
The screw up of God

Chapter 1

The screw up of God

An empty white space. Nothing as far as the eye can see. Nothing but a tall man dressed in white and 100 people below him, on their knees, dressed in modern day clothing. The man was so tall that he made everyone below him look like ants.

"Children of mine. It is I, God. I have a mission for thee. I chose you all to travel to one of my other worlds. I want you to help and push their civilizations on."

Everyone was astounded. 'No way that this is God. Why is he so tall? I can't even see his face.' Most people thought. As they were automatically put on their knees and made to bow when they came here.

"Allow me to explain farther. You all need to modernize this world. I pick some of the most kind hearted and smart people there were on earth. I believe that this would be easy for you all." He allowed everyone to stand.

If God didn't have the people's hearts, he does now. Everyone's neck was bent back all the way. Eyes locked on nowhere. Hearts pounding. Nothing to hear except the deep voice of God.

"However you will not be reborn into your own body but will share a body with some already in that world. I will not allow anyone to be in a body under the age of 16 or over the age of 30. This might be a plus for the lot of you, given the fact that most of you are over 40."

Everyone felt lighter as the burden of death by old age chipped away some. You could hear cheers and thank you all through The White Space. Some people were in tears, they got to leave behind the old crappy life that tried to kill them every turn. Some people were wanted by the world and others' debt was too large. Turning to drugs and alcohol just about every one of these sorry bastards get a retry at life. Just because they were the smartest and kind heart people on Earth.

"Now live a nice life and help out the little guys."

The White Space went quiet. Not a single person stood in the room anymore. It was as if no one was in The White Space, to begin with. No one at all besides God. Standing at 500 million feet he was one of the largest things ever, or he would be. Right behind God's foot was a young looking boy around the age of 13. He had Dark blue shorts and a T-shirt. No shoes but black socks that went to the bottom of his knees. His hair was black and short. He had a Megaphone in his right hand and a voice player in his left.

"Well another day, another job well done. I think I will be treating myself tonight." The boy said in a high pitch childlike voice.


The boy reached in his pocket and pulled out a phone. He received a message from his father, the previous God.

"It seems you fucked up. Your plan didn't go as easy as you thought, huh?" The text said

'What is pop talking about? I did it easily. I did it with like, 5 other worlds. Why is he only texting me about this one?' The Young God thought to himself. As his brain burned out trying to think of what he did.

He scrolled through his phone and clicked some buttons. He gasped and dropped his phone on the ground. "What... have I done?!"

On the phone is said, "Send 100 saints to Hell. Complete. Send 100 sinners to another world. Complete."

The boy paced back and forth. "How could I screw up this bad. When I was making the to-do list last week I must have been tired and screwed up. I'm so dumb for not noticing what I did wrong. How did I send them just like my to-do list said? What was I thinking?"

Young God grabbed his phone, scrolled through his contacts and called his father. The boy's body started to heat up, but it became instantly cold. No matter how many times he would call, his father would not just answer.


'A text? Is it father?'

"I'm not going to help you! Stop calling ME! You have to do it by yourself ;) GOODLUCK!"

'I swear to myself, pops. I only have done this for 6 months. I just want some help.' Sitting on the big toe of the statue, lots of thoughts when he throws his mind. Most of the thoughts were to break The Rule of Gods. The Rule of Gods were laws that the 10 Great Gods came together to make. The main rule that was holding him back was, "No direct contact with any living life form on the planets."

Sitting there thinking of a way to fix his problem, an idea popped into his head. He picked up his phone and scrolled through the contacts.

*Ring* *Ring* *Ring*

"Hello?" A female voice answered the phone.

"Hey Lucy, could you help me out? I do anything that is in my power, to help you out." Young God said laying on his back with the phone on speaker.

Young God told Lucifer his problem. She was silent after hearing what happened. There was a little moan that sounded like cries to Young God. As they got louder he realized that they were laughs. Laughs throw him.

"Bro I don't see what's funny. Why the hell are you laughing?" Young God said with an angered tone.

"Yeah, I don't mind. Really I think I got the person just for this. Your dad locked him up a few thousands of years ago. I think if you're ok with it, I'll let him go and it would help a lot." Lucifer voice grew softer and softer.

Young God was silent for a while. What to do? Should he let go the guy his father personally locked up. Or should he send more people to the world and start a war.

"Lucifer, I'll take the guy off your hand for now. I also need you to send those people who I sent to hell, back to the Life Recycle Movement. I made a HUGE mistake. I'll tell you about it later." Young bit his bottom lip hoping Lucifer wouldn't laugh at him.

