
Glory & Honor

Aranuak a world hidden in mysteries clouded by lies and deceit a world where the gods have no mercy, what is a teen supposed to do when thrown into such a dangerous world?

Jurassic_Threat · แฟนตาซี
11 Chs

School life pt1

The teacher while walking to our dorms Mrs. Mary showed us around the school showing us the: bathrooms, announcement hall, cafeteria, and other parts of the school, the map really didn't do the school justice because it took us around thirty minutes just to check our half of the school as we finally got to our dorms.

"Alright listen closely little ones this will be your dorm room for the first three years of your school life, but before you enter I have to tell you a few things, your all smart kids so I know you'll listen one anything you break your parents will pay the expense unless it's a specific situation, second you have a curfew of nine in the night, if you don't enter your dorm within that time period you will not be able to enter the dorm until breakfast time at two in the morning, and finally no bullying your fellow peers alright, if not you'll have to pay a visit to the principal. So do you have any questions?" After standing in front of a large dormitory Mrs told the children about some rules they would have to follow. "Good let's get you into your rooms."

Going inside the dorm building the children were smuggled rooms to stay in

'I'm not sure whether to laugh or to cry about what's in front of me.'

Two boys were near a bunk bed seemingly arguing

"Hey, flesh bag I'm taking these two beds got it?" A boy with a large silver tail and furry pointed ears a the top of his head growled out an order to the small child in front of him.

"Yes, yes sorry I'll just use the other one." with a meek voice the little boy agreed to the other child's demands

"Good at least you can follow orders, oh, and the same goes for you as well don't think I don't see you, your sleeping on the other bed got it?"

After getting his point across to the boy in front of him he set his gaze on Allison and stated the same demands to him

'Wow are those real he looks so adorable and that tail looks so fluffy is he a demi-human he looks like a wolf, he might be a Lycan, but seriously school technically hasn't even begun yet and I'm already dealing with a bully, alright I just have to listen to what he has to say and he won't bother me at the end of the day he's just a child,'

"Oh sure that's fine my name is Allison what's your guy's name?"

"Oh, my name is Toby." The meek boy answered

*huf* "My name is Silver don't forget it."

'he's quite bossy isn't he well it doesn't matter.'

"That's awesome I hope we can all be great friends?"

*grrr* Silver just growled and went to the top of his double bunk bed

"Just don't bother me"

Thankfully Toby didn't have the same reaction "Yeah that sounds great."


'That was three days ago and school has finally started so I'll be getting to experience another world's education system, this is going to be interesting


"I am utterly disappointed and my day has been ruined."

'A wise purple potato once said, "reality is often disappointing." Oh and how right he was.'

'I don't know what I was expecting but this wasn't it the only interesting thing is in maths and that's just because they use Roman numerals and that the English class is now Selvish lessons. But there are two new classes there arcane studies and combat lessons. But since classes started on a Tuesday so I can't do arcane studies this week but the combat training is the last class on Friday.'

"Allison, can you answer this question please?" The teacher Mr. Samuels stopped Allison's thoughts from straying else's where with a question thrown his way.

"Ah yes sir" Startled by the sudden question Allison quickly shot up from his seat after realizing what the teacher asked he went to the board and solved the question immeadetly It is to be expected he was in college if he couldn't solve questions for seven year olds one would question how he got into college.

"Well done Allison you can return to your seat now." The teacher spoke words of praise to Allison and directed him back to his seat.

"Thank you, Sir." swiftly returning to your sweet you go back to daydreaming, and a recurring thought entering your mind is how it's taking so long for the clock to move

Unffourtanatley Allison was experiencing the pareidolia effect similar to what most students experience but to a much much more mind numbing effect.

For what felt like hours upon hours for poor Allison the bell finally rang. At the sound of the bell Allison quickly bolted from within the room happy to be free once more and rest. He merrily made his way toward his dorm room. After arriving he finished the work he had and wrote a letter to his parents about his day and just played cards with Toby.