
Global Awakening: I Can Manipulate Destiny

Upon the Malivoire Descent. A world along with countless of other worlds, were all given a chance to tap into their latent potentials and become not only Malivoire Combatants but also World Evolvers. Now tasked with the task of protecting the world of Earth from each Malivoire Trial that would ever descend upon their world. Success will result in the evolution of their world, and successfully leaving the bottom of the food chain while constantly trying to survive. Whereby failure will result in not only the destruction of Earth, but the unleashing of a mysterious entity upon the entire universe. Now embarked with the latent talents he successfully awakened. Zeras, a young kid who had always had a bleak outlook of life, with his brother serving as his only beacon of happiness and perhaps humanity, would do anything to make sure that the World Evolvers of Earth overcome each Malivoire Descent headed their way. Even if it meant he had to manipulate and be in control of everyone around him... Note: Check out a masterpiece om royal road. Why to read it there instead of the version on webnovel I thoroughly edited, refined and made sure to deliver a stunning masterpiece in every chapter on royal road. Name of the novel is Cursed Hunter: Regressor In A Strange World give it a trial guys...am sure you will all enjoy it

Dream_Lord14 · แฟนตาซี
126 Chs

"God's Acheivement; Meeting With The Hero.

And the kid is none other than...Khain; Zeras' younger brother. He had a bright smile on his face as he glanced at the golden walls of the grandiose hall he stood in.

After the realm transversal, he was suddenly separated from his brother and had been walking for quite some time, before he finally got to a place within the Sacred Palace that seemed to be the inner sanctum of the palace.

And on the walls...various divine beings were depicted on the wall; dragons with hunongous body, phoenix that soared towards the sky, and even those that rose from the ashes and danced in a sea of flame, six winged angels that radiated holy energy, nine winged angels that radiated intense holiness, a legion of divine beings that he had never heard about talkless of ever seeing one, and in front of all these divine beings, was a being that radiated a blinding light.

One so bright, to the extent whereby Khain felt as thought the light had pierced through the river of time and the passage of history to arrive in the present...and perhaps the future...

The being is clad in a golden Armour and radiated a holy energy unlike anything ever seen before...

It felt as though the being was the pure incarnation of light and perhaps...holiness.

He had a golden spear pointed forward, a cold piercing gaze that pierced through the distance...

It seemed as though all hell had broken loose...for opposite the Legion of the Pantheon of Gods; that consisted of countless divine beings and even various Gods.

At this opposite side, they existed some entities, some beings that were perhaps even more frightening...

The one who stood in the middle had countless shadows standing just behind him, the man's entire body seemed to be made up of shadows, as one couldn't see his facial expression and even his body was veiled and covered by the shadows.

And beside this being stood a man that exuded darkness of the highest order, intense black gas oozed out of his dark gas-like body continously, and yet Khain felt all of them paled in comparison to a man among them.

This man had a kind of nonchalant expression on his face, almost as though he didn't give a damn about the opposite team.

His face was shrouded by a white mist, and Khain was only able to ascertain that it was a male due to the man's bodily features.

And slowly strings of fate wrapped tightly around this man, as the strings of fate slowly levitated, before coming to rest on his palm and then...The man stretched his hands forward.

And then...All hell broke lose. And that was where the diagram ended its depiction...

"Seems that a terrifying war once happened in the past, and perhaps it took place just right here." Khain mused, as he slowly walked deeper into the mysterious golden dome before him.

Perhaps it was his high curiosity that led to it or perhaps it was because he felt as though something or perhaps...someone was calling out to him.

He slowly passed by countless diagrams that depicted countless ancient beings...he slowly made it to a platform.

And then...he took the first step onto the "Steps Of Ascendance..."


The residual will of the legion of Gods got stirred as a terrifying pressure assaulted his entire body, he felt as though a large mountain had been placed on his back.

Drops of perspiration dripped down his forehead continously, veins bulging greatly as he struggled with every thing he had got.

Every ounce of power contained within his muscle was brought to light, veins popped across his arms continously and he slowly took the second...the third...the fourth.

He had long lost the passage of time, and what kept him going is the intense calling...one that only intensified as he went further.

Yet that couldn't stop, the sounds of bones cracking reverberating through the hall continously, as blood dripped down rapidly from his body.

His back seemed to have been arched as a result of the terrific pressure, yet he had an unyielding look on his face, as he took each step with great difficulty. He didn't even feel like he had any power left within him...as for where the power that was keeping him going was coming from.

That he had no idea of...he continued with his steps.

And slowly as he went further, countless images suddenly flashed by his eyes. He was made to see events that had happened since perhaps...time immemorial.

He continued walking forward, his entire body felt the entire surrounding constricting rapidly, as a terrifying pressure weighed down on him continously. If before he felt as though a mountain had been placed upon his back, then now...he felt as though he was shouldering the burden of an entire world!

Blood oozed out of his skin continously, as teardrops strimmed down his pupils, as the events continously flashed by his eyes...

And slowly...he took the 99th step...and then with great determination and unyielding will, as veins rapidly spread across his neck, his entire body felt as though it would implode.

He let out a loud yell...as he took that last final step.

And slowly...he sat down on the golden throne.

The throne of the Scion Of Light...

Blood mixed with teardrops dripped onto the golden throne.

And then...it happened.

[The Tears and blood of a "God" have dripped upon the Throne of the Scion Of Light.

The Pantheon Of Gods are dead and cannot hear you...

Your soul has been identified to be that of...THE ORIGIN.


Scion of Light stirs from his eternal slumber...

He sends his soul from beyond the afterlife...

His blessing passes through the river of time and appears in the current age...

"God." Receive your...entitlement]

The rune ended, and then...

