
Gobta: A different path

What if Gobta unlocked his true potential? Instead of goofing around or underestimating himself, Gobta decides to work hard and embrace his bold side. How would things change? Would the events unfold the same way, or would his newfound determination lead him down a different path?Read on to discover the amazing journey of Gobta. Note: This story contains mature scenes. Reader discretion is advised. There will be a huge harem, almost every girl .

Ghost_of_Void · อะนิเมะ&มังงะ
14 Chs

The Ogres

Gobta trudged along the forest path, his eyes scanning the surroundings as he kept pace with his patrol team. Rigur, walked beside him, his keen eyes always alert for any sign of danger. Ranga, padded silently on Gobta's other side, his dark fur blending with the shadows. The forest was peaceful, with only the sounds of rustling leaves and the occasional bird call breaking the silence.

Gobta glanced down at the sword in his hand, the one he had received from Rimuru after Shizu's passing. The beautiful red hilt stood out against the green of the forest. He had been carrying it with him everywhere.

Gobta unsheathed the sword and gave it a few novice swings, like a child playing with a new toy. His movements were clumsy, but there was an unmistakable excitement in his eyes.

Ranga watched with mild amusement, his tail flicking lazily. But Rigurd, his captain, was utterly fascinated.

"That's an impressive weapon, Gobta!" Rigur exclaimed. "Look at the way it cuts through the air!"

Gobta puffed out his chest a little, "Yeah, it's pretty neat, huh?" he said, giving the sword another swing. This time, the blade made a satisfying whoosh as it cut through the air. "Rimuru-sama said Shizu-san got it from the hero who took care of her."

Rigur's jaw dropped, and he stumbled backward, almost tripping over his own feet. He quickly grabbed Gobta's arm to stop him from swinging. "Whoa, what did you say? A hero's sword?!"

Gobta, still holding the sword mid-swing, looked at Rigur with a puzzled expression. "Yeah, a hero's sword. What's the big deal?"

Rigur stared at Gobta in disbelief, his eyes wide. "Why are you giving me that look? Don't you understand how impressive that is?" Rigur said, almost shouting. "Heroes are the strongest of humanity! There are stories—legends! My father told me tales about a hero who fought against our god, Veldora, and sealed him away! Heroes are on a whole different level!"

Gobta blinked, then scratched his head with his free hand, still not quite getting it. "Oh, really? Well, I guess that makes this sword even cooler, huh?" he said, giving it another casual swing, as if he were talking about a regular old stick instead of a legendary weapon.

Rigur just sighed, shaking his head.

Ranga chuckled, his deep voice rumbling. "Just make sure you don't accidentally stab yourself or anyone else with that thing, Gobta. "

Gobta laughed, giving Ranga a mock salute. "No worries, Ranga! I've got it all under control. "

Gobta struck a pose, sticking his chest out and holding the sword at his side, trying his best to look heroic. Ranga shook his head, a wolfish grin on his face.

Meanwhile, Rigur's eyes sparkled with admiration, practically glowing as he watched Gobta. "Amazing! You look just like a hero!" Rigur gushed, his hands clasped together like a fanboy.

Gobta grinned widely, soaking up the praise, while Ranga rolled his eyes and let out a chuckle, clearly amused by the whole scene.

Their funny moment was abruptly cut short when a kodachi came whizzing toward Gobta's neck from behind. Gobta barely dodged it in time, rolling in the dirt to avoid the blade.

"Did I miss?!" muttered a skinny ogre with dark skin and blue hair, annoyance in his voice.

"Be careful," warned a bulkier ogre with black hair, wielding a massive hammer. He landed beside the skinny ogre, eyes narrowing. "These guys are stronger than they look, especially that strange wolf. I think they might be connected to the masked Majin."

Gobta scrambled to his feet, his heart racing. Ranga's fur bristled, a low growl rumbling from his throat, while Rigurd moved to stand protectively in front of Gobta, his face serious and ready for a fight.

"Why did you attack us?!" Rigurd demanded, taking a defensive stance. As he spoke, he sent out a telepathic call to his goblin rider team, hoping they would arrive soon.

