to even the changes of events every nanoseconds of every timline.

It was clear.

The potential story I could create was tremendous!

Overflowing like a water fall crashing down upon brain, ideas sparked and my hand moved.

I felt... euporia.

Happiness, excitement, and many more.

I felt the blood in my body course as my heart beats and creates waves and ripples in reality.

Causing this epic to be made.

The world.

The plot.

The characters.

Everything in this story!

I WILL make it good.

I WILL make it so that others may read this and find a good book.

I WILL make it to my imagination.

According to dreams, my inspiration.

I will make the woman grow strong and achieve feats deemed impossible.

I will make the story of Seraphina Ariel Meridionalis Stella Lucidus.

I will make, the story of {God's Daughter}.