
Global Descent: I Can Purchase for free in the Lord's Mall.

In the wake of a cosmic upheaval, the entirety of Earth's population finds themselves transported to a mysterious and untamed realm—a brand new plane ripe for exploration and conquest. Among them is Liam, an ordinary individual thrust into an extraordinary situation. In this new world, every inhabitant has been granted the opportunity to rise as a lord, commanding their own unique armies and territories. However, fate is not kind to Liam. While others receive powerful troops and resources, he is bestowed only the lowest tier of soldiers, a blue slime, seemingly chosen randomly. Despite this disadvantage, Liam discovers a hidden advantage—a mysterious ability to access a "cheat" once a week, which allows him to purchase one item for free in the mall once a week. With this newfound advantage, Liam sets out to defy the odds and carve out his own path to dominance in this cutthroat landscape. But as he rises through the ranks, he attracts the attention of powerful rivals and dark forces lurking in the shadows. Alongside his ragtag army, Liam must navigate treacherous landscapes, confront mythical beasts, and outmaneuver cunning adversaries in order to survive. I suks at making thumbnails, don't mind me. HEUHEUHEUE

ToTallyNoTmE · แฟนตาซี
38 Chs

Chapter 27: Upgrade, celestial integration

The slimes, ever obedient to Liam's commands, swiftly transformed into their own dragon forms, albeit significantly smaller in size compared to Liam.

 Despite their diminished stature, their ability to fly remained unhindered as they took to the air, their movements graceful and synchronized as they trailed behind their imposing leader.

Together, they soared through the vast expanse of the sky, their forms cutting through the clouds with effortless ease. 

The wind rushed past them, carrying the faint echoes of the air being torn apart under their speed.

The journey was remarkably peaceful as Liam and his slimes soared through the vast expanse of the sky. The sense of freedom was palpable, enveloping Liam in a euphoric embrace as he basked in the exhilarating rush of flight.

Under the warm glow of the sunlight, Liam's cold eyes gleamed with an otherworldly light, reflecting the sheer joy and liberation he felt at this moment. 

With each powerful beat of his wings, he streaked across the heavens and accompanied behind it would be a circle of clouds being blasted apart under the sonic boom.

As they flew through the midst of fluffy clouds, Liam reveled in the sensation of the wind caressing his obsidian skin, the gentle touch like a soothing melody against his senses.

 From this vantage point high above the world below, he felt a profound sense of serenity and clarity wash over him.

"I had never felt this alive before"

 Liam murmured, his voice barely audible over the rush of the wind.

 His eyes, sharp and discerning, swept over the ever-changing landscape unfolding beneath them.

"In all honesty, if given the choice between my past life and the current one..." 

Liam's voice trailed off momentarily, his thoughts drifting to a time long gone. 

But then, with unwavering conviction, he continued.

 "...I would immediately choose this one each time"

"The feeling of being... something. Having a role... as a lord"

"it's addictive"

At that moment, suspended between earth and sky, Liam felt a profound sense of belonging, as if he had finally found his place after all these years.

 With newfound clarity, he soared onward. 

It didn't take long as the journey was merely a few minutes for them. 

At his speed, Liam believed even crossing towards the other domain wouldn't take that long. 

"Here it is" 

Liam descended into the valley, and a breathtaking sight unfolded before him.

The valley stretched out before him, flanked on either side by towering cliffs adorned with cascading waterfalls that glistened in the sunlight. 

The rushing waters tumbled down the rocky cliffs, creating a mesmerizing symphony of sound that echoed through the serene landscape.

At the heart of the valley lay a tranquil lake, its crystal-clear waters reflecting the azure sky above like a mirror. Surrounding the lake, lush greenery flourished, with vibrant wildflowers dotting the landscape and tall trees reaching toward the sky.

Liam's keen eyes scanned the area, taking in every detail with a scrutinizing gaze. 

Then, he landed on a small island nestled in the center of the lake, its verdant shores inviting their presence.

