
Glory(Battle Of The Supreme)

The past is the past so bye bye. Let's fast forward a bit. We're in the future.

Vague02 · แฟนตาซี
5 Chs

The Pendant

A man came in holding a bowl of rice and put it in front of Jiang Li.


"How should I do that?...my hands are tied." Jiang Li asked

The man sighed and brought out a knife and cut the luminous rope that tied her hands. He left the rope that tied her legs just in case she wants to escape.

After getting tortured by that bad man, her strength was almost depleted. She knew that she might probably get tortured again and if she's unlucky, she will definitely die die from pain so she might as well eat to her heart's content before she dies.

After eating the bowl of rice that was given to her, she frowned and turned to the man beside her.

"Can I get more?...this isn't enough"

The man looked at her in shock.

Was she seriously asking him for more food?

"What do you mean?...this is the only food you're getting"

"Just this?" Jiang Li asked

"You might as well just kill me with that knife because I'll definitely die before tomorrow"

The man was flabbergasted.

"You still have the cheek to make demands. Did you forget that you're a prisoner here?"

"It's true that I am a prisoner but shouldn't you feed me well?, I mean, your boss is forcing me to remember something very important do you expect me to do that on an empty stomach?" Jiang Li asked

"It seems like it took a lot of effort to kidnap me...which means that I'm very important...I.."

"Not really" The man caught her off.

"All we had to do was find out where you were being kept, we just paid someone to let us inside the facility. Initially we thought we would have to go up against the Lu family's special agents so we came prepared but when we got there, we only found a nurse. So you're not important at all, at least not to the Lu family because if you were, we would barely have made it out alive trust me"

Jiang Li's eyes became dim immediately she heard that. She wasn't important to the Lu family?.

What exactly happened to her before she woke up?.

"It doesn't matter....if I'm not important to them, I'm important to your boss" Jiang Li said to the man.

Since she wanted more food, he might as well just give it to her.

If she really dies, he would not be able to bear the consequences.

"Just don't try anything stupid"

"How do you expect me to do that?...my legs are tied" Jiang Li said.

The man glanced at her and left to bring her more food.

After, he left, Jiang Li rubbed her forehead and tried to remember what happened to her but she couldn't.

She placed her hand on her neck and noticed a tiny chain with a pendant around her neck.

She looked at the pendant which was designed as a pair of flaming wings.