
Global Transformation: Only i'm a True Dragon

On the day of the beast Awakening Ceremony our protagonist Max Darkwing awakened his low Talent and Beast form System of a small gray colored lizard of the lowest grade. laughed at as the weakest of the whole school. But none of them knew he has the biggest potential. R-18 Content will be marked before begin that reader can skip these parts. (This is my first Book and English is not my first Language but i hope you will like it.)and i would aprecciate any donations to me https://www.paypal.com/paypalme/FrederikKallweit

Rewave · แฟนตาซี
10 Chs

Chapter 6 Weird Confrontation

After being Fully prepared Max launched an attack from behind at the beast allowing him to rip of a big chunk of its leg before it could even react, but quickly kicked him away with its other leg, throwing him through an tree that his eyes went black for a second, before he could get up. Max was already Engulfed by its flames causing a big part of his body got charred black at some parts but didn't course to much damage and mostly just his scales, because he got as a dragon a great fire resistance and only a few scales where damaged enough for them to fall off leaving the skin below uncatered. Hidden behind the flames he slashed with his Claws straight towards its throat. Unable to kill it directly as it reacted fast enough to take a step back causing him to only create a shallow cut on its throat, but before the beast could do anything else, Max used 4 points of his TD Might to release his Dragons Breath, turning its head into charcoal causing it's body to fall over. The fight left him with another 4 points of TD might, just enough to release another breath of his current full power without harming himself if he would use more. Max learned it the hard way in the past ten days and that only when his physical strength improved he could use more TD Might to activate it. Also that he needs around 40 second to activate his breath in which times he can't use any of his other skills.

Max dug out its beast core bevor moving to the Bloody spider lily which he carefully dug out, by digging around its roots before carefully lifting it out of the ground so it doesn't lose any of its medical effects, when he suddenly heard a growling voice coming from behind him: "boy hand over the beast core and the natural treasure if you don't want to die." Max spun around and quickly checked the Beastmaster's status to decide his next Actions


Name: Arthus Drake

Realm: 7th Layer Body Tempering 

Progress: 42% (middle)

Beast Transformation: Fire Dragon (Phase: Adult)

Attributes: Fire

Length: 9.3 Meters 

Hight: 4.9Meters

Potential SSS-

Talent: SS+

Cultivation Technique: Grace of the fire Dragons 

Dragon might: 27

Skills: Fire Breath (S),Dragons Domain (S+) (spreads the Dragons might suppressing effects Further),Fire claws (S-)


"Are you dumb, i just took out a beast with the same realm as you with minimal injuries and you expect i hand my things over to you." Max retallied at him after seeing his status!"

"How dare you call me Dumb!! Roared the enraged person still in Dragon Form as he released his Dragon might at Max who didn't felt any of it. "Now you have done it, previously i just wanted to scare you but now i will beat you half dead! I just awakened 12 days ago but my grandmother told me, no one at the same realm as me can beat me as they can only barely able to lift finger, under my Dragon might's Pressure and those lower than mine won't even be able to do that as it is the real Deal with me being a Real Dragon and not the fake Dragon might a draconic Beastmaster has a small chance to Awaken. This strength would guarantee me becoming the next vice Principal weren't it for the dumb rule that Male Beastmaster's can't take the role of the Principle ore vice Principal at the main Academy of the Draconis. So my grandmother took a disciple in a City close by, so she told me too protect their family until she is official admitted that the other academy don't try something to force her to join them, but instead i gone here to train myself here in the forest as no one would be dumb enough to mess with the Draconis." The Dragon calmy stated with confidence to win and with anger towards the End while speaking of the rule. Max body took Action on its own under the Dragons might's effect, Transforming in his new full size at a Hight of more than 7 Meters completely Towering over the Red colored Dragon and his True Dragon might was flooding over the red Dragon. It all happened in a few second that there wasn't a red Dragon anymore and a Boy who has fallen on his butt and pissed himself under Maxes suppression took its place. "Impossible how can there be such a person be here? His dragon might instantly washed away my own and its suppression is much stronger, no the suppression is almost the same, but there is another kind of suppression, the suppression of bloodline! Grandmother said its impossible for an existence with a true bloodline to be born in our World!