There was no sound from Lucifer. "Yeah, I'm back, I had to do something. So I'll send that guy to you right now, but I still have work here, so I have to stay for another 3 days." Lucifer instantly hung up.

Young God sat on the statue's big toe. He had his arms crossed and eye's closed waiting for this man that his father personally locked up. After a while, he never came. With every waking second that he didn't appear, Young God got more and more anxious. It was 5 hours now, he kept telling himself, "Just another 5 minutes. I can wait." Young God started to bob his leg up and down.

"Where is this guy? Lucy told me that he would send him right then. What is this guy doing?"

Footstep is the only sound heard in The White Space. The sound got louder and faster. A man with one arm, a missing eye, and scars all over is body stood before Young God. Blood dripped everywhere. He had no clothing on. The two stood face to face with one another.

Young God stood there frozen and shaking. The White Space turned Black. The room with an average amount of gravity suddenly had so much that it made him bow before the man. It was the same thing that Young God did to the "100 Sinners."

'Wait, who is this guy? He knows how to use The White Space, better than me at that.' Young God just tried to move. His instincts screamed, all trying to stop him. But what man. No, what type of God would be if he let some creation control him. He swung uplifting his upper body. Within a blink of an eye, his body was missing. He was nothing but a head on the floor, a head that missing the left chunk of itself at that.

Young God's body regenerated. Enraged Young God stood up looking around for the culprit. No one was anywhere. The already black room went pitch black for Young God. No, Young God no longer had eyes. His eyes were smacking on each other. Once they regenerated back he saw the man with them in his hands.

"You, I'm going to kill you. HOW DARE YOU, DO YOU NOT KNOW WHO I AM?!" Young God went to throw a punch, but it was useless. His body was obliterated. Blood stained the floor.

"You're not worthy to be God. I will give you the benefit of a doubt since you're so young. You can't let your emotions get mixed in with your job." The man had a stone cold face. But he slowly started to smile. "That doesn't mean not to have fun or have emotions, it means to fuck up." He said with a cheerful tone.

The White room became White once again. The atmosphere changes. The air that was riddled with bloodlust and magic, now it all was gone. Once Young God looked up, there was that one armed, one eyed man. But this time it felt warm and safe. Young God stood up and met him face to face.

"Are you the guy Lucy sent? Could you tell me your age? Are you human?" Young God throws loads of questions at him.

"Please stop. I know that I'm good looking, but I don't think that I'm ready for that kind of relationship." The man said covering his face with his only hand.

"Please tell me your name. Your age and why you were locked up by my father."

"Wow, you're no fun. Fine. My name is Gears. When I was sent to hell I was 16. I have been in hell for the past 19,000 years, Hell years of course. Your father locked me up because I almost single handedly killed the whole human race. Oh, yeah, my home universe is Earth 3, just to let you know." Gears said as he made a table and chair. He sat in the chair with his legs kicked up on the table and the chair lent back.

'What the hell did this guy say? He just said that he almost wiped out the whole human race on Earth 3. Why did pops never tell me this? He's perfect for the job.' A grin popped onto Young Gods face.

"Gears, can you tell me how you know how to use The White Space? You use it way better than me."

Gears shook his head. "That's something you have to learn on your own."

Young God entered his only safe place, his thoughts. 'Who the hell does this guy think he is? I'm god. The most powerful being known to Humans. HE SHOULD BE BOWING BEFORE ME!!!' Young Gods face started to turn red.

"Just think about it and you can do it. That's all I'm going to say." Gears told Young God as he tried to balance himself on the back legs of the chair.

"Gears, you look like a nice guy. Why would you wipe out your own race?"

Gears face become dark. Under his breath, he whispered, "I don't want to talk about it."

Young God nodded his head. Gears brought up another chair out of nowhere. He had Young God explained everything that he needed him to do.

"Are you willing to accept my request? I will grant you any one thing that you want." Young God had the most serious face on. Gears face looked the same.

"What if I ask to be the next GOD?" The air in the room thickened. Young God's eyes look of those of a starving wild beast that just had its food taken from it. Gears had a smirk.

"That's not possible. I can make a new world and make you the immortal king. You won't die and you get whatever you want. Is that ok?" God explained to Gears. Gears brushed his hand in the air, giving the sign that "it's whatever."

