
Glory & Honor

Aranuak a world hidden in mysteries clouded by lies and deceit a world where the gods have no mercy, what is a teen supposed to do when thrown into such a dangerous world?

Jurassic_Threat · แฟนตาซี
11 Chs

School is boring... Or maybe Not


*HUgh hugh*

The sun has risen and shines down its glory on all including a small room in the illustrious Silver star academy.

A child wakens from a dream not so pleasant as seen by his appearance. His skin was drenched in cold sweat and his hair was left in a mess while his eyes held no light in them as if they were soulless.

Allison stared blankly into the air

"Hugh I guess I better get ready for school hugh?"

Allison gets up from his bed and opens the curtain for the sun glorious warm light to shine upon the room.

"It looks like I have around forty minutes before classes start."

He went into the bathroom to get ready for the day, but upon pushing the door it stood still, and unmoving


"Teddy, are you in there?"

*Grudb* *Geg*

"Aghhh fine just hurry up we have around half an hour to get to class."

Allison went back into the room to prepare for his classes.

"Morning Silver."

Silver just growls in response as he walks out of the room to go to his classes.

"Allison im done you can go in now," Toby spoke as he left the bathroom

"Thanks, school is starting soon so you two should get going."

"Oh okay see you in English Allison."

"Yeah see you, Toby."

Allison and Teddy held a short conversation before Teddy left and Allison goes to the washroom to get ready for his classes


" Here is a sample question hmmm Allison my boy would you answer this for me? Yes, good now what is the correct answer for twenty plus ten divided by five?"

Allison goes up to the board and waits for the teacher to finish his question before speaking

"Yes, sir first we would have to divide the ten by five and then add the twenty resulting in the answer being: twenty two."

"Good job Allison I w.."


"Well, that's the bell you can all go fur lunch now and remember to practice what I've thought as there will be a test on next week Anum ."

Allison and the other children leave the classroom with most of them chattering about nothing and everything.

He got his usual meal of sweet bun and chocolate milk and sat at his regular table in the corner of the canteen table by himself

"I have to write a story for English class and a poem for drama. Hmnn after literature I have combat training or CQC I hope it'll be fun."

After finishing his lunch the bell rings to signify the end of their lunch break and the start of their classes.

"Augh I just ate my lunch."

Allison saunters along to his classroom with a tired expression and heavy footsteps.


"The story Liao-xiu is a creative literature piece on the epic of Lia-xiu a commander of the foreign nation of Chocoa. The story is presented in a way that its audience of six to eight year olds could understand and enjoy."

Allison was staring into space as the teacher held his lecture on the epic of Liao-xiu. He and several of his classmates shared the same sentiment of their boredom towards the lecture and many were dozing off while they anxiously anticipated the bells chime.

Unfourtanetly for them that didn't happen until half an hour later which for them felt like an eternity and a half.


At the glorious sound of freedom, the children rushed through the classroom door with all the grace and elegance of a badger

"Have a good day sir," Allison spoke his farewell to his teacher

"Hmm? Yes good day Allison you hurry on now you have a class to get to."

Allison uses the map next to the cafeteria to find the auditorium he was supposed to enter and followed the directions to a large area holding around the same size as football field

"Honestly I expected this." Allison should be surprised but after his four days at this school, he's grown numb to it.

After a few minutes of introductions from you and the other children

"Ok everyone line up in accordance to your names and state your name when I pick you."

In front of the crowd of students stood a tall dark man with a sturdy build and luscious black hair

After a few minutes of introductions from Allison and the other children, the man starts speaking

"Alright kids Im Mr. Jacob and I'll be your close-quarter combat or CQC and I hope you all do your best in this class.

"Alright kids so there won't be any activities for you to complete I just wanted to give you guys a demonstration of what you'll be learning in this class. So I have the lovely Mrs. Mary to help demonstrate this."

Mrs. Mary bursts through the door with her usual light green dress

"Oh hello, children I'm so excited to show you what you'll be learning about."

She cheerily greets the children

*clap* *clap*

"Ok enough chitter chatter let's begin Mrs. Mary."

The two teachers go to different ends of what seems to be a fighting ring. They both go silent then at an unknown signal they started the battle

Mr.Jacob charged at Mrs. Mary and fained a kick for her knee then aimed for her waist with a swift punch. She sidestepped the faint then punched at his jaw sending him back a few feet. Unrelenting in his assault though Mr.Jacob charged back into the fray and threw a punch that she was able to block, she struck at him with her leg to which he ducked and performed a leg sweep which knocked her off her feet; she quickly recovers from this and in retaliation aims at his chest. Within the time of her strike, he block her attack using his left arm while he used his other arm to strike at her jaw. Turning her head to avoid the strike she kneed him in the stomach leaving him crouched over on the floor.

"Well, children I hope the demonstration was as entertaining as it was informative."