In a state of panic Arthus quickly grabbed into his pocket, pulling out multiple discs bigger than the pocket itself when these slipped out of his hands and shattered between his legs and he disappeared at the same time, leaving only shards and a wet spot.

Max stood still there unable to understand what just happened. It looks like his body let his true dragon might flood over the red dragon in response of his Dragon might as if it want to show that no one has the right to suppress it like an King standing above everyone. Causing the red dragon to panic and disappear.

At the same time Arthus reappeared far away in a room next to a table with a woman barely locking over forty years old but also having of the Aura of someone who lived a long life. The Women looked worried towards Arthus and ran up to him checking for injuries. "What happened, which academy dared to attack?" "I'm sorry grandma, it wasn't the academy's. I didn't even gone to her parents to look after them as you asked instead i secretly gone to train in the Forest around the city." "Then how was your life in danger causing you to use the Teleportation formation disks I know you are intelligent enough to stay away of the Territory of the forests Overlord beast and beside it there shouldn't be anything that can harm you?" "It wasn't a Beast it was a Beastmaster of my age. I saw him taking a high grade natural treasure, so i took your advice to be bold and dominant and having a strong mindset like someone with my talent should have. So after checking that his cultivation was just the early 7th Layer i came towards him from behind, i started telling him to hand it over if he wants to live and he called me Dumb after turning around that he just easily killed a beast of my realm. Thats why i released my dragon might over him out of anger thinking he won't be able to do anything, i spoke a bit to him when he suddenly turned into a Dragon himself and used an energy much stronger than my Dragon might causing it to disperse, when i suddenly felt an instinctive feeling of fear coming from deep within the innate Bloodline of my Dragon Form, that it caused me to be revert back and i used the disk in a panic from the sudden transformation. But I am sure that in the future we will see each other again as rivals and compete with each other in the World Tournament so please train me as well with the girl. Also I thought you said in our world its impossible to be someone with a true bloodline to be born? Arthus said to his grandma full of determination. "a you sure he had a true bloodline and it wasn't the felling of a superior Dragon species!?" "yes I'm sure" "then we need to expect a worrisome future full of wars with other worlds again if there is truly someone born with a true bloodline and the I can arrange for you to train with her as long she says yes." His grandmother answered him with a sad face.


Back to Max who was currently sitting in the den of the Boody flame wolf recovering his strength and hoping that his sister and Marie would also get rare Teleportation treasures for safety; even if the taught is very unlikely as these are still rare at the main Academy's. Max current physical strength has reached 1000 pound's, which is double of what the average Beastmaster in the peak of the body Tempering Realm usually has.

Max closed the entrance of the den with a giant bolder with much effort before transforming again into his adjusted size, before Swallowing the bloody spider lily whole causing the blood Essence in his body to undergo a qualitative change together with an sudden and immense pain. Max barely stayed conscious by gritting his teeth together and forced himself to consume the beast core to as well, since his body couldn't absorb enough Essence from the surrounding as his absorption was just too fast. The transformation lasted until the sun started setting. Max checked his status before going to sleep as he was mentally exhausted.


Name: Max Darkwing 

Realm: 7th Layer Body Tempering 

Progress: 95%

Foundation: 211%

Physical strength: 2000 pounds

Length: 25.2 Meters (+12,1)

Hight:11,3 Meters (+10,4)

True Dragon might: 20 (+19)



The next day Max became extremely worried over his abnormal growth in size, he decided to reduce his size by almost half for it be reaching a normal size for his realm even if it would mean he could only release at most 75% of his strength, which is still very strong for someone of his realm before he completely fell asleep.

Max decided the next day to relax and recover one more day before continue his search for natural treasures and Beast. In the next few days he run only into beast below the fifth Layer who's cores became already useless to him and could only be used to recover his energy. So he decided to move deeper into the forest where max quickly discovered a natural treasure called Metal Essence Fruit of B- Grade which he snatched before running at full speed away from the hundreds of Metal Devouring Termites living in the Tree made of metal, where the Fruit was grown on.