Ranga, however, was beyond furious. His eyes glowed with anger, and his snarl was a clear warning. The two ogres, one with blue hair and one with black, leaped in response, their movements swift and agile.

A moment later, a powerful shock wave erupted from Ranga's Voice Cannon, forming a crater in the ground. Dirt and mud flew into the air, the sheer force enough to obliterate a group of goblins in an instant. But the attack missed, as both ogres were still airborne. Ranga quickly aimed at the black-haired ogre, assuming he was the weaker of the two. Taking him down would disrupt their teamwork.

Gobta, seeing Ranga target the black-haired ogre, moved to help Rigurd with the blue-haired one. With this strategy, they stood a good chance of winning. But in their focus, they failed to notice another threat lurking in the shadows.

As Ranga leaped into the air, a sudden wall of fire blazed before him, blocking his path. Gobta watched in alarm as Ranga was forced to land back on the ground, the flames thwarting his attack.

When the flames dissipated, six ogres stood before them, all looking powerful and ready to fight. Gobta's heart sank. He didn't want to fight these ogres—they looked like serious trouble. But he knew he couldn't just talk his way out of this. Not after what happened with Ifrit. He couldn't afford to make the same mistake again.

Just as the tension reached its peak, the goblin rider team arrived, surrounding Ranga, Gobta, and Rigurd. Relief washed over Gobta for a brief moment, but it was short-lived.

A petite ogre girl stepped forward, girl with the appearance of a Human girl with the exception of her two large porcelain horns protruding from her forehead. She had long, wavy, pink hair, coupled with large deep crimson eyes under very light, barely existing eyebrows. She wore a simple pink kimono, covered by a similarly simple white robe that covered her arms in excess. She also had a thin, low-ponytail that was tied using a single small white ribbon. Chanting under her breath, a strange, shimmering light enveloped the area, and one by one, the goblins and wolves dropped to the ground, unconscious.

Gobta, Ranga, and Rigurd were left standing alone, facing the six ogres. The odds had just gotten a lot worse.

"What the—?!" Gobta exclaimed, looking around at the fallen goblin riders, all unconscious on the ground.

"They resisted it! Just as I thought, we need to handle them carefully," said a tall ogre with crimson red hair, his eyes narrowing as he assessed the situation.

"All right, you two stay with the princess! We'll take care of these intruders," declared an ogre woman with a fierce expression. She had a thick black horn protruding from her forehead and a small fang peeking from her mouth, giving her a perpetual look of anger. Her large purple eyes glinted with determination. Her light purple hair was tied into a ponytail, and her curvaceous figure was impossible to ignore, especially with her revealing brown robe that had thick woolen borders and a collar showing much of her ample cleavage. A necklace with a green stone centerpiece, flanked by white stones resembling teeth, hung around her neck.

The red-haired ogre and an elderly ogre with white hair stayed back, guarding the pink-haired princess. Gobta eyed the pink-haired girl cautiously; she seemed the most troublesome, and he would have preferred to take her down first. But this setup wasn't bad either. At least they wouldn't be outnumbered. Each of them would face an ogre one-on-one. It felt more manageable, and Gobta had a trick up his sleeve he was eager to try out.

The blue-haired ogre squared off against Ranga, while the black-haired one charged at Rigurd. That left Gobta with the tall, busty purple-haired ogre. Gobta felt a blush creeping up his face as his gaze lingered on the ogre's chest, which was almost eye-level with him. Inwardly, he cursed himself for getting distracted at a time like this. Shaking his head to clear his thoughts, he took a deep breath and readied his sword, adopting the best novice stance he could manage.

Gobta faced the ogre woman, towering over him with a menacing spike mace. Her figure was as imposing as her weapon, her purple hair and ample curves a stark contrast to Gobta's smaller, leaner frame.

The ogre woman swung her mace with powerful arcs, each strike causing the ground to tremble. Gobta darted around, using his agility to evade her attacks. He slipped into the shadows with his [Shadow Motion] skill, vanishing from sight as he maneuvered behind her.

