
Preparations for the Final Stage

The items that Shane received from the Wooden Treasure Chest were quite familiar. It was similar to the first Wooden Treasure Chest that he had found before. These ores were certainly precious, but the problem was the fact that they still had to be processed.

Unlike ingots, these ores had too many impurities, and they required a high-level refiner or blacksmith in order to use them. Nonetheless, Shane was thankful for the items he had received.

Then, he turned his attention to the Bronze Treasure Chest.

His previous Bronze Treasure Chest gave him a weapon, recruitment stones, power cores, and various elixirs that he couldn't use. Of course, those elixirs were definitely not simple, but he just didn't know their purpose yet.

It was similar to the Zombie Blood and various Zombie drops in his collection. He had collected numerous Zombie Blood, but only after a couple of months did he find its purpose in the Blood Alchemy Book.