Khain felt a blinding light wash over him, as his entire body felt a soothing feeling, and most importantly, he could feel himself getting stronger rapidly....

[Your Origin Name; Hero has been upgraded to: Divine Hero...And this is as a result of your other Origin name..."God" undergoing an unknown metamorphosis...

Your holy Aspect is being upgraded...

Your Holy Aspect has become Holy God's Aspect...

You have gained an origin ability; Son Of The World...

You have received an Artifact...

Holy Armour: Once worn by the Scion of light...and long lost to the passage of time. The Scion of Light has redireced it from its' eternal slumber...

You shall now become its' new master...

Your Origin's Ability Flaw; Son Of Fate has been altered....

Now, perhaps....it seems that your fate hasn't been set in stone.]

"God." May we meet again."

Those were the last words that Khain heard, as the magnificent sudden increase in strength caused him to blackout immediately.

His body rested on the throne...as intense Holy energy rippled outwards continously, and origin energy continued to accumulate within his body.

And immediately after that...every world evolver suddenly saw a notification through the runes, as it glowed a bright golden.


"About time it happens." Zeras muttered, as he rapidly transversed through the dark abysmal mountainous region, and then it did happen...

A golden glow from his hands, followed by a set of word which he already expected.

[World Evolver, "God." has completed a hidden quest.

Stir the Will of the Scion Of Light....]

The runes immediately died down, as immediately after that, zeras checked the rankings.

And just like within the simulation...Khain known as "God" is currently ranked first.

He had a bright smile on his face as he muttered.

"That's my brother...but now I also have a much bigger problem to deal with. And it seems that even within the simulation, I couldn't avoid it."

He finally appeared at a narrow spot, and immediately after that, two dark abysmal creatures with dark claws, and had thorny bones jutting out of certain parts of their body suddenly blocked his route.

And just as expected... immediately after the two dark Eldritch dream creatures jumped down from the towering hill, two other also jumped down behind him.

He was now stuck in a difficult position...yet he had a calm look on his face.

Though that didn't mean that he wouldn't play along...he had a wide grin on his face as he gripped tightly onto the bony spear.

"If I am correct, he's going to jump from above..."

Zeras mused, as he immediately moved

His legs stomped against the ground, and immediately afterwards.

Four pair of claw suddenly tore through the air from behind him, as it landed on the mountainous floor with a loud thud.

Zeras had longed moved away from that spot, he suddenly appeared before the two Eldritch dream creatures before him.

And then...he slashed out with terrifying force. His entire arm bulged rapidly, as two pairs of large claws immediately blocked the strike, a defeaning collision immediately occured.

And immediately after that, another pair of dark abysmal like claw immediately tore through the air as it attempted to cut him into two...

He had a narrowed brow, as he tapped against the ground. Levitating into the air, in mid-air.

He did a summersault and then his hands enforced with great strength from mid-air, slashed downwards with every ounce of strength contained within him.



The sound of skin being pierced through rang out, as he immediately strengthened the grip on the bony spear which dug deeper into the body of the Eldritch dream creature. And then...within the blink of an eye.

It collapsed onto the ground with a loud thud...

But he wasn't gifted the chance to celebrate as two Eldritch dream creatures suddenly struck from behind him, and a pair of claws that had countless worms wriggling underneath them...rapidly approached him.

'Just a slight injury would do.' He gritted his teeth as he raised his hand into the sky, his veins popped out continously, his entire arm seemed to bulge with great intensity as he threw the bony spear forward with every ounce of strength contained within his arm.



The bony spear easily ripped through the air, before easily piercing through the Eldritch dream creature before him...dark blood spluttered into the air...followed by the dull thud of the Eldritch dream creature landing against the mountainous floor...

He immediately twisted his body, before placing his hands before him...

And then...



He managed to shift his arm just in time, as one deadly strike landed against his raised arm, and then the other easily pierced through him.

Before he was sent flying into the air from the impact...as he landed on the ground with a loud thud.

His head hit against the ground with a loud thud, blood dripped down his head continously. He felt his vision go blurry for a second as he bit onto his lip.

Clinging on...with everything he had got.

"He should be appearing anytime soon..."

Zeras muttered, as he glanced at the two Eldritch dream creature headed for him.

And just when they were mere seconds away from tearing zeras apart.

A silhouette suddenly dropped down from the sky, landing just before Zeras with a loud thud.

The hero had a sword on his back, a towering body and exuded a holy aura of sort...

"Are you okay." The hero asked with a light smile on his face.

'Do I seem okay to you.'

"Yeah...I can manage." Zeras replied through gritted teeth.

The hero gave a slight nod, and then he faced the Eldritch dream creature with a bright smile on his face.

"How dare you stupid beasts try to kill a fellow human. Today I am going to uphold justice for every fellow world evolver that has fallen prey to your devious schemes." He said with a righteous expression, as he suddenly moved...

And then....



The hero suddenly appeared behind the two Eldritch dream creatures, and immediately afterwards, he sheated back his steel like sword. And immediately after then...


Dark blood and various organs spluttered onto the ground continously, as the Eldritch dream creatures got ripped into two.

And then...they collapsed onto the ground with a loud thud...

Hero had a bright smile on his face as he spoke.

"Let me take you to safety, I can see that you are badly injured."

Zeras forced a light smile as he replied.

"Yeah...I really need a secluded place right now, I feel like I could faint at any point in time."

Hero let out a light chuckle as he immediately grabbed Zeras and held him just over his shoulder, and then he shot forward at a blinding speed...

He had a wide grin on his face, as he rapidly shot forth with great speed, immediately making way for the endless expanse of darkness...

What do you guys think of this chapter and also what do you guys think of the hero guy...Also Golden Tickets, power stones, gifts and comments are very much appreciated.

Dream_Lord14creators' thoughts