Gobta's movements were quick and erratic, making him a difficult target. However, his attention kept drifting to her curves, causing his strikes to be less focused. He made several clumsy attempts to hit her, only to accidentally slap her on the backside or grab at her bust when trying to position himself. Each time he did, the ogre woman blushed fiercely, her anger mounting with each unintended touch.

"Hey! Quit that!" she yelled, swinging her mace with renewed fury. Her eyes burned with irritation as she swung wildly. Gobta used the shadow space to dodge, popping in and out of sight as he attempted to land a decisive blow. But each time he thought he had an opening, he'd end up squeezing her breast or smacking her rear again, unintentionally provoking her more.

Despite his earlier clumsy attempts, Gobta had managed to get close to the ogre woman a few times, his sword flashing as he aimed for weak points. However, he knew that one hit from her mace would mean instant death, and he wasn't exactly a seasoned swordsman. His swings were desperate and barely controlled, giving the impression he was toying with her, but in truth, Gobta was fighting for his life.

He jumped out of the shadows behind the ogress and delivered a firm kick to the back of her knee. She stumbled forward, momentarily losing her balance. Seeing his chance, Gobta raised his sword, ready to slash at her exposed back.

But before he could strike, a flash of steel severed his arm at the wrist. Gobta stared in shock as his hand, still gripping the sword, fell to the ground. He looked up to see an old, white-haired ogre standing a short distance away, his presence completely unnoticed until that moment.

"I must say, you're pretty fast for a goblin," the old ogre said calmly. "But you shouldn't let your guard down when there are still opponents around."

Gobta reached down, picking up his severed arm and the sword it still held. Despite the gravity of the situation, he stayed calm. He had survived worse; he'd been burned to a crisp by Ifrit and still lived to tell the tale. He could handle a lost arm. He could probably grow it back with some healing herbs later, anyway.

Gobta picked up his severed hand, looking at the elderly ogre with a dumbfounded expression, as if the ogre had cheated by not allowing him to properly participate in the fight. He opened his mouth to complain, but the red-haired ogre cut him off.

"Even though you've lost an arm, you look remarkably calm. I have to respect that, goblin," the red-haired ogre said, his voice deep and authoritative. "However, this is the end. You can't fight without an arm."

Gobta glanced around, realizing he was now surrounded. The purple-haired ogre was back on her feet, looking irritated and blushing slightly. He was boxed in by three formidable ogres, and the odds of escape were slim.

"You can't run now," the red-haired ogre continued. "Tell us about your master, and we might just spare you."

"Hey!! What happened here?!" Rimuru's voice rang out as he jumped beside Gobta, wearing Shizu's mask. The moment the ogres saw him, they tensed, withdrawing their weapons and assuming a defensive stance.

Ranga and the injured Rigurd quickly joined Rimuru and Gobta, forming a protective circle. Rimuru glanced at Gobta's severed arm and handed him a healing potion, then did the same for Rigurd. He took a deep breath, trying to diffuse the tension like a mature leader should, but the situation only seemed to escalate. Gobta couldn't quite grasp why, but it was clear that the mask Rimuru wore had something to do with it. The ogres began accusing Rimuru of destroying their home, their voices filled with anger and grief.

Gobta could sense the hostility in the air. If talking wouldn't work, he thought, then fighting was the only option. With Rimuru on their side, Gobta was confident that these ogres didn't stand a chance.

As the brief exchange ended, Gobta's arm had already healed, and he flexed it, feeling the strength return.

"It seems they won't listen to us without a fight," Rimuru said calmly, his eyes narrowing as he assessed the situation.

Gobta, still jittery from the earlier skirmish, blurted out, "That old man is dangerous, Rimuru-sama!"

"Old man, you say?!" The elderly ogre bristled, clearly offended by the remark. His eyes flashed with indignation.

Gobta felt a shiver run down his spine. "Uh-oh," he thought, realizing that he might have just poked a sleeping bear. "I mean... elder... wise elder... uh, experienced fighter?" He stammered, trying to backpedal. The ogre's glare didn't soften, and Gobta silently cursed his big mouth.