 With a graceful descent, Liam touched down on the soft grassy terrain of the island, his slimes following suit with their heavy, yet deliberate movements.

As the grasses swayed and the trees rustled in response to their presence, Liam surveyed the surroundings with a cautious yet discerning eye. 

After a thorough inspection, he nodded in assurance, satisfied that no hidden dangers were lurking beneath the tranquil surface of the lake or within the surrounding wilderness.

"There's nothing deep in the water... and no hidden danger lurks nearby"

"It should be a good place to undergo the transformation process here"

Liam murmured to himself, his voice carrying a note of certainty. 

He scanned the perimeter once more, confirming that there were no powerful creatures nearby that could disrupt the upgrade process he had planned.

 At most, there were some scattered bandit groups in the vicinity, but Liam doubted they would be fortunate enough to stumble upon this place during the upgrade process. 

Even if they did, Liam won't mind a couple more extra experience points added to his Lord Panel.

Assured that the place was safe for his upcoming upgrade process, Liam then summoned the panel into his view. Discerning the amount of experience points needed for the next level.

[Lord of the human race] [Lord of the Dragon race] [Earth, Human] +

[name]: Liam Adermin

[age]: 18/80

[Lord level]: 3(+15)[Dragon form]

[Exp to the next level]: 100/10000

[Lord Class]: None

[Base troop]: Draconic Slime (Epic) (rarity: S) (level : 3(+7))

[Description]: A hybrid creature that possesses the bloodline of a true dragon. Trailing far off from the ancestral origin.

Skill]: [The art of morphing, adapt]

[Summoned troops power]: 1700

[Summon space]: 100/100

[Lord's Power]: 578, 650

[Experience points][624000]


[Wood]: 165132

[Stone]: 164289

[Food]: 235400

Liam furrowed his brow as he scrutinized the Lord's panel before him, his eyes drawn to the section detailing his experience points and the requirements for leveling up. 

"Based on the amount that it increased from the prior three levels. The next level requirement will need 100 thousand experience points. Then as for level 6... it should be 1 million points"

 Liam murmured, his voice laced with a hint of frustration. 

'Isn't the amount that is needed for the upcoming upgrade just too much?'

'Is this normal?'

'Then how about levels 7, 8, and even 9?"

'This is crazy'

Despite his best efforts to devise a solution, Liam found himself at an impasse. The path forward seemed obscured by the sheer magnitude of the task at hand.

"The only recourse is to confront it head-on, and grind as many monster camps as possible"

"And I don't really need to complain. Due to my bloodline of being a true dragon. My true strength is way above the number that is depicted on the panel. It seems to be fair in a way for the upgrade requirement to be harsh on me"

 Liam concluded, his tone resolute as he acknowledged the inevitability.

Throwing those thoughts away, Liam then refocused on the main agenda. 

"Maintain your current form without fail, and make sure to bear with the pain that will soon come"

Liam's voice reverberated through the tranquil valley, commanding attention as he addressed his loyal slimes, whose forms undulated with anticipation.

As the slimes nodded in acknowledgment, their bodies pulsating with readiness, Liam's mind was suddenly sparked with a daring idea. 

Somehow, a crazy idea suddenly came into his brain the moment before he was about to proceed with the upgrade process.

"Hold on"

 He interjected, halting their movement.

"You two, step forward"

 He commanded, singling out a pair of slimes from the group.

The chosen slimes, initially perplexed by the summons, obediently shuffled to the forefront, their draconic shapes quivering with curiosity and apprehension.

Considering the implications of his plan, Liam's eyes gleamed with determination as he continued.

 "Given that our form influences our upgrades and skills, let's explore the potential of assuming other mythical beings' shapes."

"The more forms that my slimes have, does that mean the more bloodlines I can possess?"

"Then what other form should these two take" 

Liam pondered upon this, his mind crossing through the memories of his past life. Checking up on those comics, and stories that he had read before. 

