

This was our first dnd campaign, the story assumes that you (reader) know everything about dnd. though I changed some rules to fit the story. This is just for sh*ts and giggles, I just wanted something to remember our first campaign. ________________ This story is about redemption for a banished dragon born, a fresh start for a gnome who had a hermit life, and a woman who is addicted to fighting.

Ha2e · แฟนตาซี
4 Chs

Chapter 3: Asher Flamesorrow

A hill surrounded by trees in the dense forest region

The forest was filled with monsters, but the hill was surrounded by effigies of monsters, forming a fence like structure all around the hill, monsters avoid this hill because of it.

On top of the hill was a log cabin, the only people that would dare to live here was the tall and muscular woman and her brother, it was in this living condition that she developed a rough and wild fighting style. Fighting monsters and making effigies of their bodies began to grow as a habit.

When her brother left and went on to become an adventurer she was left alone in the cabin.

The woman loved fighting, she already fought every kind of monter that lives in the dense forest region, the forest only had weak monsters, so she went out to search for tougher opponents.

She fought her way out of the dense forest and finally found a path "finally" she said. She followed the path and eventually reaching a town called sofys.

The first thing she did in the city was to ask and find opponents to fight. "You know you can fight and kill monsters while getting paid right?" Said a man who the woman asked.

"What?" The woman was intrigued "yeah, just go to the adventurer's guild, take a quest to kill some monsters, and they will reward you" said the man.

"HAHAHA! Thanks old man!" Said the woman and immediately made her way to the adventurer's guild, ignoring the angry words of the man when she called him old.

She entered the adventurer's guild and looked around. The inside was cozy, like a tavern it has tables, a bulletin board, and a receptionist. She observed adventurers rip papers from the bulletin board and handing it to the receptionist.

She went to take a closer look at the bulletin board, noticing it that it was the quest papers "Oh nice!", she looked for a quest that involves killing and handed it to the receptionist.

"I'm sorry adventurer, I noticed that you don't have a party" the receptionist said, worried "The minimum party size for subjugation quests".

"Can't you just make an exception miss?" The tall woman said, "I mean look at this gains, ain't this enough?" She said as she flexed her muscles.

"I'm sorry adventurer, but it's the rules" the receptionist said with an apologetic face. Left with no other choice she went outside "where the hell do I find some adventurer's willing to join me", looking around she noticed that this town was well populated.

So she went around asking people "Hey, do you wanna join my party?". After many hours of asking with no success, she got hungry and went to the nearest tavern.



"So you guys still up for adventuring?" She asked Ariaxthor and Balwik.

"Of course" answered Balwik, "But won't you mind me asking, what's your name? As you know it is quite difficult to work together if we don't know each others name" Balwik continued.

"The name's Asher! Asher Flamesorrow!" She said enthusiastically "Alright! Now that's out of the way, follow me" both nodded and followed. Asher led them the way to the adventurer's guild, but there was another problem that the woman is about to face.

"What do you mean we can't take the quest to slay some wyverns?!" Asher shouting at the receptionist, "I'm sorry adventurer, since you're party is fairly new, you can only accept the F class quests, and that quest to slay the wyverns is an A class quest" said the receptionist.

While Asher was complaining to the receptionist, Balwik walked over to the bulletin board with Ariaxthor, because Balwik couldn't reach the bulletin board he let Ariaxthor take the quest he chose and presented it to Asher.

"How about this? A fresh and easy quest is good way to start an adventure no?" Balwik said showing a paper to asher that says 'please help me find my missing cat!.....', with a disgusted look Asher complained "but that's boring af, I wanna fight some strong enemies!".

"Then how about this?" It was Ariaxthor who presented a quest paper, the quest says 'Spotted some colons in the nearby forest...' it's a subjugation quest the ones that Asher was looking for.

"ehhhh... Fine, good enough" Asher said with a hesitant tone, "Great!" The receptionist said and grabbed the paper, pressed a stamp on it "the quest is in progress now, you may bring the 5 colon caps to me to finish the quest" the receptionist explained.

"Let us depart! This is exciting" said Balwik as he took the front and led the way to the forest near Sofys.

They arrived at the forest after 10 minutes of walking. "I can't wait!" Said Asher as she pumped her fist and cracked her knuckles, Ariaxthor readied his war axe, and Balwik his Lute.

"I would suggest we keep quiet, colons are cowardly creatures unless they are in group" Balwik informed the group, he remembered the dwarves mentioned it "so we should stay low, be alert" said Ariaxthor, this wasn't Asher's style but she understood that she has to follow if she wants to fight.

After several minutes of searching, they finally found the colons camping in the forest. The colons were marching towards a direction deeper into the forest.

The appearance of the colons excites Asher. They were acorn creatures, wood limbs, and with makeshift wooden clubs.

Without any hesitation, Asher charged at the colons "wait, we shouldn't attack yet!" Balwik and Ariaxthor tried to stop Asher, but she was already near the colons while charging.

"*Sigh* what the heck" Said Ariaxthor and followed behind Asher's charge, and with no other choice but to fight Balwik casted [Bardic inspiration] and played a song with his lute making Asher's adrenaline rise.

{End of chapter}