
Goblin Dragon

what happens when you combine the bloodline of the weakest and the strongest monster? what happens when two most hated and feared monsters are combined into one being? will it struggle and collapse under the weight of its heritage? or will a monster unlike anything ever before seen be born...

Leviathan_Daoist · แฟนตาซี
6 Chs

mc race info

Race info


Race Characteristics:

Natural superiority: a racial characteristic of dragons, this skill affects the base stats, doubling them, as well as reducing all exp gained from killing those with less total stats to 0% (due to diluted bloodline this only results in a 50% increase in base stats and 50% exp reduction)

Dragon Scales

A natural armour, Dragon Scales provide a defense equivalent to double the dragons max hp, and is effective at blocking both physical and magical attacks (due to diluted bloodline defense is equivalent to goblin dragons total hp)

Age based levelling

A characteristic of dragons, one year of life grants one level, with the age requirement doubling every tier, (so a 100 year old dragon would go from level 100 tier 1 to a level 50 tier two)

Dragon Breath

An extremely powerful magical attack on par with the most advanced and difficult to execute human attack spells, this attack involves charging a ball of elemental mana while inhaling, before expelling the ball as an extremely focused and deadly beam, the exact effect varies depending on the affinity of the dragon, but no dragons breath is weak by any means (due to diluted bloodline, goblin dragons will take twice as long to charge the attack)

Human Form

Dragons have the ability to shape shift into a humanoid form, while shifted, their base stats will be halved and they will lose access to all of their draconic racial characteristics, making them far weaker (Due to influence of goblin bloodline, has been changed to goblin form)

Accelerated Aging

A racial characteristic of goblins, passively accelerates biological aging, allowing goblins to grow to the equivalent of a ten year old childs physique in one week (due to diluted bloodline, goblin-dragons only age 5 years per week)

Hyper-Dominant genes

A racial characteristic of goblins, any children had will almost certainly be a near carbon copy of the goblin, with the chance of the goblins bloodline being diluted being nearly impossible (due to diluted bloodline, goblin-dragons children will only have a 90% chance of being goblin-dragons)


Dragons take on an extreme affinity of the element that surrounded their egg, due to both this and as a natural defense mechanism, dragons will lay their eggs in the most extreme environments possible

Goblins have an above average affinity for mind magic, however, due to their low intelligence, even the weakest human mental mage would be on par with the average goblin shaman

Goblin-Dragons have an extremely high mental affinity as the dragons natural way of gaining affinities does not clash with the natural affinity of goblins


Dragons have Strength, Agility, Mana, and Health, with their base and added stats spread in a 20/20/30/30 ratio, so a tier 1 level 0 dragons stats would look like this





Goblins have Agility, Dexterity, and Slyness, with their base and added stats in a 10/10/80 ratio, so a tier 1 level 0 goblins stats would look like this




A goblin-dragon has all of the above stats, in a 10/15/5/15/40/15 ratio, with a tier 1 level 0 having stats like this








Dragons don't evolve, as they are already at the pinnacle

Goblins can evolve into Hobgoblins at tier 2

Hobgoblins gain the strength and Health stats with half of their Slyness being redistributed to them, a tier 2 level zero hobgoblin has stats like this






A hobgoblin-dragon has these stats at tier 2 level 0 with a 20/15/5/15/20/25 ratio



Dexterity 15




As goblins and Hobgoblins are degenerated orcs, they have the potential to evolve into them at tier 3, losing the Slyness stat and having all their points in it redistributed to Strength and Health, a tier 3 level 0 orcs stats look like this





An Orc-dragon would have these stats at tier 3 level 0 with a 30/15/5/15/35 ratio







Dragons are large reptilians with four legs and two wings, as well as a long neck and tail, with a grand total of eight limbs, spines run along their neck and tail, and they usually have at least one pair of horns

In human form, dragons appearance can range from that of winged horned lizardmen to ordinary humans, and varies depending on the individual

Dragons scales can take on a variety of colors and textures, but it is usually influenced by either bloodline or affinity, some dragons scales resemble that of reptiles, some resemble metal or gemstones, some resemble ivory, but there is no such thing as a scaleless dragon