Gears smirk grew wider, and he rested his head on his hand. "Sure. I might want to change it later, so let's put the rest of it on hold till I finish the job." They shook hands and gave their goodbyes.

"Oh, by the way Young. Why can't you handle this yourself?" Gears tilted his head.

"There are rules. I can't do anything to any of the Earths. My pops put that rule in after he was messing with something around Earth one and dropped meteors. I can only mess with the reincarnation process." Young God explained.

Gears smiled, "That's good. You know the Rules of Gods." Within a blink of an eye, he was gone.

Young God's face turned red. He started to shake out of rage. "That fucking human. Talking to me like any other person. He even had the audacity to test me. I swear one day I'll make him pay." Gravity increased rapidly and The White Space started to shake.


Skies stretched forever, fields defined the color green. Buffalo, sheep, and other animals were all around, munching on the grass. A few trees scattered here and there. The blowing wind picked up grass, leaves and other light objects.

"Looks like Young preloaded my brain with info about The Sinners. It seems like he forgot my clothes though. He needs to hurry up and get good." Gears started to stretch. Muscles sore and a little frozen. He felt better in The Whiter Space, but that because The White Space is a place of no pain.

Gears wasn't reincarnated like the other people sent to the world. His body was the same as the one in The White Space. It looked the same, felt the same, and even smelled the same.

For 3 days straight Gears walked in the same direction. Smoke was a little under the horizon line. At max speed Gear ran to the smoke. It was a wooden cabin with a chimney puffing out smoke.

There were children outside playing, with an old man in a rocking chair watching over them. Gear just approached them causality. The kids were the first ones to notice him. They froze solid. The gramps opened his eye to see why he heard the laughter stopped. He took one good look at Gears and screamed. The scream was so loud and high pitched that every wildlife in the vicinity ran away.

"DAD WHAT'S WRONG?!" An older man with a short haircut and a little facial hair came out. His clothing was stitched with rags. It was an all black pants and a red shirt. You could tell that the person tried their best to make it. He looked like your average mid age man. Light brown skin, a low bridge nose that's not too wide or too skinny. Eyes small, shaped like an almond, and a dark brown color. A mustache with no bread. Wide ears that complement his wide face. A little overweight.

The old man pointed at Gears. With high speeds, the man's neck twists over in Gears direction. The one eyed, one armed, all bloodied up, and naked man shocked the guy. He squealed like a pig.

After trying to shoo off Gears, the man tried to talk to Gears. They exchanged pleasantries. After telling the man Gears' journey, how he woke up in a field all body and naked. He wanted to help out.

"Gears I never told ya my name. It's Josh." The man, Josh, said handing Gears some food. "Those two peepin' out the window be Erica and Sef. The old guy is my father, his name is Homes. I have a wife, but she's gone to the main town and is gettin' some supplies." His voice was sounded that of a southern.

"Thanks for the food, by any chance, can I get some clothes too?" Josh looked away and when to get so clothing. "It doesn't seem like all the humans in this world are bad." Gears said as he chomped on a potato. Josh came back and gave the clothes to Gears.

"What's with cha call us humans, aren't cha one too."

"I don't think so. I mean I don't need sleep or food at all to live. I know that humans do need it though." Gears said with a full mouth of grub.

"Then why ya eatin'? That potato cost somethan ya know."

Gears beat on his chess to make the food go down. "Yeah yeah, I'll help you out with something. Just ask and I got it for you."

Josh grind and extended his hand to help Gears. They both stared at each other. Gears grabbed Josh's hand and let him help him up. 'This guy seems cool. I thought he was going to be a ruthless savage but he was really nice.' Gears though.

As they approached the porch Gears noticed the kids from early. It was a boy and a girl. The girl looked like the older sibling. She was taller than the boy by a few inches. She had a one piece hot pink dress. You could tell that she was Josh's kid, they looked the same but she had long hair and didn't look like she was in her late 30's.

The other kid looked nothing like Josh. Gears assumed that he looked like his mother. His hair was black and he was missing a few teeth.

"So Gears, how old are you?"

"I'm sixteen, but I lived in Hell for 19,000 years."

"That's nice to know. So are ya like a demon or somethan." Josh slowly walked back.

"No, I'm more of a Vampire that doesn't care for blood and can sit in the sunlight."

Josh poster straightened. "Oh, that great. Even though I haven't got a clue what a Vampire is. I'm glad that I don't have to report you to the church. "

Gears ears twitched. "What do you mean church? You guys have churches here?"

