
God's Cruel Blessing

Every human being is born with a Soul, these are infinitely different from person to person and can range from a Cursed Soul to a Blessed Soul. Blessed Souls can grant people extra-human abilities while a Cursed Soul can be extremely harmful! Follow our protagonist Arthur Bridges, a young man born with a First Class Blessed Soul as he journeys to avenge the ones he loved most, and take down the corrupt pharmaceutical company turned military, MARGAS!

Ben_Elliott_4343 · แฟนตาซี
13 Chs


"A codename? Really?"

"Um... yes really!? How are we going to address you on the battlefield without leaking your identity?"

"Let them know."

"OK well that's not happening, just say something, anything that you think correlates to you."

Arthur thought for a moment, which could often times be very dangerous.

"How about Stormkiller!"

And as if even the music Sam was blasting heard this, the room went silent.

"That might be, the absolute, no contest, WORST codename I have EVER heard!" Eren sneered.

"Ok fuck this, Simon, how about you make one for me."

Simon studied Arthur, his jade eyes making their way from his dark brown straight hair that stuck to his forehead because of the rain, to his sleepy eyes and the dark circles that underlined them. They then examined his soft skin and shapely head, he had skin so delicate Simon could only assume he had been loved deeply once. They finally settled on the goggles and mask he wore around his neck, and spoke.

"How about Pilot? It fits the theme of your mask and goggles along with your ability to kind-of fly!"

"Sure, whatever."

Just then, a not-so-sober Sam stumbled his way over to the group, stains of Vodka lining his orange t-shirt and white shorts.

"Whadda hell are yous doin over here... C'MON an DANCE! The night is... YOUNG!"

"Ok no, time for bed I think." Simon said as he wrangled the empty vodka bottle out of Sam's hand.

"Fucking hell Sam this was full before tonight!"

"Wha?? Ye can always find answers... at the bottom of a bottle."

Simon somehow managed to walk Simon to his bunk, leaving just Erin and Arthur.

"Hey I was wondering something Arthur."

Arthur sat up and looked at Erin.

"Sure what's up?"

"So... it's about your bones."

Arthur's eyes widened, he had never spoken about this before.

"Mhmm, that is a loaded question Erin.'

"Yeah, I thought maybe that was the case, sorry, night Arthur."

Arthur's face dropped.


Erin stopped walking and turned around.

"Umm, I mean, stay for a bit."

Arthur's face was bright red at this point.

"Haha OK." Erin smiled, it was a warm smile.

She sat down next to Arthur.

"When I was born, my Soul was Immediately recognised as a First Classer. However when I developed enough to use it, my father quickly realised it would be useless to him."

"Why?" Erin inquired, listening attentively.

"Well because when I would initiate Burst, the G-force would damage my bones, and sometimes even break them if I impacted something at high speeds. My father blamed me for it... how was it my fault? I tried to please him..."

It was clear to Erin this was hard for Arthur to talk about, she placed her hand on his back.

"Oh Arthur..."

"One night, when my mum was sleeping, he took me to this-this horrible place! The walls smelled of bleach and dirt and there was scary people everywhere... eventually I was on this table, with this man standing over me. Hi-his breath smelt terrible! He cut my arm open, and touched the bone in my arm. The next thing I remember I was at home in bed, since then I've never broken or damaged a bone due to Burst, and I was finally of use to my dad."

Erin stroked Arthur's back to try an soothe him.

"That man from the table gave you steel bones?"

"I guess, yeah."

Erin looked to the ceiling, attempting to process what he had told her, when he recalled that place he went to with his father, he began speaking like a child, almost as if that was the only way to relive his trauma.

"Thank you for telling me that Arthur, that was brave!"

Erin smiled at Arthur, but quickly realised he was fast asleep.

She laid a blanket over him and went to bed herself, they deserved a rest.