And suddenly, he added...

"H-how about those mythical beings that exist in those fantasy stories? Their existence isn't in the mainstream of what it is believed to exist, though... "

Liam paused for a moment and continued...

"There should be a slight possibility that it might work"

"They are powerful beyond belief. Seems to be on par against the dragon race or even stronger"

"Then, let's go with it"

Liam finally came to his final choice. Looking over the two slimes he ordered. 

"Follow my order on what to change, it's time to copy the looks of those celestials from 'that' franchise"

As the slimes underwent their transformation, their once amorphous bodies coalesced into stunning replicas of the celestial beings from Liam's cherished franchise. 

The first slime, embodying the essence of a mighty cosmic warrior, now stood over 5 meters tall, its form adorned with gleaming armor that seemed to be forged from the very stars themselves.

 Intricate patterns etched into the surface of the armor shimmered with radiant energy, pulsating with an otherworldly glow. Its muscular physique exuded strength and resilience, every sinew and muscle defined with precision.

Its helmet, resembling the majestic helm of cosmic legend, encased its head, dancing with cosmic energy. 

From beneath the helmet's visor, piercing glowing eyes gleamed with an intense light, reflecting the wisdom and valor of countless galaxies.

The second slime, embodying the aspect of a celestial guardian, mirrored the grandeur of its counterpart. 

 Its form, though equally imposing, bore a grace and elegance reminiscent of celestial beings. The body appeared to be vividly more slim though the hand took two-thirds of the body height, stretched on both sides.

Glorious wings, crafted from ethereal energy and shimmering with hues of azure and gold, unfurled from its back, spanning wide and exuding an aura of ethereal beauty. Added on with a moving halo on the back, floating and yet seemingly to be attached to its wings.

Seeing the two creatures that stood before him, Liam finally felt a sense of relief that his words had managed to guide them to transform properly. 

"Even though their looks and appearance had a similar resemblance to those cosmic beings, their true essence differed greatly as currently, they are just a hybrid slime dragon"

"Though after the upgrade after this, I wonder... just what changes will occur" 

"And what changes will happen to me"

Liam knows that the changes on the slime are simply a lesser degree of transformation from the true scale. As for him, he will undergo the true change thoroughly and his race will soon possess another bloodline to be added to the list. 

If this plan works out that is.

After finalizing his thoughts, Liam then immediately used all of the experience points. 

Filling up the bar in an instant. 

As the experience bar filled up under Liam's command, a surge of power coursed through the slimes, triggering a tumultuous transformation.

 Their bodies contorted and shifted, writhing in agony as they struggled to endure the intense metamorphosis. Despite the pain, the slimes persisted, their determination unwavering.

Simultaneously, Liam felt a sudden surge of heat coursing through his own body, accompanied by a searing pain that seemed to emanate from the depths of his being.

 He gritted his teeth against the overwhelming sensation, his muscles tensing as he braced himself against the onslaught.

Then, unexpectedly, a notification flashed in his mind.

[Ding, detected that the host is forcibly integrating a bloodline that shouldn't exist in this world]

[Analyzing, seeking permission from the main system]

[Ding, permission granted]

[Warning, the lord is advised to bear the pain for the transformation to be successful]

[Welcome to the world, the birth of a new divine race]

Startled by the revelation, Liam realized that the transformation was not only altering his essence but his very origin. A deeper concept that lurks deep within every existence.


"This pain... "

"It's not a physical pain!"

He grunted, his voice strained with exertion and frustration. 

He tried to regain control, but it was futile.

 A primal roar ripped through the air, shaking the very foundation of the valley. 

The earth trembled beneath his feet as the deafening sound echoed far and wide, reverberating through the surrounding landscape.

The roar continued to reverberate across the valley, its intensity seeming to amplify with each passing moment. A palpable sense of dread descended upon the land, weighing heavily on the hearts of those within its grasp.

 It felt as though an invisible hand clenched around their chests, squeezing the air from their lungs.