
God's Cruel Blessing

Every human being is born with a Soul, these are infinitely different from person to person and can range from a Cursed Soul to a Blessed Soul. Blessed Souls can grant people extra-human abilities while a Cursed Soul can be extremely harmful! Follow our protagonist Arthur Bridges, a young man born with a First Class Blessed Soul as he journeys to avenge the ones he loved most, and take down the corrupt pharmaceutical company turned military, MARGAS!

Ben_Elliott_4343 · แฟนตาซี
13 Chs

Nothing to Lose

"I think I understand what just happened..."

Arthur peered over at Adam who was making his way over to him with a twisted smile on his face.

"When I closed the gap on Adam, he produced a small object from that pouch on his hip, after that I was nearly eaten by this thing. It seems he has an ability to create plant life and bend it to his will, whatever the case, that pouch is the secret to winning." Arthur thought, a new found goal sparking his confidence against an extreme threat.

"Are you prepared Arthur? I'm starting to really like you, it would be such a shame if you were to end this fight early!"

Adam waved his hand and another barrage of roots surged at Arthur, who managed to evade some with Burst and rip others to shreds with his hands. Suddenly a root careened towards Arthur's face, Arthur bent backwards and barely avoided it at the last second, unfortunately for him however, the first root was used to nock him off balance while a second root slammed into his side.


"AAAARGGH!" Arthur screamed.

The oversized weed sent Arthur flying, tumbling and spinning through the air with no control of his limbs, the g-force completely seizing his body to its violent will.


Pieces of debris and stone showered Arthur as he lay in the large depression he had created in the side of a nearby mountain.

"Urrrgh... I'm alive..." Arthur thought to himself amidst the crumbling of rocks.

"There are definitely some broken ribs on my left side, this isn't good at all... can I even stand?"

Arthur finally managed to pull himself up and out of the cave he had unintentionally sculpted. As he stood and his senses started coming back to him, he looked down in search of Adam, who was standing just below him on the grassy outcrop.

"Why didn't Adam chase after me? He easily could've killed me in the state I was in."

All of a sudden it clicked inside Arthur's mind, and he realised Adam's true power.

Arthur dropped down to meet Adam face to face, the two men now only a few meters apart.

"That's a wise decision, Arthur. I'll make sure to kill you quickly, and return your body to the soil." Adam said gently.


Adam picked Arthur up with a root, wrapping it around his torso and arms like a large python. Arthur all the while remained silent.

"Well then, it seems he truly did give up, succumbing to his injuries perhaps? Whatever the case, I'll crush him here and return to Brandt." Adam thought.


The large root crunched down hard, sounds of breaking and crushing emanated from the floral twisting trap.

"Think again, bitch."

Arthur suddenly appeared from behind the root, missing his black bomber jacket he was wearing.


As Adams grip with the root lessened due to his surprise , a black jacket fell suddenly to the ground, as well as a cloud of dust and crushed rock.

"He filled his pockets wIth rocks while he was on that mountain and slipped out of his jacket just before I grabbed it! He made me believe I was safe to gain the advantage, this kid... is no amateur!"

Arthur reached into his trouser pocket and procured a small rock, he then pulled his arm back and sent it screaming through the air using Burst straight at the string that tied the small pouch to Adam's hip.

The rock flew true and snapped the string, various small seeds rolling across the grassy floor, forever lost in the jade maze.

"N-NO!" Adam screamed, bending down to desperately collect his lost property.


Mostly all of the teeth in Adams mouth shattered as Arthur's flying knee smashed into his face, he slammed into a tree behind him, his body laying still against the trunk of the behemoth he rested upon.

"The problem with you Shields..."

Arthur bent down and stared Adam in his mangled face.

"Is that it's been a long time since you've fought someone who has truly nothing to lose."