The Termites chased him down for almost a full day, before they finally gave up and returned to their tree. Max consumed the fruit later allowing his skin and scales to become tougher and allowed his strength to increase by another 500 pounds. The medical effects of the bloody spider lily took effect again, elevating his blood Essence by another level after he brook through the 8th Layer letting his physical strength reach the average strength of someone of the 1th Layer of the Essence gathering realm.

Max continued his Cultivation at neck breaking speed and reached on the 24th day the 9th Layer where his physical strength reached the second layer Of the Essence Gathering Realm. He hit a bottle neck unable to advance to the Next realm on the 28th day, as he didn't find any fight worthy beast to push him over his limit. "Dammit! i already reached the first bottle neck, which i probably won't overcome in a short period of time if i don't find a fight which pressures me enough to push me in the next realm. I probably won't find such an fight here so i might just return earlier and stay a bit longer with mom and dad."

Starting on his way towards the City, he suddenly felt an chill run down his spine. Felling something coming at him with high speed, he quickly reacted to by jumping to the side, just before something smashed into the earth at the place he just stood a second ago covering the surrounding in a dust cloud. Max instantly transformed and used his wings to disperse the dust to get a view on his attacker and check him with his skill.


Tamed Beast: Griffon 

Realm: 1th Layer Essence gathering realm 

Potential: SS+

Attributes: Wind, Earth and Metal

Skills: Fake (SS) (status can be changed to what user want others to see [unlocked with human form]), Metal feather darts (S) (feathers turn into metal and shot like projectiles), Wind Enhancement (A-)( enhances attacks and movement), Resistant skin (S+)(increases resistant to cuts, punches, Heat and cold

Owner: Luna Moon



The griffon quickly shot salves of his metal feather darts at max the moment he entered its Vision. Surprised over his discovery that Maries master didn't try causing a deadly accident like giving him a Mission, at the academy which would lead to his death like he expected and instead send a Tamed beast to directly kill him, leaving him unable to evade all the darts as he reacted a bit to late causing two feathers to pierce his left wing and one his left hindleg. Max decided in a split second to release his full size to be able to use his full strength as he would die if not as he would even at full strength barely be able to fight one in the 1th Layer of Essence gathering even with the physical strength of someone in the 2nd Layer.

Max used his roar the moment the griffon suddenly increased in speed letting it return to its previous speed for their strength to stay balanced as he estimated from the griffons previous attacks having reached almost 9000 pounds. Unable to fight it head on ore outwit it as Griffon are very intelligent compared to other beast. max needed to dodge almost every attack, but almost every attack still caused wounds from the waves of Essence released together with its attacks all over his body. Most where just on the surface but some left deep holes all over his body unable to fight back until Max finally discovered a weak point. There was a deep bite wound below the right wing, seeing his Chance max charged his dragons breath with 30 points of his TD might knowing it would harm himself and stop him from using it again until he recovered, meaning this is his only chance to kill him in one shot as every other way is being pierced by its claws ore being unable to continue the fight because of exhaustion if he doesn't succeed in his first attack. He intentional took the next hit of the Griffon, ripping one of his wings right of, but giving him free line towards its wound. Without hesitation Max releasing his Dragons breath into it causing it to release a bone shivering scream in response, as it was burned from the inside out by his Flames and it started to stare into his eyes after it realized its loss, while its eyes started melting until its remains finally collapsed on the Ground. Max instantly devoured its core before collapsing. At the same time Maries teacher received the backlash from the death of the Griffon: "this dumb Beast must have angered the lord of the forest to die at its current strength! I thought it where at least smart enough to not attack a beast much strong than itself but a beast stays a beast no matter how intelligent it is!" She angrily shouted while wiping the blood from her mouth.

 Max woke up late at night, back in Human form covered in blood and vomit from head to toe and white as a ghost from the blood loss. Disoriented and muddle headed he began moving towards the city and as he got closer to the City gates he got swarmed by guards after collapsing again, under the shine of the spotlights. "Quickly, Get a stretcher for the boy and tell the paramedics to come down here!" Yelled the guard who reached Max first to the others. "This boy has many severe injuries!".

