
God's Challenger

First multiplayer virtual reality game first. The character questioning the fact that First was so realistic was chosen as GM's representative, and it turned out that First was a game between five transcendents and a god to choose the next god… God and transcendent, mortal. A world that is a game, but not a game. 『 Heavenly Mother's Dungeon! The writer of Shinkon's Second Coming. A case happened to Puppy Jean, a free-spirited but eager game planner, who was craving real fun while stirring up a transverse gaming system with his veteran and VR game era opening. "You're weaker than I am, so I'm going to eat you." An ultra-high level VR "First" with superpowers, magic, and masonry. In that world, Ajin finally fulfills the cruel desire he longed for. His ruthless demeanor turns gamers against notoriety, and receives the attention of 'transcendents' who dream of revenge and victory against their gods. [Welcome to First World.] A battle of conspiracy, betrayal and desire unfolds in the seat of the fittest!

Gaming_Ghost_3716 · แฟนตาซี
37 Chs

Chapter 17 Racunda

"Well, I'm sorry for your trouble. "

The middle-aged man in a blue robe smiled and received a sack handed to him by Ajin. A Wizard Shake asked you to gather Harnemos. He is a wizard from the Lockheed School who specializes in the magic of the earth, and he said he is gathering Hanemoth because of a new magic he has recently studied.

"No, it's not. It's Shake's request. We should listen to it. "

Azin bows his head with a good smile on his face. Except he logged out and slept for about 3 hours, he was spending all his time on First. During the two days of the night, the vigilante visited Saek several times and gave him the Harnemos he had gathered.

"I've had a hard time hearing that no one's been able to bring me back some harmonics lately... thanks to you. Thank you so much."

I continued to look for Shake, and I always bowed my head and showed respect. Thanks to this, Shake has become quite close to Ajin. Azin opens his mouth carefully, looking at the shake that holds his hand.

"By the way, if you don't mind me asking, "

The cautious question made Zach puzzled, and soon he smiled.

"I don't know what you're asking, but don't bother. After all this effort, can't you answer one question? "

Shake says so, but he hesitates. Seeing that pain, Shake tilted his head. He lets go of Azin's hand and taps his shoulder.

"I'm not as shy as I look. That sounds pretty important. Would you like to come in and have a cup of tea? "

"Oh, yes, thank you."

Azin blurs as he kills his voice. In response, Shake taps on Azin's shoulder a few more times and takes him home. Unlike Racunda's house, which is likely to collapse at any moment, Shaq's house was a tidy building on the second floor.

"Do you live alone? "

"No, I have a daughter. "

Answering Azin's question, Shake opens the door and walks in. The house was filled with a scent of medicine that I did not know what it was. Azin coughs for a moment, and Shake scratches his cheek and turns around.

"Well, I guess I study at home... The air is so different from the outside, isn't it? "

"No, I'm fine. Shake doesn't hesitate to study magic. "

Asin said, stealing the tip of his nose. Saying that, Zach smiles graciously. No one hates compliments like this.

"Haha, thank you for saying that. My daughter doesn't always want to come out of her room because she smells at home... She doesn't know her father's heart, right? "

"Your daughter must have admired you in her heart. "

The opponent speaks ill of his daughter, but should not cooperate. Rather, it is their hope that they will be faced with this kind of flow. According to Ajin, Shake's smile grows.

"You've been like this since the first time I saw you, but the more I know, the more decent you seem. "

That's what Shake said and led Azin to the kitchen. He took out his cup of tea and put it on the table and asked.

"Tea would be nice? "

"It doesn't matter. "

In Azin's answer, Shake nods, pulling off the robe he was wearing, puts it on the chair, and prepares a tea. Ajin narrows his eyes and looks at Shake's back, as he sits in his seat of power.

"So, what's the story? "

Shake asked as he poured the prepared tea into the glass. In response, Azin shut up for a moment and cleared his mind. Waiting for that silence, Shake drinks a cup of tea.

