
God's Cruel Blessing

Every human being is born with a Soul, these are infinitely different from person to person and can range from a Cursed Soul to a Blessed Soul. Blessed Souls can grant people extra-human abilities while a Cursed Soul can be extremely harmful! Follow our protagonist Arthur Bridges, a young man born with a First Class Blessed Soul as he journeys to avenge the ones he loved most, and take down the corrupt pharmaceutical company turned military, MARGAS!

Ben_Elliott_4343 · แฟนตาซี
13 Chs


"The way this world works is very simple, human beings are born with Souls, these are completely random from person to person and grant the person special abilities. In some cases however a Soul can be harmful and even fatal to a person, this is why they are ranked. If a Soul is beneficial to a person it is a Blessed Soul, if it is harmful it is a Cursed Soul, and if it's neither then it is called a Neutral Soul. Cursed and Blessed Souls are ranked First Class through Tenth Class with Tenth Class being the weakest Blessed Soul and the least harmful Cursed Soul, and First Class being the strongest Blessed Soul and the most harmful Cursed Soul, this usually being fatal."

"Yes Simon, I'm aware, everyone learns this in primary school." Arthur scoffed rolling his eyes.

"So then tell me why, for the love of FUCK, would you attempt to fight the FOURTH STONGEST FIRST CLASS SOUL ALIVE!?"

"If I recall correctly the aforementioned "fourth strongest First Class Soul alive" is currently at the bottom of the ocean."

"That was so dangerous Arthur, seriously." Simon's tone changed from anger to seriousness as they drove back to the hideout.

"Wait you actually killed Julian Waxing?" Erin leaned forward and took a sweet from a tin in the front of the car.

"Hah, yeah... he was really strong though. I got lucky he underestimated me or I might've lost."

"No kiddin', that'll be the first time in twenty years a Shield will have been killed!"

"A what?"

"Hmm? You don't know what a Shield is?"

"No..." Arthur realised this might be very common knowledge by the tone of her words.

"OK well, a Shield is a "protector" of sorts employed by Margas to look after other people and work under them, there are always four Shields and these are normally the strongest in the world, but recently they've been doing more dirty work than ever for Margas. People aren't being protected and Maras just keep profiting off of Cursed Souls by selling them marked up nullifying vaccines. Its sickening." The tone of her voice changed towards the end and Arthur got the sense that she was once hurt by Margas.

"Well now that that's settled, how about some tunes ey!?" Sam who could barely fit in the car in the first place reached forward from the back and turned the radio up loudly, it was playing some 1990's club music.

"Sam how can you like that?!" Erin laughed.

"Truly one of the worst pieces of art EVER created." Simon agreed, annoyed at how hard it was to drive with it distracting him. However Sam was too busy rocking the car back and forth to even notice their remarks, and as the group headed back to the hideout, with a bunch of nullifying vaccines resting on Sam's shield that was on the top of the car. A familiar face rose from the depths.

"Arthur Bridges... I won't forget that name... No... I will sear it into my mind until the day I can see you grovel at my feet and pray I let you die quickly!" Julian said as he sat on the dock pier soaked and sore.

The group finally made their way back to the hideout, following Simon through the multiple alleyways to get there, the scent of wet clothes and stale water wafted through the cold air. Apart from the fragrance however, the general mood was that of hope! This was the first real success that the group had achieved in a long time and Sam was all up for some festivities.

"Right! You kids nowadays have no idea how te truly partey! I was a MACHINE in my day! Rampaging through clubs like no other!" He said as he walked towards the kitchen, a gleeful smile creeping onto his lips.

"Sam we really shouldn't be celebrating this, Arthur could've easily died tonight and-"

"Aah shut up ye old grump! Let yer hair doon for 5 fucking minutes!" Sam teased as he removed a half empty bottle of whisky from one of the crooked cupboards.

"Don't be like that Simon, this is the first real victory we've had in a long long time!" Erin's eyes searched the room until they landed on Arthur, who was silently lagging behind the rest of the group.

"The truth is, it wouldn't have been possible without you Arthur." Erin smiled, a soft radiance streamed from her expression and it was hard for even Arthur to deny her gratitude.

"I'm fine, you guys go ahead and celebrate. I just need to get a bit of fresh air." Arthur said, leaving the group to head back outside for a moment.

The atmosphere changed, and Erin was the first to speak within it.

"Should we... go out to him?"

"No, leave him be, he will need time to acclimate. We know he's strong and he'll be ok." Simon said softly his words echoing through the near empty warehouse.

Arthur exited the hideout and stood for a moment just outside it, the hideout was near the water and it had many other warehouses either side. Arthur presumed they might be uninhabitable and so we're just abandoned after the war. On the other side of the warehouse opposite the water was the city of London, always bright and never sleeping, it abstained against the night and shone ever strongly. It was from this light that Arthur managed to catch a reflection of himself in a nearby puddle, he knelt down, examining his expression through the calming ripples of the water. He... hadn't seen himself for a long time. His dark brown hair was slick with sweat as it covered his forehead, his eyes he that his mother loved so much now looked... different. People often told him he was calming to be around and his facial features always sung kind words of his heart. Well, if he was honest that last part was mostly his mum, he missed his mum. The ripples began again, tears striking the surface of the water like diving birds feeding for fish. Just as he began to wipe away his tears and stand up Erin peered out from the warehouse with two drinks in her hand.

"Oh hey, I didn't know if you drank so I brought you alcoholic and non-alcoholic!" She beamed that smile again that made it really hard for Arthur to turn her down, this time however he just couldn't.

"Non-alcoholic please."

"Yeah no problem." She handed Arthur the cylindrical glass and paused to ask another question.

"So, non-alcoholic ey, you underage or something? Don't worry, I won't tell if you won't."

"I am yeah, but no I have my reasons, so are you underage?"

"Yes. Funnily enough though when you become a wanted outlaw they seem to forget silly little things like underage drinking on your sentence."

"Hah, I suppose so."

The two stood for a moment under the carapace of the warehouse, the ceiling stuck out just enough to shield them from the rain. Sam's 1990's club music reverberated the wall as they pressed their backs up against it.

"Cheers, to um, underage drinking!" Erin cheerfully reached her glass out to Arthur.

"Hahaha yeah ok, cheers!"

Before Arthur new it, as he was taking a sip of his drink, he realised he had laughed for the first time since the incident.