Josh nodded, "Yep, there are a few religious. The main one is Lovism." Josh and Gears entered the house. it wasn't a mess but there was a thing lying around here and there.

Moving around the house Josh started to clean. The two children started cleaning as well. The old man was sitting in a chair at the main table, drinking some liquid, and reading a book. Gears couldn't read it. He couldn't read any language.

"Gears, sit next to Homes I'll make you some tea."

Gears pulled out the chair and sat down. The chair was cold, so cold that he felt through his clothes. The chair was made out of wood and nicely made at that. It had to be made by someone who crafting things for years. So was everything in the house. It all looked as if the god of craft came down and built it.

"Wow, this place looks really nice. Homes, do you build these things by yourself? OR did you guys buy them all?" Gears asked as he admired all the furniture.

"Yes son, I make all of these with the help of everyone in here. We all in this house have the ability called craft. It is a special ability that people in the Even clan have." Homes answered as he drank tea.

"Everyone, even the kids?" Gear stood up and walked over to Josh "You too right? You can make things?" Gears picked up Josh by his shoulder raising him up above his head.

Gears walked outside with Josh over his shoulder. Josh squirming trying to get released for Gear grasp. Gears throw Josh on the ground pointed at some rocks. "Make me a weapon. Get some metal and make me a gun. I want a stone sword first."

Erica and Sev ran out the door with Homes following right behind them. Appalled by what he saw, Homes shook his head. "This is why we are living in the woods in the first place. Our whole clan was nearly enslaved by people like you. They called up factors and a whole group of us were called factories. I would never understand people like you."

Gears looked back at Homes. "What? All I wanted was a sword. I would help you out any way possible. I just want to see the ability."

Homes stopped right in his tracks. "Anything? Anything at all?" The air thickened as no one said anything for a while. Non stop staring at each other.

Gears nodded his head. "Yeah, anything in my power. I would even kill off a whole planet if you asked me to. I keep my word and there is nothing that will stop me."

Everyone when silent again. Josh is still on the ground, the children now behind Homes, and Gears standing in the middle. Windblown carrying on leaves and grass.


A great distance away a lot of people felt the presence of an unknown power that entered the world. But seconds later it vanished. Some felt it closer than others. They all know that it wasn't something that they wanted to see. It felt dark and evil, if they would even come close to it, they would die.

The closest one to feel it was a woman. She was wearing clothing for peasants. Her hair was long and a black darker than space. Eyes are slanted with long eyelashes, pupils were a dark brown color. Her skin was a dark peach. The Lips were cracked and small with a long nose.

"Babe, I will have to go out to town for the next three days. Can you take care of Erica and Sef while I'm gone?" The woman said as she grabbed bags that were sewed up with rags.

"Yeah, I'm their father after all." Josh said with food in his mouth. The kids were sitting right next to each other. They both made eye contact and smiled.


A sharp and painful gaze pierced Gears back. The wind blew harder and harder, it was so hard that the air started to cut Gears flesh. Cuts on his legs, cuts on his arm, chess, everywhere. Gears head spun in circles looking for the culprit. All he saw was leaves dancing in the air. Everything slowed down, the earth started to rumble, bloodlust became thick in the air. A woman running the speed close to a horse approach.

"Josh, is that woman your wife? Why is she running so fast?" Gears said as he put his hand to his forehead. "Hey, was she the one controlling the wind?"

As the woman got closer and closer it was easier to see that she wasn't running but riding the earth. The land below her was moving at a crazy speed. A dust cloud was behind her. The piece of ground that she was riding on was in a rectangular shape, hovering above the ground.

Josh nodded. "Yeah that's my wife, but I have no idea why she is coming so fast?"

After a while, she and Gears came close enough for her to attack. A piece of the Earth came from the ground nailing Gears in the stomach. It left Gears kneeling over. The woman came a few feet in front of Gears. A sword raised up from the ground. It was made of stone and looked more like a medieval sword.

"You're that thing that I felt a few days ago. Why are you here and who sent you?" The woman had a gaze that could slice a mammoth in half. She raised the sword to Gears neck. Gears stood up as the woman kept the sword to his neck.

"I was sent by God to kill all the Sinners. The Sinners are the people that he sent here. People like you."

The first chapter is long then I wanted it to be. It was 4k words. But from here on out it will be no less the 1.k words or more than 3k words.

Sorry if you see any grammar mistakes. Grammar and I don't go too well together.

ASSASSIN_Jaycreators' thoughts