"Actually, I'm sorry to tell you this, but..."

Azin hesitates and opens his mouth. In the beginning, Shake lowers his cup of tea and gazes back at Azin. When Shake touched his short beard with his hands, he was a horse.

".. I want to know about magic. "

"Huh, magic? "

In Azin's question, Shake asked surprisingly. At that, he hesitated and nodded. He puts his fiery fist on the table and shivers it thinly. Then I lowered my head and made my voice sink.

"I don't know anything about magic. Less learned. But... magic is curious, and I've always admired it. "


Seeing Asin speaking in a shaking voice, Shake narrows his eyes. Looking at Shake's face through his hair, Ajin recites the script as he thought.

"I know it's hard to master magic, and I know it takes talent. I know it's hard to learn magic at my age... "

Shake doesn't say anything about Azin's muttering. Ajin continued.

"But then I had a dream. It was... I felt more desperate as I gathered the Harnemos that Shake asked me to do. It's like... it's like I'm becoming a wizard. I feel like I've become a wizard, gathering the ingredients for magic, so I get foolish delusions."

"Yes, I did."

Zach sighs and mutters. Shake looks at Azin with a sad expression. As Ajin said, learning magic requires talent. But talent isn't everything. To truly be a wizard, you need a teacher to lead the way.

".. and I ended up talking without being able to bear it. Sorry.."

"No, there's nothing to be sorry about. So... what do you want? "

Shake touches the cup and asks. Putting such a grudge on, there's something I want to ask of myself. That was the question Azin was waiting for.

".. for me, could you teach me magic? "


Shake sighs as if he were embarrassed. To be honest, I didn't even want to say yes to the dagger. However, this is an attempt. It is said that there is no tree that will not be cut down ten times. After all, it takes a few axes to take down a tree. Now, what Azin is trying to do is make the first axe.

"I'm not asking you to be my apprentice. Just a little knowledge... can't you let me know?"

Azin raises his head and looks at Shaq. He looks eagerly, looking over his shoulder and pulls out a bag of money.

"I've collected all the hard work that Shake has given me so far. If this is going to pay for your education... No, I'll continue gathering Harnemos if you want me to. "

Zach continues to look embarrassed without answering. He was conflicted, and Azin noticed it.

"Or you could just ask me to do the dirty work. All sorts of things, if you clean this house, if you clean it and do the laundry, I'll do it. "

Azin shrugs. Say it, act it. Recognizes it to Shake and empathizes with his earnestness For the first time, what was on Shake's face was clearly a pity. Aim for it.

"Mmm-hmm. That's so abrupt."

Shake's tail is blurred. Seeing that, Azin decided it was time to step back. It was not a bad attempt to appeal with emotion. I don't think it's a bad time to say this, and I think I have a good level of love for Shake. However, if you unconditionally argue with your opinions, it is rather counterproductive.

"I... guess I... didn't want to... say it. We're sorry for the burden. "

Ajin lowers his head, sighing sadly. I shook my shoulders and shed a drop of tears. Took. Seeing the falling tears soaking the table, I thought pain was enough.

"No, no, no. You must have suffered a lot... So, how about this? "

Zach opens his mouth for a moment.

"It's true that there was a shortage of hands in recent research. I'm not a student, but would you work as an assistant to help me with my experiments for a while? I'll make it worth your while. "

There you go.

Ajin thought.

"Are you sure? "

Azin hurriedly raises his head and asks. Zach nods, smiling. Then he reaches out and pounds his shoulder.

"I'm asking you because I think you're trustworthy. Hans, the vigilante, also said. You're a capable and hard-working man. "

A vigilante who asked Azin to subdue the Blue Wolf. Ajin hides his smile. Doing the right thing and always being polite makes this rumor come true. Intended and satisfied with the results

"First thing tomorrow, we'll be out of here around 2: 00. Can you do it? "

"Yes! Of course! "

Azin bent his eyes with tears and laughed. Shake smiles at the face of Azin.

