
Goblin's Domination System

Zarok was born in a Goblin Village. Blessed with latent talents and a system, your potential will lead you down a path of domination and power. Tags: Abusive characters, Alchamy, Bdsm, Beastskin, Character Growth, Demons, Dungeons, Elves, Evolution, Fantasy World, Goblins, Harem, Incest, Level System, Mind break, Netori, Polygamy, Pregnancy, R-18, Rape, Slave, Sword and Magic, Weak to strong Warning: This fiction will contain great amounts of sex and violence. This is my first time writing, and I welcome any suggestions and advice. English is not my first language, so I apologize in advance for any mistakes. I appreciate it if you point them out. Thank you in advance for your patience Please Enjoy it

albert31 · แฟนตาซี
19 Chs

Chapter 8: My new life [R-18]

Shyly, my trembling body rises. His 11 inches of veiny flesh slap against my forehead.

My fingers try to wrap around him, each throb of his cock sending ripples through the bulge. I can feel it: hot, throbbing, pulsing with mad masculinity. It's intimidating, commanding, a stark reminder of the sheer power within.

The intimidating throb of his arousal against my slender fingers, the hot stream of his pre-cum dripping down my urethra... It all reminds me of my place, my role. His slave cow. His breeding cow. The humiliation hurts, but it also awakens in me a deep, primal longing, a lascivious acceptance of my surrender to this powerful goblin lord.

My body responds, a pulsating throb of desire curling in my belly, the wet heat pooled between my thighs gushing relentlessly, my breasts growing at the sight of the potion, my nipples hardening even more.

Every moment, every sensation serves only to increase my master's dominance over me. 

"Master, does this cow slave know your name, Master?" he asked with a hint of longing and fear.

"Zarok," his hard, cutting voice makes my body tremble.

The girth and weight of my master's cock is more than my small hands can hold. I wrap both palms around the thick, hot length, pressing my fingers into the veins that mark the green, spongy flesh. Touching it feels like handling some kind of primal weapon, a potent instrument of biological warfare.

A hot stream of pre-seminal fluid runs down my forehead and splits my face. The sensation, smooth and hot, dripping down my cheeks, makes me quiver with humiliation and then some. His cock is drooling, dripping excitement like a tap, the lewd stream glistening on my skin, painting my face with proof of its potency.

My body responds with humiliating eagerness, as if prepared for this shameful servitude. My huge breasts continue to grow slowly, trembling with every movement of my body.

In this shadowy world of servitude, I position myself for the impending blowjob. My chest rises and falls in quick, shallow breaths. The glans of Zarok, my master, is monstrous, a veritable tangerine-sized hulk that winks at me through its vertical slit. The bulbous head is an obscene, juicy target, spraying a steady stream of pre-seminal fluid that follows a hot, viscous path across my voluptuous breasts, pooling in the deep valley of my cleavage.

With a shuddering breath, I parted my thin lips, a slow, deliberate action, the first touch of my lips against his glans a shock to my senses: it's searing hot and he contracts against my lips. I moan at the contact, the brutal reality of what I am about to do flooding my senses.

Then I wrap my lips around him.

Taking him into my mouth is a trial by fire. The sheer size of my master is too much for my inexperienced mouth. My jaw tenses painfully to accommodate his growing girth. 

My mouth aches, every second agonising, every movement a reminder of the debauchery to which I have reduced myself. But after a few slow attempts I manage to get the head of his cock completely past my lips and the addictive taste of his pre-cum explodes on my tongue.

My eyes fill with tears as my lips cling to the base of his glans as far as I can reach. The muffled grunts from above tell me the master is aware of my struggles. As he grunts, he contracts, his cockhead growing to the other side, opening my tight jaw even further.

Every twitch of his cock, every fresh, hot spurt of pre-cum is a test of my resolve, a battle against my gag reflex. The tension in my jaw is terrible, a painful burning that won't go away any time soon.

The taste is overwhelming, each new spurt of his addictive pre-cum a devastating assault on my senses, heating me from the inside out. Every change in my position sends ripples through my body, my huge breasts heaving without limit.

I can feel the heat building in my lower abdomen, a slow simmer of desire that I can't deny. My womb clenches at the thought of my master's virile, invasive cock trying to impregnate me. My chest tightens and a lump forms in my throat.

I can't stop. I am trapped in this obscene bondage, my body a tool for my master's pleasure. Every movement of my head, every flick of my tongue, every soft moan around his cock adds to my humiliation, a silent prayer for an end that seems far beyond my reach.

Suddenly I feel my hair being pulled, my back arching from the sudden jolt. The sight of my master's erect cock in front of my mouth is terrifying. It glistens with my saliva and his pre-cum.

My master doesn't give me a moment to prepare before brutally thrusting his monstrous cock into my mouth. The entry is immediate and overwhelming, its thick length passing beyond my lips, which stretch painfully and pathetically to accommodate it. I feel my jaw tighten, the pain increasing, throbbing on the hinges as he forces himself further in, every inch a brutal invasion of my mouth.

My eyes are wide open, I can't even make a sound of protest: his cock silences me. My muscles spasm at the immense invasion.

The world begins to blur at the edges, my vision blurring as I struggle to breathe. My lungs scream for air, but all they get is cock. Panic grows inside me, a primal fear grips me as I realise I can't breathe. My huge breasts sway wildly with each of his brutal thrusts.

My master roars with pleasure, his grip on my hair tightening as he uses it to guide my head onto his cock. His huge balls are now really slapping my chin, so down he is. His fat 11 inch cock is buried deep down my throat.

A rush of air floods my lungs as my master pulls back for a moment, a breath as fleeting as it is precious. I gasp and cough, drool mixed with saliva and his pre-cum spurting from my lips in a lewd display. My throat burns from the harsh intrusion, each swallow a reminder of the violent invasion. But I barely have time to catch my breath before he plunges in again, his monstrous length filling my throat once more.

His growl grows louder, more animalistic, his words harsh and guttural as he roars his dominance. "DINNER TIME, SERAPHINA!"

A shudder runs through my body as I feel the rush of his hot, thick cum pouring directly into my stomach. The sensation is indescribable, each shot coming hard, his hot, thick cum filling my stomach with an addictive heat I could never have imagined before. The same feeling as a thirsty wanderer in the desert finding an oasis.

Finally my master withdraws from my throat, his huge cock spurting cum all over my body. With a gasp that's more like a desperate hiss, I gulp air; the freedom to breathe suddenly becomes a luxury. My throat felt stretched and raw, as if I'd swallowed an iron bar covered in sandpaper.

I take in as much air as I can, gasping for breath. For a single second I feel dazed and unbelievable.

My stomach gives me the feeling of being incredibly full. I can feel the Master's seed writhing inside me as if it's alive. My pussy juice has created a little raft of every orgasm I've ever had. The effects of the pheromone-laden sperm remind me of the contract and the reality that I can't escape. My body relishes it, throbbing in a carnal rhythm that matches the pulse of my master's seed in my womb. I stand there feeling absolutely pitiful.

I have understood something, this is my new life.

The next chapter will be 8.5, it will be this situation from the protagonist. Although it is optional, I strongly recommend reading it, since it will have some contributions that 8 does not have and in future chapters it will be talked about.


What do you prefer when I have to write 2 characters? (The last time)

Only protagonist first person

Only second character



Thanks for reading my novel

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