Goblins have dark green skin, long ears like those of elves, and the ugly appearance of orcs, they have the physique of a malnourished child and stand at 5ft 6 inches tall, they usually wear crude loincloths made from either leather or cloth and little else and carry a small dagger with them wherever they go

Goblin dragons are green scaled, and while in goblin form have patches of green scales that blend in to the skin, they are more handsome due to the draconic bloodline and stand at 6ft 6', resembling a greenskinned elf rather than a stunted orc


Dragons cannot gain classes

Goblins can gain the [Thief] class, a class specialized in stealing using Agility, Dexterity, and Slyness, and the [Shaman] class, a crude substitute for the mage class that brute forces magic using natural affinity rather than intelligence

Goblin-Dragons can gain the same classes as goblins, and have an increased synergy with the shaman class compared to goblins due to their extreme affinity with mind magic and access to the mana stat


Dragons have been around for as long as anyone can remember, while little is known about their origins most scholars agree that they originated in the East, as eastern cultivation techniques are almost certainly designed to copy the Age based levelling racial characteristic of dragons

Dragons life cycle begins as an egg, upon hatching they will eat their egg and instinctively begin hunting the surrounding wildlife until the dragon is full and the monsters that could disturb while it sleeps are either dead or have fled,

After which the dragon will begin hibernation in a hidden space, usually where they hatched, and sleep between fifty and a hundred years,

After awakening, the dragon will fly up and observe the surrounding area, if it is to its liking, it will settle down after scaring off any stronger monsters that have moved in during the time it was asleep and demanding a portion of the nearby humanoids yearly taxes in gold be delivered to its cave,

If the territory is not to the dragons liking, it will fly away in search of a new territory, usually an extreme environment matching its affinity before settling down,

After which the dragon will be mostly passive, only attacking the living things in its territory if its gold is stolen or the tribute from the nearby towns is not being payed,

When a dragon wishes to lay an egg, they will either kidnap or demand a person of royal blood from the nearest kingdom, as a blood sacrifice involving a royal is the only way for a dragon to create offspring without diluting the bloodline, after laying the egg in a secure location they will leave in search of new territory,

Due to the dragons tendency to kill royalty they are both hated by royalists and seen as an anti royalty symbol, it isn't uncommon for flags of anti-royals to bear a dragon, and for royal flags to bear the image of a slain dragon

Long ago, a demon king threatened the world, as part of his campaign, he captured elves and experimented on them, injecting so many strength and berserk potions that their skin turned a sickly green, and their faces became puffy and ugly due to the excessive muscles, while their minds remained perpetually foggy due to the berserk potions, as well as permanently altering their biology so that even their children would be the perfect soldiers, and thus, the Fallen race of orcs were born,

Eventually, the demon king was slain, and even the demon lords who tried to succeed him were laid to rest, their names long forgotten by all except the most obsessed scholars

But the orcs remained, an eternal blight upon the history of the elves, until one day, a group of elves tried to find a way to turn an orc back into an elf

But they failed, they managed to stop the production of strength potions in the body, leaving the orcs whos biology depended on it with an extremely frail physique, and the production of berserk potion in the brain, but the damage to their intellect after having their brain pumped with berserk potion for a lifetime could not be undone,

So they first sought to restore their minds, pumping them full of mind enhancing potions, elixirs, and buffs,

But what they created was not intelligence, but a vile cunning that only schemed on how to get what it wanted while screwing everyone else over, without a semblance of higher thought to be found

Before they could realize what they had done, the first goblin schemed and broke free from its prison when the elves were asleep, killing those it could get away with and kidnapping the weakest female, neither being seen again

Since then, goblins plagued the land, as the modifications the demon king had made to overcome the elves low fertility had been magnified by the elves meddling, creating a race that multiplied like no humanoid ever had before

No matter how many extermination campaigns were carried out, no matter how many powerhouses vowed to wipe out every last one of them, the goblins numbers never seemed to decrease