"Is that good? Well... Magic is a fascinating discipline. The passion for learning is beautiful. "

Zach nods as he touches his beard.

"I can't let my apprentice in right now, so I'm just an assistant, but... if you're doing your job right, I don't know. If I can't be a student, I'll write a letter of recommendation to my school. "

"Thank you!"

Azin lowers his head even more. He lowers his head and smiles. I did not use the energy drain on Harnemos for this. After hours of wandering through the forest, Hanemoth was gathered, and several times he went back and forth in the village, making Shake like himself.

I'm satisfied with the hard work, but I got the results I wanted. It takes a lot of preparation and time to catch a big fish. Ajin decided that the great fish had taken the bait.

'Just a little more. '

Soon, you'll be able to catch it.


After finishing his conversation with Shaq, Azin moved to the house of Racunda, or Raw Snow, instead of returning to the forest. It's been two days since I first met her and received the Thousand Horsemen. Along the way, Harnemos and the hunt for the Blue Wolf have leveled up Azin's level and skills. His level is now 15. The energy drain has reached level 16 and the hemopericardium has risen to seven stars. I didn't have a weather breakfast, so I had no choice but to slow down the growth rate of the deep law.

'I can't even climb a skyscraper. '

Seeing that it was a very high quality shaman, Ajin's shaman still remained in 1st star. EXP was used continuously for two days, about 40%. The power side is satisfactory, but slow growth hurts the bone a little.

"You're late."

As soon as the black snow scent stood at the door, smoking a cigarette. She uncovers her tied head and leans back against the closed door. Azin lowers his head deeply as soon as he sees the smell of Raw Snow.

"I'm sorry, Lord. "

"You smell like reagents. Did you meet with Shake? "

You smell good. Ajin squeezes his head even more toward the black snowy scent with a dark face.


"Huh, I don't really want to know what we talked about. I just don't like the smell of you. "

That's what Raw Snow said. She opened the closed door and went inside.

"Take off your clothes and come back. "

Azin, who closed the door and came inside, immediately obeyed the order. He took off all his clothes and became naked. Then he walked behind the scent of black snow walking ahead.

The order to take off my clothes was humiliating, but it's what happened yesterday. The scent of Raw Snow enters his room, and Azin silently follows behind him.

"Sit down."

As I sat on the bed, I ordered the smell of Raw Snow. In saying this, he put down his clothes and sat down with his diadem on the bottom.

The room with the black snow scent was too barren to think it was a woman's room. Furniture is nothing but beds, small tables, chairs, and dresses. No common vase or frame. However, there was a sword and burial suit on the wall with a clear day.

"It will be the same as yesterday. Are you accustomed to pain? "

".. not yet. "

Asin replied in a low voice to a question of black snow scent. In response, the smell of Raw Snow rose up with a smile and approached Ajin. She smiles as she looks at the body of Ajin, where firm muscles sit.

"Not at all. It's only been a day."

While saying that, the scent of Raw Snow returned to the back of Azin. He touches the back of a standing azin, and the smell of raw snow lingers in his ears.

"Then don't scream. "

At the end of the sentence, Azin's body felt as if he had been struck by lightning. A finger of raw snow pierced his back.

Raw Snow told me to come visit myself every day. When I first visited Raw Snow yesterday, she forced him to take off his clothes and sit down. And then he started touching his body with his fingers and pumping internal air into the clogged blood and thin veins.

It does not help direct internal air growth, but it will make internal air movement faster and smoother, he explained. There was no reason to refuse as a pain in the ass. But this shit hurt like hell.

"Does it hurt?"

The smell of Raw Snow is tingling in his ears. The hot breath that made him feel wild surrounded his ears, but Azin could not get excited.

Because it really fucking hurt.