Rimuru, suppressing a chuckle, thought for a moment before giving orders. "Gobta, you go interrupt the one using magic. I'll handle the rest. Ranga, watch my back."

Ranga hesitated for a moment, concerned about Rimuru taking on five powerful ogres at once. But the plan gave Gobta some relief. With Rimuru's reassuring nod, they sprang into action.

Gobta darted toward the pink-haired ogre, a grin on his face as he thought, "Finally, a chance to redeem myself!"

Before they began, Rimuru leaned in and reminded Gobta, "And remember, don't kill her."

Gobta waved him off with a grin. "Don't worry, Rimuru-sama. I wouldn't dream of killing such a fine lady!" He flashed a cheeky smile.

Gobta sheathed his sword, raising his hands in a show of peace, and stepped in front of the pink-haired ogre. "Lady, you really shouldn't join the fight," he said earnestly, standing firm to block her way.

The ogre girl eyed him warily. She had seen his antics during the earlier skirmish and knew he was stronger than he looked. But more than that, she couldn't shake the image of him groping and humiliating her purple-haired companion. The thought of him doing something similar to her made her cheeks flush red. She quickly tried to hide her embarrassment, but the redness betrayed her.

"D-Don't come near me, you perverted goblin!" she muttered under her breath, taking a small step back.

Her voice was quiet, but not quiet enough. Gobta's sharp goblin ears caught every word. He grinned, delighted by the reaction. "Oh, come on, I'm not that bad!" he said, trying to sound innocent.

The ogre girl's blush deepened. "Stay back!" she warned, still blushing furiously, her eyes darting between Gobta and the ongoing fight behind him.

"Don't try to run! Rimuru-sama won't harm any of you," Gobta said reassuringly.

The girl looked at him doubtfully, not lowering her guard.

"What are you looking at? You're the ones who attacked us out of nowhere, and now you can't trust us?" Gobta said, frustration clear in his voice. He was annoyed by the whole situation. He had been looking forward to seeing Haruna-chan after his patrol, and now this fight had thrown everything off. He didn't understand how he had become so sex-crazed that he couldn't go one day without it, and the fight with the ogre girl only made him more horny. His frustration was at its peak.

The pink-haired ogress hesitated, considering his words. She seemed a little less on edge, but her eyes still flicked nervously between Gobta and the ongoing fight.

Gobta glanced back and saw that Rimuru had already taken care of three ogres and was now fighting the remaining two. In Rimuru's hand was a giant ball of dark black flames, so terrifying that it made the remaining ogres freeze in place. Gobta was once again amazed by how strong Rimuru was.

"Oni-sama! Please, wait!" the pink-haired girl suddenly cried out, rushing forward to intervene as her red-haired brother seemed ready to charge at Rimuru again.

The pink-haired ogress stood in front of her brother, arms wide to block him. "My brother, you must think calmly about this. Would such a powerful magic-born use low-minded tricks to send those pigs to our homeland? It's absurd. He's strong enough to lay waste to all of us single-handedly. He's unique, to be sure, but I'm no longer certain he's with the horde that attacked us."

"What?!" The flustered redhead looked at her, then at Rimuru. "But…perhaps…"

Rimuru, sensing the shift in tension, let the dark flames in his hand dissipate. "I'm not your enemy," he said calmly. "Let's talk this out."


After some convincing, the ogres finally decided to listen, and the fight was over. Ranga took the lead, guiding the weary ogres back to the village. Exhausted, Gobta simply collapsed onto his back, breathing a deep sigh of relief.

As he lay there, he felt a warm, soft hand on his shoulder. Turning his head, he saw Rimuru standing beside him.

"You did pretty well," Rimuru said with a smile. "I'm thinking about promoting you to the leader of the goblin riders."

Gobta blinked in surprise, barely able to process what he'd just heard. "M-Me? Leader?"

"Yes," Rimuru replied, amused by Gobta's shock.

Immediately, Gobta's exhaustion melted away.

A/N: I know this chapter was all over the place , I will try to make it a little bit less messy next time.

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