Sometime later. "Hello, can you open your eyes or can you tell me your Name?" asked someone in a white coat who shone a small light in Max's slowly opening eyes. "My Name is Max Darkwing and how long was i asleep?" max asked weakly and disoriented "from the time you got here and up to now you slept for 5 hours. You had great luck that i was visiting a friend, as nobody else would been able to treat you as your cultivation got on a rampage as consequence of an uncontrolled breakthrough, it caused every nurse and doctors below the Essence gathering realm collapse, so everyone besides me. I already heard of some people who breakthrough in the Essence gathering realm and have their aura rival someone of the second or third Layer, but I never heard of someone's aura rivaling the 5th layer, causing even me to be only barely able to deal with the aura while treating you, while being myself just in the 4th Layer. You sure a someone special but you should have healed enough to go home, as i have injected you with an E grade healing Serum. From your age i expect your entering one of the Academy's and trained in the forest before you got injured so you probably shouldn't waste too much time here and go home that you don't leave your parents worried." "Thanks for everything doctor. i will take my leave then," Said Max as he stood up from hospital bed and walked out of the door. "My little sister did a great job in raising someone of that Bloodline, being so polite and nice and even able to suppress the bloodline to such an extend while being unconscious and not go on a killing spree, those people with king level Bloodlines have usually a natural tendency for being self-absorbed and being violent and easily lose control because of their weak wills, if there were in the same situation as Max." thought the Doctor while looking towards the leaving max before whispering to himself and ripped a hole into space and disappeared into the hole: "I hope we will meet again boy."

After leaving the Hospital Max reached his home after a five minute walk. He quickly moved up the driveway and knocked exited at the door to see his parents again, when the door was pushed open by him with his knocks. Alerting Max who quickly rushed inside calling for his parents, until he reached the kitchen where he discovered an envelope addressed to him was lying. in his mother handwriting was written: "Me and your Father are sorry for leaving without saying anything, but we had no choice as our enemy's found us, i explain everything very quick as we don't have much time. Me and your father weren't crippled we just suppressed our cultivation as we are from the upper realm and the lower realm where you currently are would forcefully eject us, because its space is too weak to contain our cultivation.

We fled from my family, the Ordea family who is considered a big family in the upper Realm which hate everything person who isn't a pure human ore people who accepts them ore a from another race.

Me and a good friend of mine of the same family fell in love with people with blood of different races like your father who is half giant even though he didn't inherit any of their racial traits, my friends husband instead was a full blooded Dragon born which possess the bloodline of the Dragon clan allowing them to transform parts of their body into those of dragons even without an dragon transformation. One day he was discovered on the way to her causing him to be killed, leaving her already pregnant so she decided full of sorrow too give birth in secret and free me as i was hold in captivity because they wanted to marry me to someone "pure blooded" which I refused. She freed me and handed me the egg she gave birth to as she had burned her life span to nurture it to give birth prematurely, as she was unable to leave because she was marked by the family treasure as she was only a child of a branch family so she trusted me with everything knowing I would leave to a place with your dad far away from the family to stay save.

So i fled with your father in the lower word, when i noticed i was also pregnant myself and after 9 month i gave birth to a girl and at the same time a boy hatched from the egg.

What i want to say is we are not you biological parents but still love you like our own.

We got discovered around your awakening ceremony so we leave to the upper realm to hide to secure your safety as they belief it's impossible to reach the upper realm from this lower realm with your talents, but we belief that you two can do it." The letter being covered in many tear Drops he was unable to make out the last sentence, max was still able to discern many Information out of it leaving him speechless, when he suddenly received a notification from his Sister: "I'm only allowed to send this message before i reach the peak of the Essence gathering realm and are allowed to leave the barrier formation of the academy again to train outside the formation, where i can get a signal again, when you are surely already inside the barrier of your academy.

So I'm giving you a short Update. My master forces me to train with a senior who beats me up until i can't move anymore, before master put me in a medical bath to help temper my body and breakthrough Essence gathering realm with a two times tempered foundation. Shortly after her grandson Arthus got here, who also started to train with me after he begged her to train him, that he can keep up with his new rival which made me interested so i asked him about the rival and what he told me was so funny because in the forest around our city he tried to take a treasure from someone which retallied at him with his aura scaring him so much that he accidentally broke al Teleportation formation disks that he is sure that that will be his future rival. Isn't that funny but now goodbye and greet mom and dad from your lovely sister."


To be continue…