
Go To HELL! [Mairimashita! Iruma-kun!]

"Hell is... surprisingly nice!" —Iruma Suzuki, grandson of Lord Sullivan and a so-called "Meth-Cocaine Love Child" by Lavey. Indeed, many envision hell as a barren landscape full of treacherous lava pits and beasts the likes of which the human mind cannot imagine. This is... mostly untrue! While yes, demons are very much real! HOWEVER! Be afraid not, my fleshy, human friends for the demons in this depiction of hell are a far cry from the likes of Devilman Crybaby and Dante's Inferno! Oh no, these demons are way too... fun, to be that evil! Enter one of the noble demon families, the evil Hellsing Clan! Well, evil is just an honourary title so just roll with it, okay? Ahem, DUN-DUN-DUUUUUUN! An aristocratic family that has a history stained in the blood of other demons. A far cry from heroes but nothing short of extraordinary devils! It is here where our somewhat lonely protagonist lives, a family full of people with high expectations of him. No pressure, nope! None at all... Hang in there, Lavey-kun, and welcome to your new demon school!

Braggski · อะนิเมะ&มังงะ
2 Chs

[Devilman No Uta - 2]

//Uragirimono no na wo ukete~ Subete wo sutete tatakau otoko~ Debiru aroo wa chouonpa~ Debiru iyaa wa jigoku mimi~ Debiru wingu wa sora wo tobi~ Debiru biimu wa netsu kousen~ Akuma no chikara mi ni tsuketa~ Seigi no hiiroo~ Debiruman debiruman~

Still vibin'//


"Damn... that's a big ass castle."

Idly commented Lavey as a truly massive structure came into view, that structure, of course, being not only his new demon school but also a huge fucking castle. Babyls Demon School was the institute's name, a bit of a strange name for sure but the school was renown for being one of the best in the Netherworld.

Quickly, more and more people, students more specifically, started to appear both on the ground and in the sky, flying with their wings spread out in order to arrive sooner. Nothing out of the ordinary there, after all, everyone here has wings! Even a slug demon or that scrawny blue-haired and short kid over there!


"I feel like I've seen that egg-shaped eggy demon somewhere before..." Lavey proceeded to shrug immediately after and ignore everyone that didn't talk or approach him, which was everyone.


Lavey looked around for a few minutes, hoping to come across a few people he knew were also attending Babyls, but he ultimately found none of them. Sighing, he reached into his pocket and whipped out a pair of orange-coloured, highly-reflective sunglasses with a circular design. Circular sunglasses are badass.

Now with a decked-out drip, it was time for freshmen to attend the welcoming ceremony, which was held... fuckin' somewhere. Lavey had no idea where, after all, this was his first time coming here properly and not just for the entrance exams... Oh dear god, he didn't need to remember that, his scores were... well, they were acceptable enough...


"All freshmen please proceed this way to the welcoming ceremony!"

'Ah, well, that was convenient.'

It really was, almost scarily so. Lavey wasted no time walking toward the large room where the welcoming speech was going to be held, he just hoped it wouldn't take a long time. He wasn't a fan of long speeches, especially ones about education and, ugh, schoolwork. Besides, fundamentally, they are all the same.

Be evil, strive to be a powerful demon, study hard, respect your teachers, and so on and so on. Unfortunately, the school demanded that he be there for the speech, as all freshmen should. So with little to no motivation, Lavey marched into the massive room where the ceremony would be held. Hundreds of demons were already present, and tens more were just arriving. Finding anyone he knew in this mess would be fucking impossible, so, Lavey gave up without even trying and just took a seat next to a random kid.

That random kid of course couldn't have been anyone else other than the blueberry child that was seen talking to Lord Sullivan in front of the school earlier. Lavey's interest was officially peaked, as he saw absolutely nothing interesting about a shorty like this that looked intimidated from just sitting there, between newly hatched demons.

Not to mention...

That sweet, alluring scent...

Drool started to flood from Lavey's mouth as he looked around frantically, trying to identify the source of the scent. Unaware he was though, that the source of the tasty-smelling aroma was sitting right next to him, scared and quite literally trembling with fear while sweating profusely.


Iruma was... not having the best period of his life. First, he learns that his parents had sold him to a fucking demon, you heard that right, HIS HUMAN PARENTS SOLD HIM TO A DEMON AND JUST DIPPED!

But that's not where it stops! Not only is his new "owner" one of the most powerful demons in the Netherworld, but he's also his new and self-proclaimed-while-also-legally-bound grandpa! Yep, this blueberry shota had a grandpoggers demon.

To make matters even WORSE for himself though, was the looming threat of other demons and supernatural entities infesting the Netherworld. Humans were regarded as mythical creatures, but also as utter delicacies. And, there was one demon quite literally drooling out a river right next to him. Sharp fangs, blood-red eyes hidden behind a pair of circular orange glasses, not to mention a spiked tail.

Yep, Iruma is going to fucking die.

Then, the school song began, and the whole world just got a whole lot bleaker for our former blueberry hero.

