
God's Cruel Blessing

Every human being is born with a Soul, these are infinitely different from person to person and can range from a Cursed Soul to a Blessed Soul. Blessed Souls can grant people extra-human abilities while a Cursed Soul can be extremely harmful! Follow our protagonist Arthur Bridges, a young man born with a First Class Blessed Soul as he journeys to avenge the ones he loved most, and take down the corrupt pharmaceutical company turned military, MARGAS!

Ben_Elliott_4343 · แฟนตาซี
13 Chs

The Employee

Arthur straightened back up and set on the ledge of the building, even though it wasn't the tallest of buildings, it still gave him a great view of the city below. The honking of horns and the laughter of drunk women wafted through the thick urban air, neon signs flashed their mysterious morse code to the uninterested world around them.


"What am I even doing here? Do I expect to be some hero and save these people? Do I care?"

"Don't forget... big brother... you're here for us!"

Arthur jolted his head up to find the source of this voice, but was met with only more rooftop.


"Forgive me Maria, I almost let you down."

Arthur rose from the ledge and stepped up onto it, he slowly turned to face the roof and closed his eyes, his back to the city below. Then he dropped.


Arthur blasted through the reinforced stone wall like it was papermache, rubble crashing to the ground like thunderous strikes of lightning. It took a moment for the people in the building to realise what had happened, they all turned their heads to the broken wall, and from the dust rose the Pilot.

"Yo Albert? This one of your dudes?"

The Margas employee turned to the slave trader and grabbed his collar.

"You actually believe one of my guys would come crashing through the side of the building I'm doing business in you FUCKING idiot?!?"

Before the accused fucking idiot could respond, large chunks of rubble came flying out of the dust and rubble near the collapsed wall.



One by one the slave traders heads were being caved in by the flying pieces of stone and rebar.

"GET HIM YOU STUPID BASTARDS! GET HIIIIIIM!" The Margas employee howled.

Soon slave traders armed

He straightened back up and set on the ledge of the building, even though it wasn't the tallest of buildings, its still gave him a great view of the city below. The honking of horns and the laughter of drunk women wafted through the thick urban air, neon signs flashed their mysterious mouse code to the uninterested world around them. 


"What am I even doing here? Do I expect to be some hero and save these people? Do I care?"

"Don't forget... big brother... you're here for us!"

Arthur jolted his head up to find the source of this voice, but was met with only more rooftop.


"Forgive me Maria, I almost let you down." 

Arthur rose from the ledge and stepped up onto it, he slowly turned to face the roof and closed his eyes, his back to the city below. Then he dropped.


Arthur blasted through the reinforced stone wall like it was papermache, rubble crashing to the ground like thunderous strikes of lightning. It took a moment for the people in the building to realise what had happened, they all turned their heads to the broken wall, and from the dust rose the Pilot.

"Yo Jakey? This one of your dudes?"

The Margas employee turned to the slave trader and grabbed his collar.

"You actually believe one of my guys would come crashing through the side of the building I'm doing business in you FUCKING idiot?!?"

Before the accused fucking idiot could respond, large chunks of rubble came flying out of the dust and rubble near the collapsed wall.



One by one the slave trader's heads were being caved in by the flying pieces of stone and rebar. 

"GET HIM YOU STUPID BASTARDS! GET HIIIIIIM!" The Margas employee howled.

Soon, slave traders armed with metal pipes and guns surrounded the dust cloud as it began to settle, however, the enemy was nowhere to be found.


One slave trader dropped to the ground in a heap after having his neck snapped.


One man who was armed raised a shaky gun to the thing standing behind his friend's body. His finger came down to the trigger but before he could pull it fully Arthur turned the gun skyward with the palm of his hand, and then placed the other palm on his stomach and opened a hole in it with Burst.



Arthur caught the metal pipe that had been swung at him, wrapped it round the back of the man's head, and dragged his face down into Arthur's knee.

"These guys are not professionals, coming at me one by one." Arthur thought, "He seems different however."

The Margas employee stood still in the centre of the room.


Arthur's last opponent hit the floor, then it was just him and the employee.

"Useless... all of them... fine. I'll show everybody what it means to be chosen by the grace of God!"

The man pulled off his shirt to reveal a mini gun barrel in the middle of his stomach.

"HAHAHAAA! Now you're truly done for!"

The sound of the min gun revving up slowly began, the barrel spinning made a strange ticking sound. Then the bullets actually started firing.

"Shit. Can I even dodge that?"

Arthur began sprinting across the wall using Burst, bullets tracing him close behind. Then, he grabbed a piece of glass from the broken window at the top of the building.

"Hooooo." Arthur breathed, calming his mind and heart. He stopped, the bullets edging ever closer, and faced the employee.

"Burst Limit 20%!"

Arthur shot off the wall incredibly fast and slashed the employees achilles heel open.


"Having a weapon permanently positioned in your midriff means that eliminating the ability to turn around is fatal. You lose."

"Do you know who I am? I am Albert Creek, the Mini Gun Soul! Address me as so worm."

Arthur pressed down on Albert's leg, blood gushing out of the open wound.


"From up here the only one squirming around on the floor is you Albert. Tell me what you know about Michel Brandt."

"OK! OK. Listen kid no one really knows much about him, he keeps to himself and keeps his location hidden, spurting orders out via these earpieces."

He removes a small earpiece from his ear, black in colour and shining in the dimly lit room, however, when he gave it to Arthur something unexpected happened.


A strange sound came from the earpiece, and perfectly in sync both the earpiece and Albert's head exploded.


Arthur desperately scrambled to pick up the pieces of the destroyed device, but it was too late. Believing to have been one step closer to finding Brandt, only to be shot down in a ball of flames, back to square one.

Thank you so much to my first collection! It means so much to me!

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