"All human souls are for us to eat~ Their meat and bones for us to feast~"

'I am air. I am nothing. I am invisible...' Iruma repeatedly chanted these three words in his mind as he desperately tried to fade from reality as the demons around him sang the song, even the drooling one tried to join in.

After that horrible school song was over, it was time for the principal to make his speech. For once, Iruma found himself not just afraid but also intrigued. The principal sure sounded like an interesting person from what he heard from his Ojii-san, but again, that egg-shaped diabolic doesn't exactly strike someone as a reliable source of information.

"Oi, Iruuuumaaaa-kuuuuun~ Your Ojii-san is here!"




"...a..." this was the only syllable that found its way from Iruma's throat, his expression all but dead and bewildered.

It would seem his death would come much sooner than he thought... He'd be eaten swiftly, served as nothing more than a gourmet meal. His body would be divided, cut up into multiple pieces and loaded onto multiple trays. His mouth would be stuffed with an apple for good measures, like a roasted pig...


'Oh, wait, they don't know what I look like. Maybe I can-'



Yep, Iruma-kun is fucking doomed. And to make matters worse, that drooling demon now pretty much had his sights on him! DEATH! VORE! PAIN! Iruma is fearing for his life, praying to every god he knows whilst trying to make himself invisible, actually managing to do so. Most people weren't paying attention to him... minus that terrifying drooling demon guy, of course.

"And now, the freshman representative will make a speech."

A very gay-ish and regal-looking pink-haired guy stood up and elegantly approached the stage. His hair was medium-length and he was dressed in... well, that shit wasn't the school uniform I can tell you that much. It was a full white suit with a white trench coat that had many, many golden details.

"Oh? I see. We have a change of plans people. Asmodeus-kun, leave the speech to Iruma-kun."



It was that damn old geezer, already sitting by the side of the podium with a camera in his hand, giving the blueberry boy a thumbs up! With terror and dread filling his entire existence, Iruma made his way to the podium where he was expected to give a grand speech to the entire student body.


It would seem that the old man Sullivan wasn't actually trying to make Iruma's life completely difficult just yet! As on the stand waited a sealed envelope containing a paper that, judging by the note his grandpa left behind, he should read to the student body. From what Iruma could tell, it was just a single sentence, but who was he to judge? At least he had something prepared...

So, he got to read the words on the paper despite not understanding them one bit...

"...Esruc..." as he began, he noticed that the audience quieted down noticeably.

"...Uoy..." with the second word, the air began to distort and an unexplainable chill went down everyone's spine.

"...Yrrep..." dread and doom-filled the atmosphere...

"...Eht..." soon, excitement found itself mixed in the strange cacophony of feelings...

"...Supytalp." and then...


Loud cheers came from the demons in the stands, even the drooling demon from before looked impressed to the point of giving the blueberry boy a huge thumbs up with a toothy grin. As the audience roared, the students in charge of the event quickly approached Iruma both with worried and impressed faces.

"Wow... that was... COMPLETELY MAD! Honestly, if you weren't Lord Sullivan's grandson I'd assume you're some kind of fool for chanting a Forbidden Spell!"


"...F-Forbidden Spell?"

"Hm? Yeah, that's one of the Forbidden Spells! If you so much as mispronounce one of the words, you'll die a horrible death!"


While Iruma secretly contemplated his life choices, many of you may find yourself wondering... what were the words that Iruma said? What did they mean? Well, to answer that question... We'll have to copy and paste them into the reverse text generator and...

[Curse you Perry the Platypus.]


As the welcoming ceremony quickly ended, the freshmen were allowed to leave the premises as the school would properly begin only tomorrow and the following days. Many of the young demons were considerably excited, not only by Iruma's unintentional badassery but also by what awaited them in this higher form of education. Many had high expectations... But...


The poor boy was so paranoid that he was literally doing his best to avoid everyone! Blitzing between pillars and using Special Forces stealth training that he got by hiding from stray rabid dogs, Iruma meticulously managed to dodge any and all demons that he would otherwise encounter!


All except one...


"...H-Hi," Iruma... is petrified with fear!

"Nice speech by the way! Really worked its magic with the crowd," well, at least this time the glasses-wearing demon seemed nice enough to... not eat him whole.

"Thanks... It just sort of... happened..."

"Mhm, I bet so! You looked so terrified after learning that you chanted a Forbidden Spell that I couldn't help but laugh! Hahahaha!"

"Ha...ha..." obviously Iruma wasn't quite so enthusiastic about it, "B-By the way... what does the spell do...?"

"Huh? A few things actually. It makes all of your test scores be 69 no matter what you do and you won't trip for the whole day."

'THAT'S IT?!' Iruma was genuinely surprised that a Forbidden Spell would be so mundane.

"Yeppers... Ah, right, introductions," the pretty darn tall man offered Iruma a hand, one which he was at first reluctant to take, "The name's Lavey, Lavey Hellsing."

But, ultimately due to his polite and kind nature, Iruma took the demon's hand, "I-Iruma Suzuki... Nice to meet you?"




"Hehehe, yep! So, so very nice to meet you too... Iruma-kun~"